The Worst of Times - 2
by Carol

   Luke lay in the bed he shared with Laura, but he was nowhere near
sleep. He rolled out of bed and started to pull clothes on. Laura blinked
several times, then also sat up, rubbing here eyes. "Where are you
going?" she asked.
   "Out," Luke responded, not really meaning to sound rude.
   "At this hour?" Laura asked, shocked. "Luke, it's after midnight."
   "I know Laura. I just got a bad feeling, that's all. I want to check
on the club real quick, then I'll be right home." Laura just closed her
eyes and laid back on the bed. The she nodded, and muttered something
that Luke didn't catch. He hurried down the stairs and out to his car,
the feeling in his gut growing as each second passed. He made to the
club in record time, then ran to the front entrance.
   He turned the handle on the door, and was surprised to find the door
unlocked. He pulled the door open and was greeted by blood. It was
splashed on the wall beside him, smeared on the door he had just opened,
and puddled on the floor beneath his feet. He looked up, surprised, the
argument with Lucky earlier that night suddenly flashing in his mind.
He saw Mac, Taggert, and Garcia leaning against the bar.
   They looked back at him without much interest. Mac walked toward him
and guided him around the rest of the blood. "Wh-what happened?" he
asked, stone sober now. He looked back at the door, his eyes haunted.
   "Mike found him," Mac said. "He called me to let me know, since he
figured the station would be deserted-"
   "Wait a minute," Luke said, snapping back into reality. "Mike found
who? What happened here?"
   "Jason Morgan," Mac said, as if Luke should somehow know. "He was
murdered tonight. Shot three timed in the chest. From the looks of it,
at pretty close range, but the wounds couldn't have been self-inflicted-"
   Luke shook his head, no longer listening. He couldn't get over the
shock of hearing about Jason. He looked up again and saw Mike enter from
upstairs. "Why don't you stay here tonight, Luke?" he asked. "Your wife
doesn't need to hear about this right now."
   "No," Luke agreed. "That's the last thing she needs." He walked past
Mac and the detectives without another word and followed Mike up to his
   "Well," Mac said after they'd left. "We'd better clean this place up."

   Audrey lent Lucky a hand and he scrambled through the window. Once
inside, Audrey shut the window and turned to him, anger showing clearly
in her face. "It's awfully late-" she started, but suddenly cut off.
"Where's Elizabeth?"
   "What are you talking about?" Lucky asked, sitting on Liz's bed.
"She's here."
   "No," Audrey said, starting to sound panicked. "She was with you,"
she said accusingly.  "At least I thought she was. That's why I wasn't
surprised when she didn't come home--"
   "She didn't come home?!" Lucky asked, alarmed. "She left hours ago."
   "Left where?"
   "Kelly's We--had an argument."
   "An argument?" Audrey asked, her anger increasing. "What kind of an
argument? What did you say to her?!"
   "Nothing!" Lucky snapped. He felt so scared all of sudden, and angrier
at Liz, for making him worry even more about her. "It was just an
argument! She left, and I thought she was going home-" His voice trailed
off and he stared at Audrey blankly.
   "I'm calling the police," Audrey said shortly, picking up the phone.
   "Wait!" Lucky shouted, grabbing her hand before she could dial.
   "What, Lucky? I have to call the police, she could be anywhere-"
   "She's in the kitchen," Lucky said, setting down the phone. "She got
hungry since she didn't have anything to eat at Kelly's, and she just
went downstairs to fix herself a snack. She'll be up any minute."
   Audrey assessed Lucky, then guided him gently back to the bed. "I'm
going to call the police," she said, careful to keep the harshness from
entering her voice. "Just sit here and wait, and then we'll go down to
the police station together." She dialed the police and told them the
situation. She sighed in relief and thanked the officer when they told
her they would start a search immediately. She hung up the phone and sat
beside Lucky. "I know you're worried about her," she said quietly, but
there was little sympathy on her voice. "Come on, let's go," she said and
left the room.
   Lucky was left alone in Liz's dark room. He sat on her bed, staring
with unseeing eyes at the carpet beneath his feet. He sat there for
several minutes until Audrey's voice floated up from downstairs, begging
him to hurry. He slowly stood and walked out the door and down the hall
to the stairs. He followed Audrey out the front door and made it to her
car before he finally broke down and cried.

Luke walked in the house and saw his wife and daughter on the floor
in front of the couch. ''Hey,'' he called, stepping further into the room.
     Laura looked up at him, her expression blank. ''I thought you were
coming home last night,'' she said sullenly.
     Luke looked to Lulu, who was coloring happily. ''Something
happened,'' he said quietly.
     ''What? Or are you going to lie to me about that too?''
     Luke sighed. ''Laura, I told you we'd talk about it in the
     ''It's morning now.''
     ''Not in front of Lu, okay?'' Luke watched his daughter fearfully.
He was afraid of the effects of her parents' fighting on her.
     Laura studied Luke's face for a moment, then nodded and picked her
daughter up. ''Come on Lulu, time for a nap.'' Lulu looked up and smiled,
then yawned. ''No one got much sleep last night,'' Laura commented.
     ''No,'' Luke agreed. ''I don't think anybody did.''
     He stood silently at the bottom of the stairs while Laura tucked
Lulu in. When she came downstairs he was still standing, staring at his
feet. ''Jason Morgan was murdered,'' he said.
     ''What?'' Laura asked, startled.
     ''Jason was murdered last night, at the club. That's why I didn't
come home.'' Laura stared at him, her mouth open. ''Mike found him. I
stayed the rest of the night upstairs with him. He really started to latch
on to that kid, you know?''
     Laura nodded. ''After Sonny left-''
     Luke sighed again. He didn't really want to get into this with his
wife now, but the look on her face last night was enough to convince him
that he had to. ''About Lucky-''
     Laura closed her eyes. ''Start from the beginning, Luke. I want to
know everything.''
     Luke felt the tears well in his eyes. ''I had too much to drink. I
knew it then, and I REALLY know it now.'' He paused, inhaling deeply. ''I
saw him behind the bar and I thought--I thought he was robbing me. I think
he did, actually.'' Laura said nothing, but sat on the couch, waiting
for him to continue. ''We started arguing, of course, and he tried to
leave, so I pulled a gun on him.'' Laura looked up, her expression
shocked. Luke continued before she could say anything. ''There were
no bullets in it, Laura.  I know because I emptied it in the car on the
way over. I didn't trust myself with a loaded weapon at that very
     Laura wrung her hands. ''What happened then?'' she asked miserably.
     ''I shot at him and he realized the gun wasn't loaded. He was mad,
but I think he was a little scared of me too.  Then he left.''
     ''What?'' Laura exclaimed. ''Just like that? He just walked out?
Without saying anything else?''
     ''Well, not exactly.'' Luke stared down at his feet. ''I told him if
he walked out I wouldn't let him back in.''
     ''What do you-''
     ''I forbid him to see his sister again, babe.''
     The color drained from Laura's face. She stared into her husband's
face, confusion, sympathy, and anger washing over her in turns. ''You
     Luke shook his head and spoke morbidly. ''He's given up his rights
to the Spencers, babe. He doesn't want to be a part of the family anymore,
so I just gave him what he wanted.  You should all be relieved.''
     ''Relieved? Relieved, Luke? You just threw away any chance we had of
reconciling with our son, and you want me to be RELIEVED?'' Laura stared
at Luke, the anger finally taking hold of her. Luke stared back silently,
beyond caring now.
     They both started when the phone rang. Laura looked at Luke for a
moment longer, then reached to answer the phone. ''Hello?'' she said as
pleasantly as she could manage. Luke watched his wife's expression turn
from anger to surprise. ''What happened?'' she asked nervously. ''Oh,
thank god, I thought maybe he did something-''
     She paused, listening for a moment. ''Of course, we'll be right
over.'' She hung up the phone and looked at Luke pointedly. ''Lucky's at
the police station,'' she said briskly, heading toward the stairs. ''He
wasn't arrested or anything,'' she added, noticing Luke's expression.
''Elizabeth Webber disappeared last night. He and Audrey have been at the
station for hours. Mac called to ask us to come pick him up.''
     Luke laughed bitterly. ''And you think he's going to come home with
     Laura exhaled angrily. ''The least we can do is be there for him,
Luke.  He's probably going nuts with worry.''
     Luke shook his head. ''The last people he wants to see now is us,
Laura. If anything, we'll make him feel worse.  Let him work this out on
his own.''
     Laura slung her purse over her shoulder and shot an angry glare at
her husband. ''My baby's friend, BEST friend, is missing and you expect to
sit back and let him work thing but for himself? I'm sorry, Luke. I don't
operate the way you do.'' She turned away from him, then looked back
again. ''I'm going to get Lulu. Could you start the car?'' Luke nodded
silently, and left the house without another word. Laura watched him leave
then turned and headed up the stairs.

     Lucky dozed in a chair at the police station, his head resting
against the chair back. He hoped that people thought he was sleeping more
heavily than he was. He didn't think he could handle a conversation with
anyone at that moment. He opened his eyes halfway and saw Detective
Garcia enter the room with Detective Taggert.
     Neither looked very happy.
     ''Making any headway?'' Mac asked as they sat down.
     Taggert shook his head. ''We don't think it was a mob job. Too
     Mac nodded. ''That's what I was thinking.''
     Lucky just stared at them, only slightly curious about what they
were talking about. He sat up quickly as he noticed his parents walk in.
''Well, there he is,'' Luke said loudly when he noticed Lucky.
     All eyes shifted to Lucky. Garcia looked surprised, and Taggert
scowled. ''What'd you do this time?'' he asked.

     Lucky said nothing. He had a sinking feeling in his gut that he
would leave. For the first time in his life, he actually wanted to be at
the police station. He looked angrily at his parents. ''Elizabeth is
missing. I'm not leaving until they find her.''
     Laura nodded, her strength to argue suddenly gone. ''Where's
Audrey?'' she asked, sitting beside her son.
     ''She left half an hour ago. She's not that interested in Elizabeth
anyway. She's just waiting for Sarah to come back.''
     Laura's jaw dropped. ''Lucky!'' she gasped.
     Lucky smiled tightly. ''At least she has an excuse to keep me away
from Liz now,'' he said bitterly. ''Besides the fact that my father is a
     The room fell silent. Now everybody was staring at Lucky. ''Lucky!''
Laura exclaimed again, looking around the room and shaking her head. ''You
could show your father a little more respect; after everything he's done
for you-''
     ''RESPECT?!'' Lucky shouted in a mixture of pain and rage. ''How can
you expect me to respect that--EXCUSE for a man?'' Lucky stood, his
body shaking with his rage. ''Did you respect him, Mom? After
you started dancing, and things heated up, and you told him to stop,
but he DIDN'T stop, and he threw you to the ground! And then when he
forced himself on you, and then MADE YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU LOVED
HIM! Did you RESPECT him then, Mom?!''
     Laura stared at Lucky in shocked silence. He stared back at her,
still trembling. ''Lucky-''
     ''No! I won't! I won't do that! I can't live a lie, Mom! Maybe you
can, but I CAN'T!''
     Luke watched the exchange between his wife and son wordlessly.
''Lucky, stop,'' he said quietly to his enraged son.
     ''STOP?! I'll stop!'' Lucky shouted. ''Why don't I stop living at
all? At least then I wouldn't have to WATCH you two-'' He turned his
attention to his mother again. ''I wouldn't have to watch YOU bow and
scrape to your RAPIST!'' He paused, wiping away tears he hadn't noticed
running down his cheeks. ''You've always been my idol, Dad. Maybe I'll
grow up to be just like you. Hey, maybe I'll go out tonight and rape
Elizabeth. Then I can be ensured a long HAPPY marriage!''
     ''No!'' Elizabeth exclaimed from the doorway.

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