Succumbing to the Pressure - 13

Liz was walking alone. It was weird, walking by herself at night. She was so used to Lucky being with her, 24-7. She wished that he would just talk to her. She could believe that after one STUPID mistake, he hated her. It couldn’t be true. After all they’d gone through. Everything they’d handled, he’d just drop her, like a bad habit. A whole month wihtout speaking to her. It felt like a lifetime. That’s when she saw. Her Lucky was hugging some strange, beautiful girl. She felt like her heart was breaking. She turned and fled, she couldn’t watch.
Lucky let go of her, holding her at arm’s length. “What the hell have you been up to?” He exclaimed.
Destiny laughed. “Oh, a little of this, a little of that. What about you partner? I seem to remember that you’re the one who lost touch, not me.” She put her hands on her hips and looked at him expectantly.
He hung his head. “Oh, well, a lot of stuff has happened recently. So how have you been?”
“Okay. Enough! Who are you?” Emily exclaimed, interupting Destiny.
Destiny and Lucky jumped. They had completely forgotten they were there. Destiny laughed at their confused expressions. “Oh, Emily, Nikolas, this is Destiny Jenkins.” Lucky told them.
Destiny pointed to herself and Lucky. “Our dads grew up together.”
[author’s note. This may not play into the GH Luke and Laura actual story, but, just play like it does. It fits good enough, hopefully]
Lucky smiled at his friend. “Yeah, when me and Mom and Dad went on the run we went with the Jenkins, and me and Des here were like this!” He crossed his fingers.
“Yeah, like two peas in a pod.” Destiny added. “And we kept in touch via e-mail until Lu Lu got sick. So what happened with that, huh?”
Lucky smiled. “She’s fine.”
“So, how’s the family?” Lucky asked.
Destiny’s face fell. “Well…”
Lucky put his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t tell me…” Destiny started to cry. “How, what happened?” Lucky asked, concerned.
“We went to the fair, and on the way home, I had to go to the bathroom. So they stopped at a Texaco. Next thing I know…” She breaks down in sobs and Lucky wraps her in a hug.
Nicholas freezes as a figure walks up. “My my. Nicholas, what a nice surprise. And is that Lucky?” Helena says.
Lucky jerks up, and Destiny looks at Helena. Her face hardens. “Well! If it isn’t Destiny Jenkins. My regards for your parents dear.”
Before Helena can finish the sentence Destiny lunges at her. “You BITCH! You killed my parents!!!” Lucky pries her off and Nikolas holds Helena.
“Helena, leave.” Nikolas growls at her.
“Why Nikolas, is that any way to speak to your grandmother?” Destiny looks in surprise at Nikolas. “And frankly, my dear Destiny. Car bombs? Really, I have much more class than that. Seems to me that your Mother, your Father, your sister and Brother, even your poor dear friend, were simply DESTINED to die. Doesn’t it DESTINY?” With that she walked haughtily off.
“Oh yeah Helena, way too low class for you! Your style is to cut their heart out right?” Lucky spat after her.
“Lucky dear, you’ve been listening to your father too much. Next he’ll be telling you how I did it with a spoon!”
Destiny tried to lung at her again but Lucky held on tight. She glared at Nikolas. “You’re related to that?”
Nicholas sighed. “Only by blood, and I pay for it every day.”
Liz walked into Luke’s room. She gasped when she saw Luke sitting up in bed and laughing with Bobby. “Oh Barbara Jean really!” He suddenly looked up. “Liz, hey darlin’!”
“Hey Mr. Spencer.”
“Girl, what did I tell you about that. Call me LUKE!!!” He laughed and patted the chair by his bed. She went and sat by him.
“Okay.. Luke. When did you wake up?”
Bobby answered. “Apparently last night, in the middle of the night, when Lucky SNUCK IN here!”
Luke laughed. Then he caught Liz’s sad expression. “Hey Barbara? Could you leave and let me and Liz here to talk, alone?”
Bobby sighed exasperatedly. “All right Luke!” Then she smiled and patted Liz’s head. “You take good care of him now.” Then she walked out.
Luke looked at Liz. “So, my boy still won’t talk to ya huh?” Liz looked at him surprised. “Yeah, I heard you when you came and talked to me.” He grasped her hand. “Liz I tried to get him to talk to you. All I could get was a maybe, but I’ll keep tryin darlin’. Trust me.”

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