Truly an Accident? - 3

Three men stepped out of the car and the man who seemed to
be the leader aprroached Carly.As he stepped to Carly she
pushed Michael gently behind her.
The man grinned at Carly,"Babs,haven't seen you lately."He
tried to touch her but she slapped his hand away.He lifted
his hands in the air and laughed,"A bit of an attitude don't
you think?"
"What the hell do you want?"Carly snapped.Michael saw the
man's look.He felt his anger rise as the guy looked Carly
from head to toe.'This is my mother.'Michael thought.
"I missed you that's all."The man replied.
Carly squinted at him,"Do I look like an idot?"Carly looked
at herself and then back at him,"Because I must if you
expect me to believe that crap!"
The man just loved her anger,"Why how's the kid?"He said
peeking around Carly's shoulder.
Carly stepped in front of Michael again,"Leave him
alone."She warned.
"Ooooh.I am loving this protective bit."He seemed to be
trying to be calling her bluff,"But you know what?"He leaned
over to her ear,"I know you can't take care of yourself.You
always needed someone else to take care of youself."He
Michael watched in horror as Carly grabbed the man by the
collar and rammed him into his car.Red held Michael back
they all watched including the man's friend.The friends knew
the girls would kill them if they interuppted and the same
went for the girls.Carly slammed the guy down on the
hood,"Nobody touches me!"She screamed and the man laughed.
"Your just mad because someone already did."He smiled.
Carly reached into her pocket and pulled something out of
her pocket.Michael felt his stomach turn and the guy looked
frightened now as if he wasn't before.Carly pulled out a
switchblade and held it to the man's throat,"Don't you ever
touch me or that kid you got that!"She screamed,"If
you do I swear to god I'll kill you."
The man gulped as Carly shaking held the blade to his throat
and drew blood.Michael finally yelled,"Somebody please stop
this!"Red still held Michael back.
Maddy walked behind Carly and put her hands on Carly's
shoulders,"It's over.Babs,let him go."Maddy spoke softly.
Carly stepped back slowly and the guy stared at her in fear
of losing his life.Carly held the knife sternly as she had
tears fall and Michael watched scared for her.What was wrong
with her?
The man coughed,"She's crazy!Babs,it was over ten years
ago!Let it be over with!"He said and got back into the car
along with the other guys.
Carly lowered the blade and her bottom lip quivered.Red
tried to touch Carly but Carly shrugged her off,"I'll be
ok."Carly stated and started to walk away,"Michael,come
on."She called out and Michael caught up.Before he left
Michael gave Maddy his number and address so they could
maybe meet up sometime and Maddy told him she'd be
around.Michael tried to be happy since he had met the girl
of his dreams but he was too concerned about Carly.As they
walked away he looked back at the girls who mouthed for him
to take care of her.As they walked back to the bus station
walked past it and Michael frowned,"Where we going?"
"To the station.I'd really rather walk than ride right
now."Carly said and pressed the crossing button.Michael
found it a little hard to keep up with her but he
managed.She seemed angry and sad ever since she had talked
to that creep.They finally boarded a bus back for Port
Charles.When they got off the bus Carly started walking
again.Michael didn't complain he just followed.Finally they
reached the begining of the fields that lead to Michael's
house.As they walked quicker and quicker Carly started to
speed up again,"That bastard back there pretended to care
about me and I
was stupid enough to believe him!I was so naive that I
believed him!I actually thought I'd marry him and we'd live
happily ever after!But you know what?Neither one of us had a
job,a home,and not even a family!"Carly laughed at herself
and stopped.She held onto her stomach tightly and began
to grip her shirt as she fell to her knees,"I
thought--"Carly cried and Michael knelt to her,"I thought I
was in love.I thought we'd take on the world but he was just
a user and when I found out I was pregnant everything
changed!"Carly shouted through her tears.
Michael sat suddenly,"Pregnant?"
Carly nodded still crying...still hurting,"When he found out
all the sudden I was a slut.All of the sudden I was sleeping
with everyone at least according to him I was.This couldn't
be his child."Carly cupped her face in her one hand and held
her stomach still with the other,"I couldn't let my baby
grow up like that.So...I did the one thing I thought was
right."Carly shrugged and looked at Michael.
"What'd you do?"Michael said his tears begining to fall.He
felt bad for her but also a little betrayed he had a brother
or sister he didn't even know about.
Carly looked down in shame,"I had an abortion."She started
to sob loudly again,"I couldn't let the poor baby stay with
me or her father and I could never give it away.So I did it
one day.It was the hardest thing I had to do but I couldn't
do that to some poor kid.They'd be so screwed up if they
knew their parents and I hope that god doesn't hate me.I
mean..."Carly wiped her tears,"In the eyes of some I'm a
murderer.I just...I had to do it.I did what I thought was
best."Carly held her hands to her face.
Michael felt even worse now,"Oh,mom."Michael said and hugged
her,"You didn't do anything wrong.You did what you thought
was best."
Carly held onto Michael,"I'm not so sure."Carly whispered.
After letting her sob for a few mintues Michael stood and
helped Carly up,"Let's go home."
Carly shook her head as she got up,"And where's that?"
Michael slowly dragged her and said,"With Dad and me."He
turned away.
Carly whispered to herself,"I'm not so sure."She pulled the
letter back out and remembered why she got upset in the
first place.

Carly and Michael stepped into the house after dark and Jason stood quickly.When he saw Michael he ran
to him,"Thank god!I thought something might have happened to you."Jason sighed.Carly put the letter back
in her pocket and Jason looked at her angry,"Where did you take him?!I thought
something terrible happened!"Jason shouted.
Michael stood up for her,"Dad,she just wanted me to have fun today."
Jason shot Michael a look,"Go to your room."
Michael fussed but went to his room.He looked at Carly sympathetically before running upstairs.
Carly looked Jason in the eyes,"I'm sorry."
"Your sorry!Your sorry!?That's not going to cover it!Anything could have happened to him!Anything!"
Carly finally retailed,"I'm sorry!I can't say anything more!I wish you would have told me I was being
followed instead Michael had to tell me!"
"If I lose Michael that's it!"Jason yelled,"I've got nothing.I have nothing!"Jason then said it...the one thing that
would really upset her,"He's all I've got left of Carly!"Jason then regretted it.He saw Carly's surprised and
hurt look.He felt like the biggest jerk,"I'm sorry,Carly.I didn't mean that."
Carly nodded,"Yea,you did.And your right."She took a slight breath,"Because I'm not her.And I'm going
so...don't worry about hurting my feelings."Carly wiped away a tear and slammed the screen door open.She
was leaving with her trusty back pack and security unit.That's all
she needed Her heart was shattering as she walked quickly out of the door.Jason ran after her and grabbed
her wrist spinning her toward him,"Carly!Don't leave!Please,I'm sorry."Jason pleaded.
Carly pulled her wrist out of his grip,"It's funny you know?I have her face,I have her smile,and I may even
have her laugh....but I'm not her,Jason!There's nothing left to say but goodbye."She took a deep breath and
let it out quickly as her tears fell faster,"So...goodbye."She said and
walked away.
"No!!!"Michael screamed from his attic window.
Carly's heart was completely torn to pieces as she ignored Michael's cries and screams.Carly never looked
back.She just walked away and Jason stood waiting for her to turn back or say something but she never
did.She just...left.

Carly was on yet another bus and hand an old tissue in her hand.She could her the voices in her
head.Michael screaming for his mom to come back and Jason trying to apologize and it hurt her more than
anything she had ever experienced.She looked out the window and held the tears in her throat as she tried to
ignore those voices.Carly pulled out the letter and read it for the hundredth time...

Dear Angel,
     Hi,sweety...I've got some bad news.Paige has had another stroke.We don't know if she;s going to
make it much longer.I am so worried that she won't bounce back this time and I can't find you!She
has been asking about you the few words she manages to utter she calls you...her angel.She misses
you and she often wonders if your ok.God,can you please come to see her.She might not have  long
and I can't imagine how you'd feel if you didn't see her.

Love Always,

Carly put the letter back in the envelope and looked out the window letting her mind wonder.She couldn't
believe the woman that helped save her life might be dying or even worse she could be dead.She for
Florida.They had a mansion there and they had asked Carly to stay with them but she refused she was going
to go find her past...stupid idea.

Carly took a cab to the estate and she walked up to the
front door and rang the bell.The house was huge and Carly
hated being there.Kevin lit up when he saw her,"Angel!"Kevin
grabbed her into a hug,"She'll be so glad to see you."
Carly let out a sigh of relieve,"She's ok?"
"She's going to pull through far as we know."Kevin nodded
and smiled.
"Oh thank god."Carly said and hugged him again.
Kevin let Carly in and walked up to Paige's room.Carly
stepped into Paige's room to see Paige sitting in a rocking
chair next to her window.Carly closed the door quitely and
dropped her backpack to the floor in the same motion.She
walked over to Paige and Paige gasped when she saw
her,"Angel!"Paige said in her think southeren accent.Carly
embraced Paige as Paige continued to call her Angel.Kevin
and Paige called her that because that's how they thought of
her.Paige pulled back and brushed Carly's hair back.Carly's
hair had grown a little more since she had seen her last and

Carly seemed a little less...stressed.Paige smiled,"How are
you?!What happened?!Are you ok?!"
Carly nodded and told Paige everything.Carly had broken into
tears before she was finished but continued taking a couple
of breaks.When she finished she collapsed into Paige's
arms.Paige sat and while holding Carly.They were in the
middle of the room and Kevin came in but Paige signaled him
away.Carly finally shook her head,"I'm sorry.I am here for
you and I make it about me."Carly sniffled and wiped a tear
away from the tip of her nose.Paige grinned,"Oh no I love
helpign you it makes me feel better."
"But I came here for you not for me."
"I don't mind.Now tell me why did you leave?"
"You really want to know?"
Paige wiped away Carly's continous tears,"Yes,I really want
to know."
Carly laughed,"The main reason I left was because...,"Carly
sighed,"I wanted them.I wanted them for me.I mean I wanted
Jason and Michael for myself."Carly began to sob again,"I
wanted them to want me instead of her!And it's so stupid
that I wanted something I could never have it."
"Ang--Carly,it seems like they do want you.Especially the
boy.You too sound like you really bonded.I mean look at how
you could tell him about the almost baby."Paige watched as
Carly just continued to shake her head and
stood,"Carly,listen you have to go back."
Carly was shocked by Paige's suggestion,"I can't go back!I
can never go back.They don't want me!The woman they want is
dead!And she will always be dead!I can't bring her back and
I can't take her place!"Carly shouted.

Meanwhile back home...
Jason pounded on Michael's door one last time realizing
Michael wasn't coming out Jason walked downstairs.He rubbed
his face and tried to forget the mean way he treated
Carly.He sat on the couch and palce his chin on his fists.

Another Level

I Can't Get You (Out Of My Mind)
It's alright baby
I can't, get you out of my mind
Your love is, one of a kind
You've given so much of yourself
I swear, don't want nobody else)

Jason tried to ignore the voices in his head:

     "I'm sorry."

     "Your sorry!Your sorry!?That's not going to cover
     it!Anything could have happened to him!Anything!"

     "I'm sorry!I can't say anything more!I wish you would
     told me I was being followed instead Michael had to

     "If I lose Michael that's it!"Jason yelled,"I've got
     have nothing!"Jason then said it...the one thing that
     really upset her,"He's all I've got left of Carly!"

(Baby don't you know that I'll do anything for you
I'll give you my time, give you my heart
Give you the world if you want me to
Life hasn't been easy
Knowing that you love somebody else
Ain't nothing I can do about it
All I have to blame is myself, and I can't)

     "I'm sorry,Carly.I didn't mean that."

     Carly nodded,"Yea,you did.And your right."She took a
     slight breath,"Because I'm not her.And I'm going
     worry about hurting my feelings."Carly wiped away a
     and slammed the screen door open.

(I can't, get you out of my mind
Your love is, one of a kind
You've given so much of yourself
I swear, don't want nobody else

I thought I had you fooled
With the girls and the things that I was putting down
But little did I know
Miss Thang was spreading business all over town
I don't know what she told you
But I bounced upon the love one time
I took her to my house, laid her on the couch
Set it affray, then threw her ass out)

     "Carly!Don't leave!Please,I'm sorry."Jason pleaded.

     Carly pulled her wrist out of his grip,"It's funny you
     know?I have her face,I have her smile,and I may even
     have her laugh....but I'm not her,Jason!There's nothing
     to say but goodbye."She took a deep breath and let it
     quickly as her tears fell faster,"So...goodbye."She
said and
     walked away.

(So what about the girl in the 6-4
She didn't mean a damn thing to me baby
She needed a ride from the jail
And being the man that I am, I said "you can"
And what about the girl in the drop-top
With the lollipop, at the light, by the bus stop
You musta beel fooled into thinkin the kid was slack
Girl I did my thing, but now I want my baby back
Girl I can't)

Jason sat trying not to think about goodbye.This couldn't be
just got her back they were getting along.She was begining
to make this her
home just like he wanted too.Everytime he could see her
smile and hear

(I can't, get you out of my mind
Your love is, one of a kind
You've given so much of yourself
I swear, don't want nobody else

Damn, just picked the wrong time to mess up
From the time you left me, up until this moment
I just couldn't get you off my mind
But I know if we can start all over again
I know things won't be the same
I can make it better, I swear, I swear
Girl, I swear)

He remembered the few short days they had together and then
he saw how it all ended.Him and her yelling at each other
and her leaving.That hurt and scared look she gave him like
ehse couldn't do it.Like she didn't want too and then her
pain took over and she left.Maybe for good and he couldn't
blame her.

(I can't, get you out of my mind
Your love is, one of a kind
You've given so much of yourself
I swear, don't want nobody else
{repeat until end})

Jason's tears fell as he realized he lost Carly...again.

Carly felt herself exhausted when she finally let all those
feelings out she realized how clear she felt about
everything.Paige looked at Carly trying to be the
understand.Carly took in a few deep breaths and loked
away.She knew right then how much she loved Jason and
Michael.They really were
her family.Just not the way they all expected her too.Carly
felt her heart pound as the thoughts filled her mind.Paige
smiled and hugged Carly,"Go back."
"I can't.I left them.They won't want me back."Carly
"They want you.Now go back."Paige instructed.
"If I do I can't pretend that nothing happened.I disappeared
fourteen years ago it's not as though nothing happened.I
have go to find out what happened to Carly.I mean me.I have
to find out.And I'm going to...for my family."Carly stated
more determined than ever,"But I'm going to stay until I
know your alright."
"No!"Paige exclaimed and startled Carly,"I mean I want you
to find out about everything and when your finished bring
tha precious little boy to see me,ok?"
"Ok."Carly hugged Paige and thanked her again before
exiting,"I love you."Carly saw Paige as her real mother but
never told her.
"I love you too,Carly."Paige smiled and Carly
vainished.While running down the stairs Carly put on her
backpack.Kevin saw Carly burst out of the doors.Kevin
followed quickly,"Carly!Where are you going?!"Kevin yelled
after her.
Carly smiled as she turned back.Walking backwards she told
Kevin,"I'm going home!"

Michael sat at his window all night waiting for some sign that she was coming back.The sun woke him up
and he didn't leave the window all day.He could only think,"She's got to come back.She's coming
back."Michael had even said it to himself a few times.He looked out his window not uttering a word to Jason
and igrnoirng the bang on the door.Then he saw a dark figure coming out of the fields close to their house.He
squinted his eyes and then his spirits lifted,"It's her!"He said aloud
and ran to his door.Michael opened it and pushed his way past Jason.He ran downstairs as fast as he could
and out the front door.He waited on the porch anxiously as Carly made her way out of the fields.Carly
stopped when she saw Michael.Michael slowly approached her and she knelt down to
him,"Hey ya,Kid."She smiled.
Michael felt like he was little again and his mom had just come home,"I knew you wouldn't leave!"
"Actually I did."Carly said and pulled back,"But I came back.Because we have to figure out what
happened.So I'll help you if you help me,agreed?"Carly stuck out her hand.
"Agreed."Michael shook her hand and she stood.
Carly saw Jason just coming out of the house and said only one thing,"Agreed."

Carly sat nervously on the plane.She hated planes it was one of the main reasons she took the bus.She
looked out the window and she could feel herself falling but pulled back,"Why am I doing this again?"Carly
Jason slightly smiled,"Because this is the best hypnotist in the world and we'll need him to help us get your
memory back."He flipped through the last
magazine page and threw it on the table impatiently,"I could never figure out why people read these things."
Carly took a deep breath and gripped her arm rests,"But we could have taken the bus."
"It's shorter this way.Don't you want to get this done as soon as possible?"
"Well,yeah,but...I hate planes.I've seen a couple movies were people bit the bullet riding in one of these
things.I'm just a little nervous."Carly placed her arms in her lap and she closed her eyes.
Jason thought about it and then took her hand in his.Carly quickly opened her eyes and looked at him.Jason
grinned,"Don't be scared."
Carly blushed,"About what?"
They both laughed and Jason held her hand through out the flight.

They arrived in San Fransico,California.They had an appointment with a doctor as soon as they settled
in.Carly and Jason got seperate hotel rooms and in doing so Jason remembered that happened last time they
were in a hotel together.They entered the Doctor's office and the doctor was
expecting them.
"He'll be right with you."The secretary told them and Jason nodded as Carly looked around.She was so
scared.She was so frighten by what might happened.Jason wanted to hug her and tell it would be ok but
knowing Carly she might kick him if he did.Carly looked around and walked over to
him.She looked at him and wanted to hug him but wasn't sure how'd he react so she took his hand,"Promise
you won't leave me alone."Carly said holding tightly to his hand.
"I promise I won't leave you."Carly instantly hugged him and Jason added,"Never again."
As they Carly closed her eyes the doctor walked in.They let go of each other and the doctor shook Carly's
hand,"Alright,Ms.Bensen.Take a seat."
Carly sat on the couch and didn't let go of Jason's hand.Jason sat in a chair close to the couch.Carly took a
deep breath and Jason smiled.The doctor got Carly to relax and she laid on the brown leather couch.Jason
got worried about Carly as the doctor put her to sleep.Then he began to ask
her,"Ok,Carly.Your on a boat what do you see?"
Carly saw everything.There was Robin and Jason talking to her and she could fill the hate inside,"I see a
brunette and Jason."
"Ok.Tell me what's happening."The doctor instructed.
Carly looked and sighed,"Their thinking of taking Michael away..."

     Carly couldn't believe this,"Jason,listen to yourself!Like I
     have any choice!!In the end you and little miss perfect over
     there will have to make the final decision!!You are kidding
     yourself if you think I have any say in all of this!!!"Carly
     had a tear fall but she was so mad at Jason for doing this
     that she didn't feel it.

     Jason hated to see Carly cry about anything.Her face was
     so expressive when she was hurt you could tell.Jason stood
     and stepped closer to her,"We're sorry,Carly we didn't
     mean to upset you."

Jason wanted to argue and say that wasn't it but Carly was saying what she thought and Jason          wasn't
going to interfer.
"Ok.Then what?"
Carly took another deep breath,"I'm angry.I am arguing with the girl..."

               "You stupid,coniving--"Robin
               stomped her foot,"Why do you do
               that to him?!"

               They were at the back of the boat
               and Jason was at the front end
               talking to there captin.Carly
               wanted to take Robin by the neck
               and squeeze until Robin changed
               colors.Carly jumped up,"Do that
               to him!?What about everything
               he's done to me?!"

               Robin shouted,"Do you ever think
               about anybody but yourself?!"

               "Yes!Michael and Jason!I think
               about them all the time and you
               are trying to take them away
               from me!Your the coniving
               one!"Carly argued with fury in
               her eyes.

               "I am not coniving!"Robin said
               and tried to walk away.
"She doesn't want to talk anymore so she begins to walk away but...I can't let it go.I can't let her leave
without lettting me say what I have to.So I grab her.And she turns..."

               The girl spun around and out of
               impulse pushed Carly.Carly fell
               off the back the boat and tried to
               grab on to something as she fell
               causing her to hit her head before
               sinking to the bottom.

"She pushed me!She pushed me off!"Carly screamed still seeing it all.
"Oh my god."Jason whispered as Carly continued.
"Carly,what's happening?"
"I'm drowning.I have to get back to the boat.It can't end like this."Carly cried and began to shake her
head,"I can't let this happen.I can't...Michael!Jason!I can't leave them...but there's so much blood.The water
around's red."Carly screamed,"No!!!"Carly popped up and her eyes wide open.
Jason turned to the doctor quickly,"I thought that you were suppose to snap them out of it."
"They aren't!"He quickly said.
Carly wiped away her tears,"Put me back to sleep."She insisted.
"I'm afraid that's not a good idea,Ms.Bensen."
"Damn it!"She grabbed him by his collar,"I am sick of waiting I want my memory back!So put          me
back under."
Jason sat next to her on the couch and gently pulled her off the doctor,"Carly,the doctor's         right."
Carly stood up and looked at Jason,"And how would you know!?Your ex-girlfriend tried to kill me and you
didn't even know!"Carly laughed and looked at herself,"In a way she did...I can't      remember anything
without this quacky doctor,"She pointed to the doctor and then to Jason,"I waited for fourteen years to find
out what happened to me!I have been to hell and back you'd think that'd be even to get my life back but
no!Now it's going to be another day!Then what a week?A year?!I can't keep waiting I want to know
now!"Carly sighed when she realized they weren't going to continue today she grabbed her coat and stormed
out of the doctor's office.

Jason waited in his hotel room by the door that joined his room to Carly's.He waited to hear some sign she
was back but nothing for hours.He had to admit to himself that Robin killed Carly accident or intentional she
did it and never told him.She just escaped off to some foreign country and pretended to know nothing.He
had never been so angry in his life.The woman he would have done anything for killed the woman he secretly
loved.Jason then heard a something drop to the floor.He knocked on the door,"Carly!"
Carly sighed annoyed by Jason still being up.Carly kicked her shoes under the bed and opened the door.She
didn't look at him at all,"Hi.Sorry I ran out I just couldn't take breathing the same air with that doctor or you
one mintue longer."
Jason frowned,"I think that was an apology."He smiled.
Carly laughed slightly,"Yeah,it was an apology."Carly gestured for him to come in.He stepped in.Carly sat in
the chair by the table that was next to the window.Jason sat on her bed.Carly took this opportunity as
postive so she asked,"Do you regret meeeting me again?"
"No!"Jason answered quickly but calmed down,"Never."
"But if it wasn't for me you and Michael could have moved on like you have been for fourteen       years."
"No,"Jason stood up,"I had no idea what had happened to Carly and I have always wondered what
happened to her exactly and your helping  me find out."
Carly stood and walked to him,"Jason,I came back to figure out what happened to Carly but we don't know
how long it will take."She looked into his eyes,"Are you willing to wait months?Years?"
 Jason grinned at the thought of Carly being back,"I'll wait for matter how long it takes."

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