The Worst of Times - 4
by Carol

    Dara Jensen walked briskly into the Port Charles police station. She
spotted Detective Taggert leaning over to pick up some scattered papers on
the floor. ''What happened here?'' she drawled, unconsciously imitating
Taggert. ''Tornado blow through?'' She straightened, smiling.
     ''If that's what you'd like to call it,'' Taggert said, without his
usual patronizing tone. ''We had a, uh--incident- here this morning.
     ''Incident?'' Dara asked, raising an eyebrow. ''I'm almost afraid to
     Taggert sighed and leaned against his desk. Dara noticed the corner
of the wood had chipped and broken off.
     ''That Spencer kid had a nervous breakdown or something. He just
lost it and started acting all nuts.'' He shook his head sorrowfully. ''Real
tragedy--his girlfriend just getting raped and all, and it turns out his dad
did the same thing.''
     Dara looked at Taggert questioningly. ''What do you mean?''
     Taggert shrugged. ''Doesn't really matter. He's his parents' problem
     Dara watched Taggert with growing distaste, both for his refusal to
give her any details and the casual way he dismissed the entire ordeal. She
decided not to pursue the matter further, but made a mental note to check
with Mac for details later. ''So-'' Taggert looked at her and smiled.
     ''Did you hear about Morgan?'' he interrupted excitedly.
     ''Yes, I heard. It's nothing to happy about, Taggert. A man was
     ''No,'' Taggert responded. ''A CRIMINAL was murdered. Someone just
did what the PCPD couldn't.''
     Dara shook her head and glared at the detective. ''WHO was murdered
isn't the point. There's a killer loose and it's YOUR job to find them.''
She stopped and leaned in closer to him. ''Well, Mr. Big Shot Detective,
think you can handle such a TOUGH job?'' She smiled and walked away,
leaving Taggert to stare stupidly after her.

     Audrey burst through the door of the waiting room, relief and anger
showing equally on her face. ''Oh, Elizabeth, thank god,'' she breathed as
she ran to her granddaughter. ''You left the house in such a hurry, when I
told you where Lucky was-'' She trailed off, noticing the tears
coursing down Liz's face. ''What--Elizabeth, what is it?'' She sat beside
her and put her arm around her shoulders.  ''Please tell me.''
     Liz looked up into her grandmother's face, wiping away tears. ''I
don't know,'' she whispered hoarsely. ''Lucky was fine yesterday, but last
night he just got so MAD all of a sudden, and this morning-'' She broke off,
as fresh tears started down her cheeks.
     Audrey pulled her close, letting her cry against her shoulder. She
saw Luke and Laura standing together a few feet away, watching their
exchange. ''Elizabeth,'' she said softly, drawing her arms away. ''You don't
have to try to explain anything to me. Just sit here and I'll be right back
okay?'' Liz just nodded and watched her go.
     Audrey approached the Spencers and looked at them questioningly.
''What happened?'' she asked shortly.
     ''Elizabeth is practically in hysterics.''
     Luke and Laura looked at each other tiredly; the word 'hysterics'
had been given all new meaning to them this morning. Laura looked back to
Audrey and spoke quietly. ''Lucky's had some sort of breakdown,'' she
explained. She shook her head. ''He went crazy when we showed up at
the police station, and when Liz showed up he accused of her conspiring with
     ''He WHAT?'' Audrey exclaimed, drawing a startled glance from Liz
and a nurse standing near by. ''He has no right to accuse her of anything.''
     ''I know that Audrey,'' Laura said, trying to hide her anger. ''He
didn't know what he was saying. He was acting so--paranoid. It's like
something inside him just snapped.''
     ''Oh, something inside him snapped alright,'' Audrey snapped. ''His
good sense is what. Elizabeth has been nothing but perfectly sweet to him,
but he drove her away and made her hate him--and now he has her eating
right out of his hand again. I don't know why I ever let their
friendship continue anyway, after I caught him sleeping on her floor-''
     ''Audrey, would you stop babbling!'' Luke demanded harshly.
      Audrey opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it
and stalked off. She approached the only nurse in the waiting room and
lightly touched her shoulder. The nurse looked up, smiling. ''Hello, Mrs.
Hardy,'' she greeted her, nodding slightly. ''I see you aren't working now,
     ''I need to see a patient,'' Audrey said curtly.
     ''Which patient?'' the nurse asked a little nervously.
     ''Lucky Spencer.''

     Lucky raised his head slowly, scrubbing his hand through his hair.
His head throbbed painfully and it was all he could do to keep from sinking
back into the pillows. There were two pillows, he noticed, a little
surprised. He realized he had no idea where he was. He tried to sit up, but
soon reached a resistance. He looked down at himself and was shocked to see
restraints across his chest, wrists, and ankles. He pushed against them with
all his strength, which wasn't much.

     ''Don't do that,'' a voice chastised him, and Lucky looked up to see
a doctor standing in the doorway. He finally realized that he was in a
hospital. ''It won't do you any good, anyway.''
     Lucky sank back onto the bed, closing his eyes in a feeble attempt
to make the room stop spinning. The doctor approached the bed cautiously,
looking at his patient apprehensively. ''There's no concussion, at least we
don't think there is, but you're head certainly isn't going to feel too
good for a while.''
     ''What happened?'' Lucky asked, his mouth dry. He had a horrible
feeling in the pit of his stomach. He opened his eyes again, but everything
was hazy, and the room stubbornly refused to quit tilting around him. His
eyes felt heavy, and he was dismayed to find himself wanting to sink back
into sleep again.
     ''Well, you were hit on the head,'' the doctor was saying.
     Lucky didn't open his eyes, but turned his head in the direction of
the doctor's voice. He licked his dry lips, and sighed heavily. ''With what?
I've never felt this bad in my life.'' He regretted the words instantly. He
dreaded the long story the doctor would undoubtedly launch into at this
     ''A phone,'' the doctor said almost cheerily.
     ''What?'' Lucky exclaimed, opening his eyes and struggling to sit up
again. He, of course, was stopped, by both the restraints and the doctor's
hand on his chest.
     ''Stop it,'' the doctor said calmly, and stepped back. Lucky watched
him blearily, exhaustion forcing him to fall back on the bed again. He shut
his eyes and tried to think back to the night before. His eyes flew open and
his hands curled into tight fists. The need to get out of the bed was
suddenly overpowering. He lifted his head, ignoring the pain and the
dizziness, and called out to the doctor. ''Wait!'' The doctor turned and
regarded him coolly. ''I need to talk to you,'' he said. ''Alone.'' His eyes
fell on two guards standing on each side of the door the doctor had entered through.
     The doctor eyed him suspiciously, but nodded at the guards to leave.
They left, closing the door quietly behind them. ''What is this all about?''
the doctor asked, unable to mask most of his suspicion.
     Lucky looked to the door, and then searched for windows, and was
surprised when he didn't find any.
     ''Lucky-'' the doctor prompted, and he focused, or at least
attempted to, on the doctor again.
     ''THEY put me in here, didn't they?''
     The doctor sighed and looked at him, almost regretfully. ''Why are
you whispering, Lucky?''
     ''They might be listening,'' Lucky hissed, and struggled to push
himself further up. ''I know this might sound crazy,'' he whispered
urgently, glancing again at the door. ''But you have to believe me. It's all
part of their plan.''
     He laid back against his pillows, feeling the exhaustion pulling at
him once again. ''What did you give me?'' he asked drunkenly. ''Did my
parents tell you to drug me too?'' he asked when the doctor didn't respond.
''It wasn't enough to lock me up in here, but they had to drug me
     The doctor watched him silently, stealing anxious glances at the
door, and wished for about the fifth time that he was a psychiatrist. He
started as the door opened behind him. ''Ah, Dr. Scanlon,'' Audrey said,
entering the dimly lighted room. ''I was hoping I could have a minute with
your patient.''
     Lucky looked up at her with only the slightest interest. The
sedative Scott had given him was finally overpowering his anxiety to get out
of bed.
     ''I'm sorry, Mrs. Hardy, but-''
     ''Oh, don't worry about that. I already spoke with Gail and she said
it was alright.''
     Dr. Scanlon looked unsure, but turned to leave anyway, relieved at
 the excuse to leave. Audrey waited until the door closed behind him, then
approached Lucky. She hastily removed his restraints, then tried to cajole
him into sitting up. Lucky fought briefly with his painful head and the
sedative, then gave up and collapsed back on the pillows.
     He stared at Audrey blearily as she leaned over him. ''All right,
Lucky,'' she said seriously. ''Now tell me what you've done to my

Lucky's vision blurred as Audrey leaned in closer to inspect. ''Do
to her?'' he asked. He sat upright in the bed, his anger pushing his
to work harder than it wanted. He felt the world tilt as he sat up, but
ignored it and  continued. ''She's the one who betrayed me!''
     ''Betrayed you?'' Audrey asked in a mocking tone. ''Oh, please
Lucky! Elizabeth would never do anything to  hurt you. She adores you.
Which is why she's out in that waiting room crying for you right now.''
     Lucky blinked in surprise, and forced his eyes to focus. ''She's
there?'' he asked quietly.
     ''Yes,'' Audrey practically shouted. ''With you parents. She's out
there crying because she thinks SHE did  something wrong to hurt you! I
can't seem to make her understand who's REALLY hurting who.''
     Lucky was no longer listening. He sat staring at his hands, trying
to rub some circulation back into them. He didn't want to hear Audrey,
her accusation, or any of it. Liz was waiting outside with his parents,
and he  knew know that they were all working against him. He looked back
at Audrey and spoke in a hushed voice.  ''Go away.''
     Audrey appeared shocked. ''Not until I'm finished with you,'' she
said scoldingly.
     ''GO AWAY!'' Lucky shouted, and jumped off the bed. The dizziness
worsened, but he found that if he   focused on his anger it made it
bearable. ''And take your WHINY LITTLE GRANDDAUGHTER with  you!'' He
looked briefly down at himself, and was relieved to find he was wearing
normal clothing, and not a hospital gown. He pulled on a pair of shoes
and hurried toward the door, despite his body's attempts to send him
to the floor. He pushed past Audrey and barreled out into the hallway,
where he was greeted by two  burly security guards. He threw himself
straight into them and they staggered back in surprise.
     He realized nobody was making a grab for him and took it as his
to make his exit. He forced his legs into a  run and hurried down the
hall, his feet picking up speed as he did. He turned a corner and ran
down another corridor. He saw an elevator opening and picked up speed
catch it. He barely made, the doors sliding shut  almost before he was
through. He leaned against the wall inside, panting heavily. Sweat
trickled down his  forehead and the dizziness hit him again with
impact. He collapsed against the wall of the elevator  sliding down to
sitting position.
     Stefan and Nikolas Cassadine watched him in a mixture of surprise
and horror. ''Lucky?'' Nikolas asked  hesitantly.
     Lucky looked up at him with wild eyes, and brushed a sweaty strand
of hair out his face. ''You,'' he whispered
     hoarsely. He pulled himself up a little straighter and glared at
Nikolas wildly. ''Don't tell me YOU'RE in on it  too,'' he said.
     Nikolas looked to his uncle, but Stefan simply shrugged. He stared
back at Lucky, who was now using a hand  to steady himself on the wall as
he stood up. ''Stay away from me,'' Lucky whispered, his voice a little
stronger.   He was still breathing heavily, but he felt like he could go
on. ''I won't let you take me back there,'' he said and backed out of the
elevator as the doors slid open to the lobby. Nikolas and Stefan watched
him go with their jaws hanging open, then stepped out after him. ''Just
stay away,'' Lucky repeated, then took off toward the exit.
    He ran to the doors, and pushed them open, glancing over his shoulder
once before stepping outside. A couple  of people glanced at him,
disinterested, but no one tried to stop him. Cool air hit him as he
stepped outside, and  he was surprised to find it was already dark out.
He walked shakily to a pay phone and dialed his aunt's  number.
     ''Ruby? Hey, it's me Lucky,'' he said, leaning against the wall. His
head hurt again, now that his adrenaline  wasn't working for him. ''No, I
just wanted to make sure Lulu was still there. '' He paused a moment,
hoping he  was right about his guess that his parents would take her
there. Ruby told him that Lulu was there, and fine, but  sleeping. Lucky
closed his eyes  and slid down the wall in relief.
     ''Yes, I'm fine, Ruby. Wake Lu up all right? Tell her I'm coming to
get her.''

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