When Everything Changes 14

Chapter 14: Hard Questions...

Monica looked at Taggert like a deer caught in headlights. "W-what?"

"Good job. Looks like your hubby is off the hook." He pressed play and Justus'
voice filtered through the room.

"Have you ever picked up a baseball bat and bashed a man's brains in...?"


Ned pulled away, letting go of Lois as her tears rounded to an end. "She has
to be okay." He said softly.

Lois sighed. "I wasn't sure that you'd come." She confided.


"I don't know; I just... wasn't."

"You never gave me much credit." Ned said bitterly.

"You never deserved much." She threw back, put on the defensive.

He sighed. "I don't want to fight right now, Lois. That doesn't really matter.
Not right now."


A half an hour later, Helena was led to a cell, much to the delight of the
other Cassadines. Katherine hurried out and Stefan trailed her quickly,
Nikolas follwing him closely.

Alexis was still sitting, frozen, in the chair. Dara saw this and approached
her. "What's she up to?"

"Excuse me?" Alexis looked up.

"Your...whatever she is, Helena. What's she up to?" Dara asked. "You offered
us your full cooperation with this matter, right? Well, as much as I hate to
admit it, I need it."

"What's she up to?" Alexis repeated. "Damned if I know. She's always up to
something, though." She looked at Dara. "I know you don't like me, but that
doesn't matter right now. We have a common goal: putting Helena away for her
crimes. So, how about a temprorary truce? And then we'll form a plan." She
held out her hand as she stood. "Truce?"

Dara stared at her hand for a moment before shaking it. "Truce."


Jerry's cell phone rang. "Sorry," he told Bobbie as he answered it.

"Hello? Jax?" He paused. "What? Brenda? She's *what*?" His eyes lit with
concern. "I'm so sorry, Jax. Yes, of course, I'll be right there." He hung up
the phone.

"Something wrong?" Bobbie asked.

"Yes. Brenda is...dead." He told her.


V and Jagger were going over the autopsy report. "Blow to the head, available
object...it ha all the makings of a crime of passion."

"But?" V asked.

"Something isn't right about it. I mean, it almost seems *too* much like a
crime of passion. Like it was scripted that way." Jagger said with a sigh.

"A scripted murder, cleverly made out to be a crime of passion to throw us off
the trail?" V looked at the paper. "It's possible, but I'm doubting it.
Haven't you ever heard of the theory, 'the simplest answer is usually the
right one'?"

"What is simple about this case?" Jagger threw back.

V nodded. "You're right about that." She leaned across the table. "You know
what I want to know?"

"What?" Jagger asked.

"If Brenda Barret was murdered this morning, where was she all night long? She
didn't tell Jax where she was going. She didn't tell *anyone* where she was
going. She just went. But why? And where did she go? And who was involved?"

"It is odd." Jagger agreed. "Maybe if we know that, we'll have our murderer."


((BTW: I made a huge mistake in Gina's age earlier. She's a *PCU* student, not
a Med. school student. I'm guessing she's a sophmore. I know she was a year
younger than Robin.))

Gina, who had been entering the police station, ran smack into Nikolas
Cassadine. "Oh!" She exclaimed. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Nikolas said, smiling. "I'm Nikolas Cassadine." He held out his

She quickly shook it. "I'm Gina Cates."


Veronica looked out over the balcony, remembering...

[[She knocked lightly on the door to Brenda's cottage. "Hello? Brenda,

[[When the door opened, finally. It wasn't a smiling Brenda, not at all.
"Darling?" She asked, with fury. "Do you know who called this morning?"]]

[["No." Veronica commented. "You know it's rather lacking in class to talk
outside, may I come in?" She walked in past Brenda.]]

[["Sure, why not." Brenda said sarcastically. "Anyway, the perosn who phoned
this morning was your pal, Luther."]]

[["Luther? Who's..."]]

[["Don't play dumb with me. You wrecked my concert. On purpose! I can't
believe you." Brenda fumed. "He finally returned my call and he said a woman
with a jade bathtub in her *living room* just couldn't wait..."]]

[["But I..."]]

The memory was interrupted by a knock on her door. She hurried into the room
to accept her roomservice.


Stefan caught up to Katherine. "Katherine, wait!"

She finally spun around. "Yes?" She said with a devious glare. "What do you
want? To turn me into Laura again? Or merely to shut me up?"


Ned and Lois both jumped up as the doctor entered.

"Is there any news?" Ned asked quickly.

Lois just stared, her eyes glistening with tears, waiting.

"Yes." The doctor said his face unreadable. "Are you the child's father?" He
asked Ned.

"Yes." Ned said with a nod. "How's my daughter?"

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