When Everything Changes 12

Chapter 12: Twists and Turns...

Brenda lay a crumpled heap on the floor inside of her house. The room was a
mess. It had practically been ransacked.


"So, are you too busy for brunch then?" Bobbie asked Monica. "I get off in a
few minutes, and I'd like to have a  talk with you actually, but if you don't
have time...

"No; I'd *welcome* a chance to get away from the hospital." Monica said with a
smile. "I'm always here or at the house..."

"How about the PC Grille then?" Bobbie asked. "When?"

"Now's great." Monica said. "I wouldn't get lunch today anyway; I have
meetings from twelve to four."


Jerry chatted easily with Veronique. "So, what brings you to town?" He asked
her with a smile.

"Oh." She sipped her orange juice. "My daughter."

"You have a daughter? How old is she; six, seven?" Jerry started.

"Twenty seven."

"Really? You don't seem nearly old enough..." He worked his charm on her,
while fishing some more. "Well, what's she like."

"Oh... I don't really know." Veronica said. "I...well, we were estranged until

Jerry nodded. "So, why are you eating breakfast with me and not with her?"

"She's sort of angry with me right now." Veronica said simply. "I don't think
she really wants someone like me for a mother, and I can't really blame her."


Ned was dressed now, and so was Alexis, and he was on the phone, telling the
pilot to fuel up the ELQ jet.

"I'm glad you're not driving." Alexis said softly. "You can't even see

He almost smiled; he hadn't told her that yet she knew. "I'll be allright. I'm
sorry I can't be here for..."

"No, no. I don't need anything right now. I'm just being paranoid about
Helena, I'm sure. You have to do what you have to do, Ned, I understand that."

"Of course you do." He said softly. "Don't you always?"

"I have to go change before going to the courthouse; by the time I'm done
there, I'm sure you'll be long gone." She kissed his cheek softly. "Call me if
you get a chance?" she half stated, half asked.

He nodded. "I will."


Carly is shocked. "Wha...what do you mean I--we--have been released." Never
dropping her act, rocking the "baby" still in her arms.

"You're released." An attendant said. Lowering his voice, "Apparently, money
and influence were on your side, Miss."

"Jason came to get me?" She asked softly. "He missed Michael too much?" She
said simply.

"No...I came." AJ entered.

"AJ?" Carly asked baffled.


Jason held a gun to Moreno's head. "I found you."

"Yes, you did." Moreno said calmly. "I was expecting you'd think of me when I
heard about it in the paper. But, a criminal may return to the scene of the
crime, but I never strike the same place twice; Luke's isn't exactly my
luckiest spot."

"You're trying to tell me you didn't set the bomb?" Jason said, walking around
the desk to face Moreno, his gun still trained on him.

"Yes. I had nothing to do with your girlfriend's death."

Jason looked at him, knowing instantly that Moreno's words weren't a lie.


Jax searched for Brenda, at the last place he could think of: her house.
"Brenda," he called while unlocking the door. He gasped at what he saw when he


Bobbie and Monica walked in as Jerry was flirting with Veronica. Bobbie's eyes
fixed on them immidiately and she scowled as she saw that they were obviously

"Things aren't going as well as you thought they were?" Monica wondered,
following her gaze.

"I don't know; I just don't know." They headed to a table.

Jerry smiled at Veronica, not seeing Bobbie since his back was to her. "Well,
if your daughter is as charming as you are, I'm sure it's worth the wait to
get her to forgive you."

Veronica smiled. "It is."

Trying to get Bobbie's attention off of Jerry, to make her feel better, "So,
what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh." Bobbie said. "Well, Carly, for one. When she comes back, I don't know
what will happen. At first, I thought she'd make trouble for Jason and Robin,
but now.... I'm worried for her safety. More so then Michael because Carly
isn't good at listening to people. And if she doesn't do what Jason wants her
to do to be safe then..." Bobbie sighed. "Plus, I know she wants out of the
asylum. And Michael! What about Jason? What happens if Jason dies?"

"I supposed Michael somes to the mansion if Carly is as still indisposed."
Monica said.

Bobbie sighed. "And the other thing, was Jerry."

"Well, this was lovely." Veronica said with a smile. "Perhaps, we can do it
again? Dinner tonight maybe? They have wonderful roomservice here."

Still smiling winningly, "I...I don't think so."

"Why?" She narrowed her eyes. "You said that you enjoyed my company.  Were you
lying? You're one of Harlan's men aren't you?" Her voice was raised now, and
the whole restaurant, including Bobbie and Monica, could hear. "You're
following me again."

"Who's Harlan?"

"If I ever see you again, I'll slap you with a restraining order." She hissed.
"I can't believe you guys, following me!" She threw up her hands and then
picked up what was left of her orange juice and threw that at him too before

He just looked around. "What the hell..."

"Looks like that woman wasn't competition." Monica remarked.

"I don't know *what* that was." Bobbie commented. "Do you?"

"A scene." Monica commented. "I should know. The Quartermaines make them often


Before the hearing could start, Katherine Bell walked into the courtroom.
"Stop this immediately!" She declared with authority.

The judge, Dara, Stefan, Nikolas and Alexis looked on in confusion. Helena
merely smiled. "It hasn't begun, my dear." She said. "You're just in time.
Shall we set the record straight?"

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