When Everything Changes 18

Chapter 18: Bittersweet Realities...

The next morning, Veronica rolled over to hear a ringing phone. She groaned.
"Yeah?" She asked. "What? Why?" Pause. With shock, "My daughter has been
murdered?" Pause. "Of course. I'll be right down. But I'm sure I won't be much


Eve sighed as she set down a file on the desk. "Bad day?" Karen, who was at
the computer checking a patient's records, asked.

"Not exceptionally compare to the rest, but..." Eve just sighed again and
shrugged. "Don't mind me. Yeah...it's just a bad day."

"I know what you mean." Karen nodded, with a sigh of her own.

"What's wrong with you? I thought you'd still be all smiles." Eve said, with a
raised eyebrow.

"Jagger is in town." Karen shrugged and bit her lip. "Working at the PCPD"
"Jagger...?" Eve paused in thought. "Your ex-husband?"

"That's the one." Karen sighed. "I mean, I love Joe now, but..."

"It's a wound that will never really heal." Eve finished and Karen nodded.
"But I think you've done the right thing." Eve continued. "You moved on. Why
don't you just stick with that. It has made you happy so far, hasn't it?"

Karen smiled slightly. "Yeah."

"So?" Eve shrugged. "Go with it. I know you can't forget Jagger, but..."

"I can be over him enough to love Joe, and that's the important thing." Karen
finished. "You're right. Thanks, Eve."

"Yeah, that's me. I solve everyone's problems, but my own." Eve said with a
shrug. Karen smiled and waved bye before leaving. "Maybe it's time I took a
bit of my own advice." Eve said to herself.


Carly sighed as Bobbie left. She set down the newspaper, she'd been looking
through, and looked up. "You don't have to drop him at Betty's. I can watch
Lucas. If that's okay with him, I mean."

"Lucas?" Bobbie asked. "What do you think?"


Bobbie shrugged. "Okay then. I guess that's the verdict. I'll call Betty

"I'll do that." Carly offered. "Her number is in the roladex, right?" Bobbie
nodded. "You can go. I'll take care of that."

"Thanks." Bobbie almost marveled at this change in Carly's character. It
wasn't a complete change from the Cary everyone knew, it was merely the best
side of her. And, quite frankly, Bobbie liked it. It was nice to get a little
help...especially while getting to know her daughter.


Helena scowled as Katherine recounted her conversation with Nikolas. Aghast,
"He didn't believe you?"

"No. He swore that you'd polluted my mind. That you'd told me this." Katherine
sighed. "And Stefan will merely tell him that further."

"Then, we need proof. A paternity test will prove it." Helena said with a
shrug. "And then, all will go as planned."


Alexis and Dara were talking, in the unused witness room. "I'm going to need a
copy of Katherine's current fingerprint." Alexis told her.

"We'll check her prints."

"I know." Alexis nodded. "But I'm fairly certain that the prints that have
been placed in your file have been updated recently. By a hacker on Helena's

"And what do you plan to do with this information?" Dara asked, a slightly
haughty challenge creeped into her civilest tone.

"I plan to search a place the *new* Katherine has yet to be at Windemere, but
one which I'm certain the real Katherine has been at previously." Alexis said
simply. "If I choose a few places and there are no matches, we'll know
something not-quite-right is up."


"But I know her alibi is a fake." Lucy protested quietly to Garcia. "I heard
them say it. Really. I did."

"I'm not saying I don't believe you. I'm just saying that there's nothing I
can do." He shrugged. "Sorry, Luce, I am."

Jagger and V were discussing the Robin Scorpio case. "We're never going to get
a sufficient lead from Jason Morgan. Have someone haul Moreno in for
questioning. But that's about all that can be done." She said simply.

"There's something fishy there." Jagger sighed. "Somthing we're not seeing.
I'm sure of it." Shakign his head, "What about the Barret case?"

V sighed. "Veronica Barret is on her way."

"She's here." Antoher voice announced. They both turned around to see
Veronica, clad in black. A black skirt and matching top. Black shoes. All of
that looked fairly normal, but the over-the-top woman had on an elegant black
hat, worn at a tilt, with laced netting falling over her face and a huge black
wrap was around her shoulders.

"You're Ms. Barret?" Jagger asked, smiling slightly and raising his eyebrows
at V who shrugged.

"That's me." Sighing deeply, "I cannot believe that I have to give a statement
on Brenda's death. Though I don't know that I'll be much help." Eyes misting,
"I hardly even got to know her."


Karen smiled as a hand was placed over her eyes. "Guess who." she heard Joe

"Um... Joe?" She teased. She heard him sigh with mock dissapointment and
added, seductively: "I'd know those hands anywhere." She gave him a raised
eyebrow and a smile.

He laughed. "Yeah?"


"Let's keep it that way, okay?" He smiled.

"I think we should set a date. Sooner than I thought. I want to marry you.
Right away!"

"That doesn't leave much time. How're you going to plan that perfect wedding."
He teased.

"I don't care. I just want to be your wife as soon as possible." She smiled.

"You know what? I have no objections to that. But, still we need to have a
real wedding. Or my mother will never forgive either of us. You know anyone
who can plan an express wedding." He asked her. She was about to speak, when
they heard a voice.

"Not to intrude, but I'd be happy to help!"


There was a knock at the door and Carly rushed out of the kitchen and to it.
She was attempting to make Lucas a hot dog, for lunch, and Michael a bottle.
Her hair was tied up and she had on a pair of faded jeans and a knitted black
sweater-shirt. "Coming!"

She opened the door to see AJ standing there. "Hello."

She hesitantly allowed AJ in. "Hi." She shrugged. "I...uh, forgot. I was
making Lucas some lunch and heating up a bottle..." Pause, walking into the
kitchen. "Hold on." He walked with her and watched as she efficiently finished
up. "Let me just get Lucas' lunch finished and have him start eating, kay?" AJ
nodded and she did so. "Lucas?" She called. "It's ready."

She put the hot dog on the bun and set it on the table. "Can I have mustard,
please?" He asked.

"Oh. Of course. Um..." She looked around, helplessly.

"That cabinet." He pointed.

She smiled and nodded a thanks before opening it up and pulling the mustard
out. "Here you go." She set it on the table. "Anything else? Oh, yeah. Bobbie
said to give you some juice." she opened up the fridge. "Apple, orange-
tangerine, ras-cranberry or grape juice?"


"Here you go." She poured him a glass, set it down and picked up Michael's
bottle, tested the tempature of it and then set it down again. "Still too
hot." She turned to AJ. "Come on. Michael's in his playpen..." they entered
the livign room. "Sleeping, apparently." She glanced at him apologetically. "I
thought he'd be awake still."

"Hey, for me, it's a thrill just seeing my nephew." AJ shrugged as he sat down
and just watched Michael. Carly's heart-strings, ones she didn't even realize
she had, twinged a  bit and she smiled softly, sadly.

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