A Love to Last a Lifetime 10

Chapter 58

Lucky felt as though he was swimming in jello, everything felt heavy and he hardly move.  His head felt like it ha been smashed into a million pieces.  If only he could open his eyes.  He felt his bed shift and knew that someone had joined him.  He could only hope that it was Liz.  He needed her.  He felt himself drifting away.  He tried to hold on, but it to no avail, Lucky was unconscious before Liz spoke.

Liz sat on the side of Lucky’s bed holding his hand.  Monica had said that if she talked to him he might come out of this sooner.  She didn’t know how to start.  “Oh Lucky, this is all my fault.  I pushed you away.  I threw your love back in your face and now look at you.”  After that it all came flowing out.  “I love you, I was wrong to push you away, but I felt that I was such an awful person and I blamed myself for Murty’s suicide.  Then to find out that the lunatic that killed Sarah and caused my grandmother to disappear is still out there.  I shut down and couldn’t face anything, not even you.”  Liz was crying in earnest now.  “I’m so sorry.  Please come back to me.  I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Nikolas had wanted to see his brother.  He didn’t know he wasn’t alone when he opened the door to his room.  He heard Liz talking to Lucky and realized that their bond ran deeper than friendship.  He quietly backed out of the room letting them be alone.  He would tell the others not to disturb them.

<Waiting room>

Laura was fuming inside.  She had waited until Monica had given the news about Lucky, sparing Luke any more stress.  Now that he appeared to be stable she needed to speak to her husband.  She rose and approached him at the nurse’s station where he was talking with Bobbie.

Bobbie saw her approaching and immediately excused herself.  Laura had never been grateful to Bobbie, but at that moment she almost was.  Luke turned just as she reached him.  The smile on his face died when he saw the look in her eyes.  She looked as though she wanted to shoot something…or someone.  He knew instantaneously that he was the target of her anger.  “What is it Laura?”

Laura marveled at how he could speak to her like nothing had changed.  “Luke, what has been going on here.  I come home to a phone call from Mac about Lucky, then I find out from Bobbie and Nikolas that he hadn’t been living at home for the past four months.  Then I find out the Nikolas almost died in an attack outside of your club.  Why on earth was I not told about any of this?  I am their mother and I had the right to know that my sons needed me!”  Laura was fuming and it was all she could do to keep from screaming at Luke, they were in a hospital after all.

“Laura, I can explain.  I was only trying to protect you.  Everything was working out for the best.  Lucky and I were patching up our differences and Nikolas is completely recovered…”  Luke stopped short of finishing the long explanation he had rehearsed, Laura looked as though she could kill him.  He had never seen that look directed at him before and it disturbed him.

“I wasn’t the one that needed protecting!!  How dare you try to use that excuse!  It sounds to me that you were only trying to cover up you role in all this.”  Laura was dangerously close to tears and she refused to break in front of Luke.  “I don’t even want to look at you right now.  I will be leaving to pick LuLu and mother up then we will be staying at the house.  I suggest you stay away until I can stomach your presence!”  With that Laura stormed away.  Luke just stood there dumbfounded, as if his day could get any worse!

<Bluff Top Inn>

Jason was just about kick the door in it flew open. “Well, well , well.  I’m surprised it took you so long.  Your men are supposed to be the best aren’t they.  What tipped them off?  And I thought I was being so careful.”

Jason was shocked.  The man who stood before him bore no resemblance physically or mentally to the one he knew.  “What has gotten into you.  I never thought you would be capable of such atrocities.”  He only laughed a shallow bitter laugh.  “How would you know?  You claim not to even remember me, and you think you know what I am capable of.  You must have lost more brain cells than they thought.”

Jason was getting angry, but as usual his face revealed nothing.  “I’m here to give you the opportunity to turn yourself in to Mac.  If you do not choose to take this opportunity I will either drag you in myself or die trying.”

There was the eerie laugh again.  “Since when do you care about obeying the laws.  Aren’t you some superior crime lord or something?  What are you jealous that someone else is muscling in on your territory?”  Jason was dumbfounded that he would dare compare their situations.  “I don’t think you can compare us.  I don’t live a double life.”  Jason saw that he had hit a nerve and decided to press further.  “At least I am secure in my choices and do my work out in the open.  Seems to me that I would be the one with more brain cells in this scenario.”

Before Jason could react he came at him, knife now in view.  He felt the sharp pain in his chest then another in his abdomen.  It was almost as if he could feel the blade tearing through each muscle individually.  He collapsed just as the man ran to his car and peeled out of the parking lot.  One word escaped Jason’s lips before he lost consciousness, “AJ”

Chapter 59

AJ was laughing hysterically as he drove out of the parking lot.  Jason’s men were scrambling to save their boss.  He knew the injuries were serious, as he had been reading up on how to inflict fatal injuries effortlessly.  Finally he thought, no more being AJ Quartermaine, the trod upon grandson of Edward and the much abused cousin on Nedly.  Now he was simply AJ.  He would never be AJ Quartermaine again unless he needed to use him to get close to his angel and her friends, and even then he will only be pretending to be AJ Quartermaine.  After all, if Jason could become Jason Morgan, mob boss extrordinare, why couldn’t he do the same thing?  He could he decided, and now he was going to prove it, he was going to be with his angel once and for all.

<General Hospital, Lucky’s room>

Liz still sat holding Lucky’s hand.  She was rambling about how she couldn’t wait to get back home to Kelly’s and how she needed him to get better so that she wouldn’t have to bus all the tables by herself.  She laughed shakily at her lame attempt at making light of the situation and rested her head on his chest.  She began to cry and softly said “Please Lucky, come back to me.  I need you so much.  I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it.  You are my savior.  I love you.”  Liz cried silently and waited.

Lucky heard a familiar voice in the distance.  It was pulling him back.  There it was again.  Lizzie!!  She loved him.  She needed him.  He gave one last look towards the light and moved towards his beautiful Elizabeth’s voice.

Liz heard the beat of Lucky’s heart beneath the blankets, it seemed to be getting stronger.  Just your imagination she told herself.  She lifted her head and looked at Lucky’s face.  He looked so peaceful, just like he was sleeping.  How she wished that that was the case. She took his hand and felt a slight movement.  She looked down and just as she was about to tell herself she had imagined that too it happened again.  Slowly Lucky opened his eyes and smiled into her tear filled ones.

<Outside Lucky’s room>

Nikolas sat on a chair waiting.  Liz was still inside and he didn’t want to disturb her.  He wanted to see his brother though.  Ten more minutes he thought, then I am going in there, even if she isn’t done.  He knew that Luke and Laura would each want turns with their son, and he didn’t want to wait that long to put his mind at ease.  He stood up and began pacing.  He was lost in his thoughts and didn’t see Emily until he was practically on top of her.

“Nikolas…hi.”  Emily could have shot herself right then, why did she always get so flustered when she was around Nikolas.  It wasn’t like he had the same problem around her.  “Nikolas smiled distractedly.  “Are you here to see Lucky?”  Emily cleared her throat and forced herself to sound calm.  “Actually, I thought I would check on Liz and see if I could convince her to take a walk and clear her head.”  Nikolas quelled the urge to kiss her right then.  Exactly what he needed.  Emily could take Liz for a walk and he could see Lucky.  “Oh Em, you’re my savior.  He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her and swung her around twice.  He put her down and their eyes met and held.

Liz rushed out of the room and the moment was ruined.  Though Emily was disappointed, the news from Liz made her quickly forget about it.  Lucky was awake!  Liz ran down the hall to get Luke and Laura and to tell Monica.

Nik really wanted to do this before it was too late.  “Uh Em, can you excuse me for a moment.  I need to take care of something.”  Though disappointed at the prospect of losing his company Emily said “Sure, I’ll see you later.”  She turned to walk away when Nik grabbed her arm “Actually I was kind of hoping that you would wait for me.  Maybe we could go for a walk when I am done.”  Emily’s grin started small but ended huge.  “Sure, I’ll just go find mom and tell her.”  Nik smiled at her disappearing form, he would have to deal with that later, he thought as he turned and entered his brother’s room.

Chapter 60

<Bluff Top Inn>

Paul had put in a frantic call to 911 and the ambulance had just arrived.  Jason had told him not to discuss this with anyone, so as soon as he saw that his boss was safely aboard the ambulance en route to the hospital he quietly disappeared.

<General Hospital>

Lucky heard the door to his room shut quietly.  He looked up expecting to see Liz, he didn’t.  What was he doing here?  Cassadine was the last person he wanted to see now, every bone in his body hurt and he only wanted to see his Liz.

Nik saw the old look of apprehension in Lucky’s eyes and longed for the day he would see a smile on his face instead.  “What do you want Cassadine.”  Well, Nik thought, his tone wasn’t as harsh as it usually was, maybe he had a chance.  “I just wanted to see how you were feeling.  You gave us all quite a scare.”

Lucky felt a momentary pang of guilt for his initial comment and then remembered that he was talking to a Cassadine.  “Yeah right, since when do you or any other Cassadine for that matter, give a hoot about what happens to a lowly Spencer.”  Lucky turned away so Nikolas wouldn’t see the hurt on his face.

Nikolas only sighed.  How could he communicate with him when he was always so hostile.  “Whatever, Lucky.  I just wanted you to know that I do care about you.  In fact, I was hoping that we could be friends or at least civil.  If you don’t believe me ask Liz, I asked her to help me with this weeks ago.  I never heard back from her so I just assumed she was being loyal to you.  Since you can’t accept the fact that we are family you will just have to go on hating me.  Just remember I wasn’t the one who made that decision.”  With that said, Nikolas turned on his heal and started towards the door.

Lucky just lay on his bed in shock.  Was Nikolas really offering the proverbial olive branch?  He really wanted to be friends, maybe even brothers? How many times had Lucky wondered what it would be like to have an older brother when he was little?  Well here was his chance to find out and he wasn’t going to throw it away.  “Hey man, wait.”  Nik smiled but when he turned around his face showed no emotion.  “Why don’t you stay and keep me company a while.”  Nikolas sighed and approached the bed again.

“Does this mean we are going to be civil?”  Lucky smiled, he was about to answer when the door to his room opened and Monica Quartermaine walked in.

<Waiting room, Fourth floor, GH>

AJ walked exited the elevator into a mass of people.  There were exuberant hugs being exchanged.  Emily spotted him and flung herself into his arms.  He cringed momentarily and realized he would have to pretend, if only for now.  “Lucky’s awake.  Mom just went to see him!  I just know he is going to be alright!”

AJ merely stared straight ahead, then he remembered where he was and who he was with.  “Oh Em, that’s wonderful news, I am so happy for you, and for Liz.”  Inside AJ was seething.  What did this kid have nine lives?  He wouldn’t die.  How was he supposed to comfort his angel if Lucky wouldn’t EVER just die?  He was fuming inside, but the serene look on his face didn’t give him away.  By all outside appearances he was still the AJ that everyone knew and loved.

Then he saw her.  Liz was approaching.  “Em!”  Emily released AJ and turned to her best friend.  “Oh Liz, I’m so happy for you.  I knew he would be alright.”  Liz had been playing with the locket Lucky had given her the night they had made love the first time.  She had used it as her good luck charm and was certain that it was the reason Lucky came back to her.  “I know, I am just so relieved.  I can’t believe that he is going to be alright.  I was really scared.”  Liz stopped because she noticed AJ staring at her.  She momentarily met his eyes and looked away brushing off an uneasy feeling.  AJ noticed and touched her shoulder.  “Liz, we are all happy for you.”

AJ said what was expected of him.  He was mainly concentrating on the feel of her shoulder beneath his hand.  He was touching her, soon she would be his again regardless of Lucky’s condition.

Chapter 61

<Emergency Room>

“I don’t know Dara, I can’t seem to get a straight answer out of the man.  I truly think he wants to help, but I can’t be sure.  Every time we get close to discussing it he excuses himself to take care of business.  I think he is holding something back.”  Mac pauses and scans the waiting room.  The crisis with Lucky seemed to be passing and he took a few minutes to call Dara.  He couldn’t wait to get home to his wife and family, and he hoped that this would be the last call of the day.  He was about to answer Dara’s question when the doors to the ER swung open.  Frank Scanlon, accompanied by three other paramedics was wheeling a man in on a stretcher.

“We have multiple stab wounds here.”  Mac was about to tune the incident out when the stretcher passed in front of him.  It was Jason!  “Dara, I have to go, they just brought Morgan into the ER…Alright, I’ll meet you here.”  Mac slammed the phone down and kissed the prospects of an early evening good bye.  He dreaded the call he was about to make.

<Jason’s Penthouse>

Robin was waiting for Jason to return.  She was trying to be patient, but it was getting harder each day.  She loved Jason but she hated what he did for a living.  She loved Michael and knew that Jason would never allow him to be harmed.  She wasn’t worried about that, she was worried about him being hurt, or worse killed.  Usually she could convince herself that Jason would be alright and that he would be coming home to her any minute, today for some reason it wasn’t that easy.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the insistent ringing of the telephone, she sighed and moved to answer it.  “Hello?…Uncle Mac?  What is it…Oh No…I’ll be there as soon as I can…No I won’t drive.”  Robin hung up the phone and ran to the door.  “Reynaldo, Jason has been stabbed, we need to get to the hospital right away!”

<Lucky’s Room>

Lucky was lying in the bed, his conversation with Nikolas had tired him out.  It was all he could do to stay awake to answer Monica’s questions.  Apparently they were concerned about brain damage.  While he could not remember the details of the accident he remembered everything proceeding it up to the point when he got in his car.  Monica seemed satisfied and told him he would be confined to the bed for at least a week.  He could risk damage to the incision in his chest if he got up sooner causing a likely infection and more loss of blood, something his body definitely could not handle at this point.

He was just starting to drift off when his mother entered the room.  He was shocked to see her to say the least.  It briefly crossed his mind to ask her why Luke wasn’t with her, but he didn’t have the energy.  He did manage a weak smile and a sarcastic comment.  “Ah the prodigal mother, to what do I owe this honor.”  Laura was stung by the comment but hadn’t expected any less.  Thanks to Luke Lucky obviously thought she did not care about him at all.

“Lucky, I came home to surprise you and your father only it seems that I was the one who was surprised.  No one told me about the changes in our family.”  Lucky softened, he had suspected nothing less from his father, but he had held on to the hope that somehow his mother would know he needed her.  Laura saw the emotions crossing her son’s face and merely approached the bed and took his hand.  “I am so relieved you are going to be alright, I’ve missed you.  I will be bringing your sister and grandmother home and we will be staying for good.  Your father will be moving out of the house immediately.”

Lucky was shocked.  Hadn’t this been what he had wanted?  Now that it was happening he wasn’t so sure.  He couldn’t think about it now though as his eyes involuntarily shut and he fell into a deep sleep.  Laura kissed his forehead and left him to his dreams.

<In the Hall>

Luke was pacing. He had wanted to see his son but Laura had forced him to remain out in the hall.  He looked at Liz as she sat on the bench adjacent to Lucky’s door and realized how deeply she loved his son.  It reminded him of his relationship with Laura.

The door opened and Laura stepped out of the room.  “How is he?”  Luke saw he hurt in her eyes, but at the mention of Lucky in vanished briefly.  “He is going to be fine.  He was well enough to give me a sarcastic comment and that ‘go to hell’ look he is so good at.”  Laura had a whisper of a smile on her face.

Luke seized the moment and wrapped his arms around her.  “Oh darlin’ I’m so relieved.”  Laura tensed immediately and wiggled out of Luke’s gasp.  “This changes nothing between us.  I told Lucky I would be returning with his grandmother and sister and that you would no longer be living at the house.”  With that, Laura turned and walked away.  Luke was dumbfounded and Liz sat there wishing she could disappear into the wall behind her.

<Emergency Room>

Monica responded to the page immediately thinking that this was the longest day in history.  She entered the ER and saw the commotion.  She approached the gurney and said “What do we have here people?”  Her eyes widened as she saw who the patient was.  She gasped and almost collapsed, Mac caught her and said “Monica, you need to sit down, let someone else handle it.”  Monica immediately stood up and blocked everything out except the fact that her son needed her.  “I can’t Mac, that’s my son, I don’t trust anyone else in there with him.”  Monica, all professional once again began giving orders to the medical team treating Jason.

Mac turned and got on the elevator, he needed to find the rest of the family and give them the news.  He knew that Emily in particular would be devastated.

Chapter 62

Liz entered Lucky’s room quietly.  After Laura had left Luke went in for a few minutes, but since his son was sleeping he left almost immediately.  Liz looked at Lucky’s face.  He looked awfully pale and seemed suddenly small and vulnerable to her.  She quietly moved a chair close to his bedside and sat down next to him and waited for him to awaken.  She didn’t realize how tired she was and within minutes she was asleep.


AJ was looking for his angel.  He finally got rid of that pesky sister of his and now all he wanted to do was see his beautiful angel’s face.  He had touched her again, but it wasn’t enough.  It wouldn’t be enough until she was his again, forever this time.


Emily was sitting alone at a table.  It had been an exhausting day and she just wanted a few minutes to herself.  She couldn’t believe all that had happened and was glad that Lucky was going to be alright.  She knew in her heart that no matter how brave Liz was she was dying inside.  She had pushed Lucky away from her when she found out about Murty’s suicide and now she blamed herself for his condition.  Emily took comfort in the fact that Jason was on their side and knew that if she asked he wouldn’t rest until this madman was found.

The only bright spot in Emily’s day was her conversation with Nik.  They had gone on a long walk around the hospital grounds and spoke of everything and nothing at the same time.  They had made plans to have dinner tonight and Emily was eager to get home and change for her first official date with Nikolas Cassadine, the person who had been filling her dreams lately.
Emily was just beginning to stand when she saw Monica enter the cafeteria.  She was immediately filled with a sense of dread, the last thing she needed now was a long drawn out conversation with her mother.  On a sigh she approached Monica.  “Hello mom, were you looking for me?”

Monica started as though shaken out of a private hell.  “Oh Em.  Honey I have some bad news for you.”  Immediately Emily tensed.  This was never good.  She wished that she had managed to leave before her mother had found her.  “Jason has been stabbed several times.  He has lost a tremendous amount of blood and is in a coma.”

<Lucky’s room>

Liz was dreaming about the night that Lucky gave her the locket.  In her sleep she reached up and held the locket in her hand and sighed “I love you Lucky.”

Lucky stirred on his bed but did not awaken.

Standing in the doorway AJ glared at Lucky.  He heard his angel whisper the endearment and it was all he could do not to kill Lucky at that moment.  That wouldn’t serve his purpose or help his situation.  He would have to be patient.  He knew that Jason wouldn’t be a threat to him and he was the only one who could harm him.  His guards would never act without his approval so he was safe for the time being.  He would have to watch Lucky and Jason carefully.

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