Torn - 2

Elizabeth whimpered as Lucky drew his lips across hers. They lay together,
naked, tangled amongst her sheets. Lucky bent his head and kissed her neck,
lovingly, so gentle with her it nearly brought tears to her eyes.

Elizabeth's eyes popped open slowly and she whispered his name. "Lucky?"
"Yes, Lizzie?" He asked her.
She whimpered again, and buried her face in his neck. "I-" She swallowed hard.
"I love you." Tears were in her eyes now. "I love you."
He pulled back, looking into her face. "What?" He asked breathlessly.
"I love you," Her big wet eyes looked into his.
His heart pounded furiously into his chest. "Do you?"
"So much," She said tearfully. "And I don't want to pretend like we're just
friends anymore, because we're so much more. Don't you feel it?"
Lucky nodded his head, taking her face in his hands. "You mean everything to
Liz blushed. "Here we are, sleeping together, telling one another our deepest,
most pure thoughts. . ."
"I haven't said it yet."
"Do you feel it?" She asked.
"More than you could possibly know," Lucky whispered, kissing her softly.
"Then say it."
"I love you."
They kissed again. Elizabeth sighed his name. "Make love to me again."
Lucky took her face in his hands and touched her lips to his. "What about
"What about Emily?"
"They can't find out about us," Lucky told her, kissing her shoulder.
"No . . . you're right, they can't," Elizabeth agreed, her mind running
rampant with thoughts.
"Or about the baby."
Elizabeth nodded vigorously. "No, no, you're absolutly r-right . . ."
Lucky looked into her face. "We should keep this a secret for a while, right?"
She nodded again. "It makes the most sense, right?"
"It does."
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Shut up and make love to me." She pulled his body down upon hers.
Lucky laughed, his face stretching into a wide, beautiful grin. "I think it's
my favorite new activity."
Liz giggled. "Really?"
"Really." He grew serious, before bending down to kiss her lips once more,
softly, before whispering, "You're beautiful, you know that?"
"So are you." She sighed and her eyelids fluttered closed. She smiled before
opening them once more to look at him. "Are we going to get this show on the
Lucky looked down at her body, she was perfect. Everything about her, the way
she talked, smiled, the way her nose kind of turned upward a teeny, weeny bit
. . . He began to kiss her smooth skin, from her neck and jawline, down her
body, caressing her perfect skin with his lips. He touched her, and reached
the valley between her breasts, bringing his head up to gaze at them. He felt
all of the breath leaving his body. "My God, Elizabeth, you're gorgeous." He
lifted a breast and she whimpered as he held it in his hand, kissing the rosy
pink center. Elizabeth cried out his name softly, arching her back so she
could meet his face.
Lucky crawled up to meet her face again, and pulled her lips into another
kiss. They lost themselves in each other once again.

Sonny smiled at Jason as he and Brenda entered what had once been their
"You made it," Jason observed happily, grinning at his best friend and wife.
Sonny nodded. "Yup. Long trip."
Brenda nodded her head in agreement, yawning. "Jase, is Carly here?"
Jason nodded, even as his girlfriend of six years, Carly Roberts, came
bounding down the stairs cheerily, wearing a pair of jeans, a white button
down workshirt and a beautiful embroidered wool pull-over vest. "Brenda!
Sonny! You made it!"
Brenda grinned at the sight of her new friend. She and Carly had become
friendly after Jason had found out about her truly being alive. They had
exchanged letters and phone calls when they could, and were probably as close
as she and Robin had once been. Brenda felt a twinge of sadness when she
thought about Robin, but quickly brushed it off. It wasn't the time to be
feeling sad, she was home! And home was where she was going to stay.

She and Carly hugged. "Hey, Car?" Brenda mumbled sleepily.
"Bren?" Carly laughed at Brenda's obvious distress.
"Mind if I crash in your bed tonight?"
"YES!" Jason said quickly, maybe too quickly.
"Jason!" Carly said, surprised at his rudeness.
"Sorry," Jason muttered. "Uh . . . well, there's always the guest room. One of
the many thousand guest rooms in this place."
Sonny laughed. "It's alright, we'll find one. Hey! Where's my godson,
Carly grinned. "Asleep, out like a light."
Sonny slid an arm around Brenda's shoulders and smiled. "I'll see the little
kid in the morning, right now, my babies need to get to bed."
Brenda smiled and began to protest even as Sonny began to lead her up the
stairs. "Sweetheart, I'm fine-"
"No, baby, you're not," Sonny insisted, "So shut the hell up and let me get
you into bed. . ."
Carly smiled at their receding backs before turning to Jason. "I'm glad
they're back, whadda'bout you Jase?"
He nodded his head a few times, pulling her into a deep kiss. "As long as they
stay the hell out of our bed."

Jax trailed his finger gently along V's bare back as she slept later that
evening. He smiled. They had just spent the last four hours or so making
beautiful love in his bed, celebrating what had become . . . and what was to

Jax's smile widened. Good Lord, he was happy. He hadn't been this happy in a
long time. And things were going to stay that way.

When Lucky awoke the next morning to find Elizabeth gone, he began to feel a
deep sense of regret. That regret instantly evaporated when he saw her waltz
in from the bathroom in the hallway, wearing a pink robe around her beautiful,
curvy body and her long, curly hair wet and about her shoulders.
"Morning!" She gushed happily, shutting the door quickly behind her.
"Morning," Lucky sat up, opening his arms so she could come into them.
Elizabeth grinned, sitting down in front of him on the bed.
"Last night was-"
"Amazing," Lucky whispered.
"I never knew sex could be so good," Elizabeth said, shaking her head in awe,
and then blushing at the look he gave her.
"I'm glad you feel that way." Lucky said honestly. When he saw her look of
shame, he tilted her head up, "Hey! Elizabeth, look at me." She did. "Do you
think that I was unsatisfied with last night?"
She shrugged. "I'm . . . I'm not pure, Lucky, I'm a rape victim, remember?"
"Do you really think that I believe that?"
"I don't know what I think."
"Do you know that I love you?" He whispered softly.
She nodded. "You're my best friend," Lucky continued. "And making love to you.
. ." He stopped. "God, I can't begin to tell you how good it felt, Lizzie."
"Can you try?" She asked shyly.
"I want to know what . . . how I make you feel." She blushed a deep, deep red.
Lucky bit his lip, but whispered, "Okay. . ." He didn't know how to say the
things he felt to her, especially when they were *about* her. "Lizzie, our
bodies fit together *perfectly*," he whispered. "When I hold you, I can't. .
.it feels more right than anything I have *ever* felt with Emily! When I kiss
you, I finally know what all of those romance novels and mushy love songs, I
finally know what they all mean! I finally understand what my parents have,
and why I always wanted to have it too. I love you, you're IT for me. The one
true love, the epitamy of what I have looked for in another human being,
you're-you make me feel so damn good. I wake up, you know, and I realize that
I've been dreaming about you all night long and ALL that I want to do is go
back to sleep, so I can feel like that again. Sometimes you make me SO angry
that I want to wring your neck, but when I see you, all I want to do is kiss
it. . ." He stopped and quieted down, saying softly, "That's it, that's how I
Elizabeth had tears rolling down her face and she brushed them away,
whispering, "That was beautiful."
"It was the truth."
She nodded. "I know." She held her hands against her heart and took a deep
breath, her chest rumbling. "When did things become this way? When did we . .
. fall in love like this, Lucky? And why did it take us all of this time to
admit it?"
"Because we were scared," Lucky leaned up to brush his lips across hers.
"Because the way we feel, the feelings, the love, is so strong and so. . .
*there* that we don't know what to do with ourselves." She nodded, eager for
his kiss, looking down at his beautiful, pouty lips. "We're afraid of how
it'll affect our friendship." He licked his lips as he looked down at hers.
They were centimeters apart. "We love each other more than life itself, and
it's the scariest fucking feeling of our entire life." Elizabeth laughed, then
grew serious again as she closed her eyes and anxioiusly awaited his kiss. It
started slowly, and then deepened intensely, his tongue probing into the very
intimate depths of her mouth. She moaned as their lips came apart. "Oh, Lucky,
I love you," Elizabeth whispered, nuzzling his neck.
"I love you too."
"You know what's funny?" She smiled as she kissed his throat.
"We haven't even gone on a date."
"Well, if you don't count the no-name," Lucky offered.
Liz giggled, continuing to kiss his neck. "What do you say?"
"To what?"
"Us going on a date?"
"Where would we go?" He asked. "I mean, without Nikolas and Emily finding
"I don't know," Elizabeth whispered. "Somewhere. Anywhere."
Lucky sat in silence for a moment, before whispering, "I know."
"What?" She pulled away and sat back on her heels. "Where?"
Lucky's lips drew up into a smile again. "That's for me to know and you to
find out."

Sonny smiled at Brenda as she slumped down the stairs the next morning. She
looked incredibly beautiful in a lilac button down sweater over a short, black
sundress. She wore two-inch heeled black leather shoes on her feet, and had
pulled her long, thick hair up into a banana clip ponytail. Her large,
pregnant belly jutted out of her dress, yet she didn't look awkward, but
completly comfortable.

"Hi," Brenda said, grinning from ear to ear as she leaned up to kiss his lips.
"Where're Jason and Carly?"
"They went out for breakfast," Sonny told her, pulling out a dining room chair
for her. Brenda sighed as Sonny sat down across from her. She reached for his
hands. "I need to tell you something."
Brenda bit her lip. "You're not going to like it, Sonny."
He brushed some hair back from her forehead and whispered, "What is it?"
"I need to see Jax."

Elizabeth was happily scrubbing the counter at Kelly's when Nikolas walked in.
"Hey," He said softly, grinning at her.
Liz looked up and slightly gasped, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her
ear. "H-uh. . ."
Nikolas laughed. "You look beautiful today, Lizzie."
She smiled, slightly blushing. "Thank you, Nik." She sighed, throwing the
sponge down and leaning her elbows against the slightly damp counter. "What's
"I was thinking, dinner for two tonight?" He smiled slyly. "It's our two year
anniversary, remember?"
Elizabeth shut her eyes tightly and tried to fight off the feelings of guilt.
She couldn't say yes. She and Lucky had . . . But she and Nikolas were dating.
All she and Lucky were were in love. . .with a child on the way. Basically
living in sin. Since her first date with Nikolas two years before, she had
laid it on the line she just wanted to date, she didn't want to sleep with him
just yet. And she had fallen so deeply in love with Nikolas that she began to
believe that she'd want him to be her first. . .since the rape. But, instead,
she and Lucky had stayed up late at her apartment, watching movies and having
deep, soulful conversations that had led them to. . . As Liz opened her eyes,
she saw Lucky slid through the doors of the resturant. Her heart  began to
pound. She fought the involuntary smile that light up on her face, but
couldn't help it. Nikolas thought the smile was because of his invitation. He
grinned. "Great. So, it's a date. I'll pick you up at 8."
Liz opened her mouth and began to protest. "Wh-? No, Nik-" He lowered his
mouth to hers and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, before turning around. He
smiled when he saw his brother, ignoring the look of jealously upon Lucky's
handsome face. "Hey, Lucky."
He nodded his head in greeting at his brother. "Nikolas. . ." Nik kept on
walking out of the resturant. Liz watched him go, before the tears began to
fall. "Lucky, I-"
"Save it," He whispered, kind of angry. "It's not important."
"I want to go with *you*," She stressed. "I want to be with you, Lucky," She
lowered her voice. "It's the only thing I want."
He sighed. "Jesus, I'm sorry. Like I have the right to be angry at you for
making plans with your boyfriend."
Elizabeth looked at the clock and realized her shift was over. "Lucky, my
shifts up," She told him.
He looked at the clock. It was five thirty. Lucky quickly contemplated whether
it was a good idea and then nodded, deciding to risk it. "Lizzie?"
"Whaddya say we screw our late date and go right now?"
"Right now?" She asked.
Lucky nodded. "Right now."
Liz thought about it for a second, before nodding. "I say. . .yes."

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