When Everything Changes 20

Chapter 20: Realizations...

"Yes. It's Jagger Cates." He was confused.

So was she. "Karen's ex-husband?" She gasped, and then realizing it was rude.
"I mean..." trying to regain herself.

"I know what you mean and yes, that's me." He answered. "How do you know

Still in shock, "I...I work with her."

"You're a doctor?" He asked.

"Yes. And you're a.... police officer?"

"Guilty as charged."


Scott Baldwin looked on in shock as the woman burst into tears. Everyone else
in the lobby did so too. And then they looked at him. And raised their
eyebrows in that way people do. But he didn't notice. He was busy with his own
eyebrows, which has raised so high that they'd nearly gone through the

"Oh...well..." He started, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Are you allright?"
He shook his head and sighed as she tried in desperation to stop the tears.
"Obviously not." He said to himself. How do these things happen to me? he
wondered, shaking his head. Then, even more surprising, the sobbing woman
stopped crying as suddenly as she'd started.

"I'm sorry...I... it..." Her voice was monotone. "My daughter died."

Not knowing what to say, "Oh."

"I just found out this morning." She shrugged and sighed, wiping her cheeks.
"I'm really sorry... I..."

"No. It's fine. I understand." Pause. "I have a daughter."

She nodded and smiled weakly. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. Two, actually." Pause. "Oh..." Looking at her and noting her less-than-
composed state, "Hey...ah, why don't you let me buy you a cup of coffee or

She sighed and nodded, still looking off into space. Her voice was faint,


Carly sunk onto the couch, thinking. "Will the truth set me free or win me
chains?" She wondered aloud.

"Huh?" Lucas entered.

"Just thinking out loud." She smiled at him. "Finish your lunch?"

"Yeah. Can I go play ball with Andy next door?"

She nodded. "Don't go where I can't see you from the step, though. OK?"

"OK!" He left.


Alexis sighed, put down her charts and print records and picked up the phone.
She needed a break and there was someone she was more worried about than
"Katherine." She glanced at the paper. The headline read: "Supermodel Murder
Is Yet Unsolved..."


"Hello?" A smiling Ned answered his phone. So far the tests on Brooke had been
going great. She was doing so much better than expected.

"Hi." Alexis' voice came through. "How are you doing?"

"She's awake, Alexis! My daughter is going to be allright." He was happy,
almost giddy with the news.

She couldn't help but smile. "That's wonderful." There was a hesitant note in
her voice and he noticed.

"But?" He prompted.

"W-what do you mean?" She asked.

"Alexis..." He sighed. "What's wrong."

"Nothing. Okay, that's a lie. It's just... you're so happy..." She paused. "I
have bad news for you. I...just...it'll be in the papers...I didn't want you
to just *see* it somewhere and be caught totally off-gaurd..." She didn't
quite no how to tell him.

"I'm listening."

"It's Brenda. She's...dead." Her voice was soft and sad. "I'm sorry, Ned..."
There was a long pause and he still didn't speak. He didn't move. He didn't
understand. "Ned?" She asked through the line. No answer. "Ned?" Still no
answer. Worried, "Ned!"

Unsteadily, "I...I'm here."

Softly, she spoke: "I'm sorry."

Sadly, "Me too." He nodded.

"Is there anything I can do?" She asked gently.

He didn't answer. "When... is there a service?"

"Yes. Tomorrow at one."

"Tomorrow." He echoed. "I'll have to fly back." She didn't say anything.
"I..." She could almost see him trying not to break down and it broke her
heart. He did have tears in his eyes, threatening to pour down his cheeks. He
paused a long time before adding. "Could...would you come to it with me? 'I
need you' would be an understatement."


Karen and Courtney were going through a phonebook. Courtney was on one phone.
Karen was on another.

"What would you reccomend?" Courtney asked. "No. It's not the right time of
year. Hmmm... that's an option. I don't think roses are right at all. No, not
even white ones." She noted Karen's cringe. "*Especially* not white ones."
Karen smiled at her.

Karen, meanwhile was listening to a Barry Manilow recording. Finally a voice
picked up. "Yes. Hello? I..."

"Hold please."

"But..." It was too late. She listened as Barry Manilow started yet another


Keesha finished up her unpacking mechanically. She didn't know how long she'd
stay here. She didn't want to be here, but then again, she didn't want to be
anywhere. She sighed and slipped her shoes off, sitting on her bed.

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