The Past Becomes Known in the Present - 9

Nikolas wandered the dark streets of San Antonio in a dazed stupor.
His mind replayed all of Stefan’s excuses about his relationship with
Laura.  “I thought he said they were just friends.  I thought it was
Stravros that  loved her,”  He stumbled over the curb.  Several people
stopped to stare at him as he staggered by them.  One man grabbed
Nikolas by the elbow, “Are you okay son?”  Nikolas shook his head and
pushed the man away.  He turned down an alley as the people continued on
their way.   He sat on the hard cement and leaned against a dumpster.
“I can’t believe this is happening to me.” He leaned his head back and
greedily gulped large breaths of air.  He stood up, and shook his head.
“I have to get back to the hotel.”  He turned on his heel and headed
back towards the hotel.

Lucky and Emily looked up as the door opened.  Nikolas walked in,
slightly stunned.  “Nikolas!!!” Emily cried as she ran up to him and
hugged him.  He patted her on the back.  “Thanks Em.  Look guys, I’m
sorry I split.  I just,  needed some air is all.”  Lucky put his hand on
Nikolas’s shoulder. “We’re all sorry man, we know about the diary.”
Nikolas looked Lucky in the face.  “Thanks, but it’s not everyday a guy
learns who his real father is.”  Lucky shuddered at the look on
Nikolas’s face.  “I know.  I, I don’t know what to say man.”  Nikolas
shrugged his shoulders.  “There’s not much to say in this type of
situation.”  He looked at his watch,  “You know, I think I’m gonna go to
bed.  I’m feeling kinda tired.”  The other teens nodded and separated to
their separate rooms.  Emily gave Lucky a quick kiss before they
parted.  She walked into her room, where Liz was sitting out on the
balcony.  “Liz?” she asked quietly, “Nikolas is back.”  Liz hugged a
blanket around her shoulders, “I know,  I saw him in the lobby when I
was buying a magazine.  He looks really shocked.”  Emily nodded and sat
down against the railings.  “He does.  Can you imagine learning that
your uncle really isn’t your uncle, but rather, your father?”  Liz shook
her head, “I can’t imagine how alone and awful he must feel.  To have
both of your parents lie to you for most of your life?”  Emily snorted,
“It’s not so bad once you get used to it.”  Liz put her arm around
Emily, “So what do we do now?”  Emily leaned into Liz and rested her
head on her shoulder, “He thinks we should skip the tour and head
straight to Vancouver on a charter flight.  Once we get there, we can
relax and just enjoy the freedom and the peace.”  Liz thought this plan
oer in her mind. “That sounds good to me, I know that it’s only been
like three cities, but I’m sick of the bus,  I just wanna get some where
and stay there.”  The two girls sat in the darkness,  each thinking her
own thoughts.

At around four in the morning, Nikolas got up and went into the
bathroom.  He stared at his reflection in the mirror.  His face looked
like a stranger’s, gray and foreign.  He slumped against the wall and
began to heave and cry.  Suddenly the door opened and Lucky walked into
the bathroom.  He sat down next to Nikolas and held him in his arms.
Nikolas relaxed as he clung to his brother.  The two sat together in
the tiny room until the sun came up.

The four teens crowded around a table at the motel restaurant.  Emily
was pouring over the bus schedules, while Liz counted the cash they had
on hand.  Lucky had warned them that making another withdrawal from
Nikolas’s account would make their location traceable.  Liz finished
counting the coins.  “Well, with all our money pooled together we have
about twenty five hundred.”  The other teens looked at each other.
“This is the classiest escape plan I’ve ever carried off,” muttered
Lucky.  Nikolas looked sheepish.  I guess I did bring a little much,
but how would I know.  I didn’t think we’d ever get this far.”  Emily
nodded, “I don’t think I did either.  I expected my grandfather to have
the calvary out by now.”  She looked down at her hands,  “Maybe no one
misses me at all anyway.”  Liz looked at her forlorn friend, “Are you
kidding?” she tried to brighten the mood, “We’re so devious, they’re
just running around in circles trying to find out where we are.  We
definitely didn’t leave them anything to work with.”  Emily thought that
over in her head, “I suppose that’s true,” she said giggling.  “They
don’t have any idea why we left or where we might be heading.”  Liz
grinned at her,  “I can just see your grandfather trumpeting at his
entire staff who can’t find you.  Makes you feel sorry for them!”  Emily
grinned back. “Almost, but not quite.”  Lucky pulled the bus schedule
from Emily, “I think we should forget the bus schedules, and just go to
the airport and take a flight to Sly’s. The sooner we get there the
sooner we can relax.”  The rest of the group nodded.  “Now, that’s gonna
put a dent in our money, but I’m thinking we should fly stand-by,
that’ll be harder to trace.”  Emily ran her hands through her hair,  “I
agree.  I just want to sleep in a quiet place, not a noisy hotel, and be
somewhere where I can settle in.”  Lucky stood up,  “Alright let’s go
pack, we can get over to the airport.  If their are any flights going
North, we’ll take them, we’ll just move closer and closer to Vancouver
each time.”  The girls stood up and walked out to the lobby.  Lucky
looked down at Nikolas who had not moved from his spot.  He sat staring
blankly out the window.  Lucky put his hand on Nikolas’s shoulder,
“Come on Nik,  we’d better go before those girls beat us down here.”
Nikolas looked up at him, “I’m coming, just give me a minute.”  Lucky
gave him a small squeeze to the shoulders,  “Nikolas?  I’m,  I’m really
glad you and Liz decided to come along.”  Then he turned on his heel and
walked towards the elevator.  Nikolas stared after him, a smile
creeping to his face.

Lucky arrived at the elevator just as the doors were closing.  Gritting
his teeth, he decided to take the stairs.  He pushed through the door.
And started up the stairs.  About two flights up, he sat down suddenly
and held his head in his hands.  Lights were flashing in front of his
eyes, and he felt shaky.  He took several deep breaths and waited for
the room to stop spinning.  He sat on the stairs for a few minutes.  “I
have to find a pharmacy once we get to Vancouver.” he muttered to
himself.  He was sure a little Neo Citran would get rid of this flu.

Liz and Emily browsed through the airport gift shop lazily.  Liz ran her
fingers across a display of sweatshirts.  She turned to Em, “That was
pure luck huh? Getting a flight to Vancouver on standby?”  Emily
shrugged her shoulders, “Well, the lady said the flight wasn’t even half
full, so I guess we were worrying for nothing.”  She picked up a coffee
mug and stared at it.  “Come on, let’s go to the cafeteria, I’ve been
through this store three times.”  Liz giggled, “I know, me too!  Yeah
let’s get out of here.”  The two girls linked arms and walked towards
the cafeteria, where Nikolas and Lucky were sitting.  The two boys
looked up as the girls sat down, “Hey guys.” Lucky muttered.  Liz looked
at her watch, “How much longer do we have to wait?”  Nikolas looked up
at the clock,  “We have about an hour till we should go check our tickets
and baggage.”
Lucky stood up and stretched, “I’m going to go for a bit of a walk.
I’ll be back in half an hour.” He strode off before anyone could say
another word.  Nikolas looked after him curiously,  “Wonder where he’s

Lucky walked up and down the terminal.  Not one store sold Neo Citran.
“Damn it!” He muttered to himself.  He leaned against the railing as he
thought about what to do.  About two blocks over was  supermarket, he
remembered.  “I’ll just dash over there and pick up a box.”  He took the
escalator and headed out the doors.  A little while later, Lucky left
the store, box in hand.  He looked at his watch.  He had about fifteen
minutes to get back.  He decided to run, he was already late.  He
started to jog down the street.

Nikolas, Emily, and Liz stood at the counter waiting in line to check
their baggage.  Emily was shifting nervously from foot to foot.  “Where
is he?  He said he would be back like twenty minutes ago?”  She began to
chew her bottom lip.  Liz comforted her, “I’m sure he just got caught up
in a line or something.  He’ll be here, I’m sure of it.”  Nikolas
looked around him,  suddenly he caught sight of Lucky walking briskly
down the corridor, with his luggage.  “Lucky!” he shouted.  Lucky
spotted them and came over.  “Sorry I was late guys,  I got talking to a
friend of my father’s whose down by the international departures.”  Liz
and Nikolas smiled at him and turned towards the counter, but Emily
raised her eyebrow, “Lucky are you sure you feel okay? You look kinda
pale?”  Lucky gave her a hug,  “It’s okay, I was just nervous that I had
missed you guys.”  Emily gave him a light kiss,  “We wouldn’t have gone
without you.”  Lucky pulled her back into the hug.  Emily’s smile faded
as she could feel Lucky trembling slightly.  She pulled back, and looked
at him in the face,  “Nikolas come here quick!”  Nikolas ran over,
just in time to catch Lucky as he collapsed.

Lucky opened his eyelids.  Fuzzy images slowly came into focus.  Faces
looked down at him concerned and anxious.  He blinked and looked for a
familiar face.  Nikolas sat with Lucky in his arms, looking very
concerned.  “Lucky? Can you hear me?”  Lucky struggled a little in Nik’s
arms.  Emily held his hand and looked at Nikolas worriedly.  “Is he
alright?”  Lucky sat up a little,  “I’m fine.”  “What happened?” asked a
security guard.  Lucky noticed the small crowd gathering around them,
“Nothing,  I guess I should have grabbed something to eat this morning.
I’m just tired.  Don’t sweat it.”  Nikolas helped him up, and steadied
him as Lucky stumbled a little.  Emily grabbed his hand, “Are you sure
you’re alright?”  Lucky smiled at her,  “I’m sorry I scared you guys.
I’m fine really.”  Liz gave him a tight smile,  “Just don’t do that
again!”  Lucky smiled at her,  “Well, no promises.  Come on, let’s get
on the plane.”

A few hours later, Emily settled down in her seat next to Lucky.  The
plane ride had been quiet so far, the plane being only half filled with
people.  Lucky sat in the seat next to her, curled up in an airline
blanket.  Even though it was midmorning, he’d complained of being cold,
an immediately went to sleep.  She watched him breathe deeply, and was
slightly worried at how pale he looked, despite constant hours under the
sun.  She tucked the blanket around his shoulders and walked over to
where Nikolas and Liz sat, talking together.  “Hey there.” Nikolas
smiled warmly at Emily as she sat next to him, “How is he?”  Emily
frowned at her hands, “He’s sleeping.  I dunno.  Do you buy this “I
didn’t eat enough” story?”  Nikolas looked over at Liz,  “Well, we were
just talking about that. I don’t buy it myself.  I know that he had some
coffee and a bagel this morning before you guys joined us at the airport
cafe.”  Liz studied him, “Yeah, but have you noticed? He’s not eating
very much in general, he’s lost a lot of weight.”  Emily felt tears
coming to her eyes,  “What if he left the hospital to soon?  What if,
what if he’d really sick.”  Nikolas frowned, “But why wouldn’t he tell
us?”  Liz shook her head, “Maybe he doesn’t trust us.  Maybe he thinks
we’ll make him go home if he tells us the truth.”  She looked at the
window at the passing clouds, “Or maybe he was telling the truth, maybe
we’re just reading into things too much.” Emily shook her head,  “I say,
when we get to Sly’s, we take him to a walk in clinic.  Just to be on
the safe side.”  Nikolas nodded, “That sounds like a wise idea.”
Satisfied, Emily leaned back in the seat, and concentrated on the
movie.  Nikolas too, leaned back in his chair.  He closed his eyes, but
all he could see was that journal.  He felt the rage burning inside him,
as he screamed in his mind for the truth.  He decided that Stefan could
no longer be trusted, and neither could Laura.  The farther away we
stay from Port Charles and those monsters, the better, he thought to

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