Second Chance at Love - 12

Brenda sighed as she lay nestled in the warm waters of the bathtub, the
enormous bathtub in their honeymoon suite. It was in between the
enormous master bedroom and enormous master bath. In fact, the entire
suite was pretty enormous. Sonny was pouring them each a glass of
sparkling cider across the room.

He walked over toward the tub, smiling wickedly. Brenda reached out for
him as he knelt down beside her, handing her, her glass.

"Thank you, my husband," Brenda murmured softly.

Sonny laughed and brushed her slightly damp hair away from her face.
"You're welcome. How's your bath, sweetie?"

"It'd be better if you were in with me. . ." Brenda slid her hands under
the collar of his robe and pushed it off of his shoulders. Smiling
sexily and licking her lips, she wrapped her arms around his neck and
pulled him into the warm depths of the soapy, bubbly water.


Later in the day, they were lounging out by the public pool. Brenda lay
on a lounge chair, while Sonny sat on a chair next to her. She was
gazing at her wedding rings curiously.

"You never told me how you got your mother's ring back."

"Mike gave it to Jason, and Jason gave it to me," Sonny whispered

"What about the wedding band?" Brenda gazed at the thin, silver band
that was studded with diamonds. "It's so beautiful. How could you have
bought something so beautiful so quickly?"

"Like I said, while you picked out your wedding gown at the outlet
store? Well, I went down the street to Tiffany's-"

"What!?" Brenda interjected. "You mean you weren't on the other side of
the dressing room door while I tried things on?"

Sonny laughed and shook his head. "Not quite. Anyways, I went down the
street to Tiffany's and had to wait on this long line to be served
because the cruise ship had just came into port and-"

Brenda's eyes twinkled. "Oooh, a cruise. Honey, don't you think we
should take one of those too?"

"Do you want to hear the rest of the story or not?"

Brenda laughed. "Oh, right, right, sure, my bad. Go on."

"Anyways, after waiting in a long line, finally, a woman waited on me.
She quickly showed me the wedding bands section, and I picked out ours
and paid for them. I got back to the store just a few minutes after you
came out of the dressing room with your dress."

Brenda laughed and swatted him playfully. "You misled me!"

"Not quite."

Brenda pulled him onto the lounge with her and wrapped her arms around
his neck. She sighed.

"What does that mean?" Sonny asked.


"That sigh?"

"It means that I'm deliriously in love and deliriously happy and I never
want this day to end." Sonny smiled and Brenda leaned up to kiss his
dimples. "We only have one more day to ourselves," She whispered. "I
want to spend the rest of it making love to you in our room."

Sonny squeezed her tight, before pulling her up from the chair. Brenda
laughed and took his hand. "Let's go do that, baby," Sonny told her.


"Lois!? Hey! What's going on?" Brenda asked her friend excitedly.

"How's the honeymoon?" Lois wanted to know.

"Unbelievable." Brenda sighed. "I never want it to end. How're the kids,
have they driven you crazy yet? Can I talk to them?" She looked up as
Sonny exited the bathroom, a towel around his waist.

"Brenda?" Lois whispered. She bit her lip, not wanting to give her
friend such terrible news on the happiest day of her entire life.

"What, Lo? You something wrong?"

Sonny watched as Brenda's face turned white. The phone fell from her
hands and onto the floor. Brenda's body was shaking. Sonny rushed over
to her and knelt by the bed in front of her, taking her hands in his. He
picked up the phone.

"Lois? What happened?" As Lois told him, he looked up into his wife's
face. Tears were streaming down
them, her eyes wide with sadness and fear. Sonny nodded. "Alright, Lois,
thank you. No, no, we'll be on the next flight out. I love you too,
bye." Sonny hung up the phone. He looked into his wife's face. "Baby-"

"Hold me." She whispered through her tears. Sonny complied, pulling her
down onto the floor with him. "Don't ever let me go, okay? Please? Oh,
Sonny. . ."

"We'll find her," He whispered reassuringly into her ear as she wept. "I
promise you, we'll find her and bring her home."

Brenda looked up into his face. "It's my fault!"


"Yes! I left her alone. I couldn't even look at her when I gave birth to
her and now she's missing -" Brenda gasped for breath. "I never realized
how much I loved my little girl until this very moment! We have to find

"We will, honey," Sonny kissed the tip of her nose. "I promise."

"I don't care what Bren says when we find Alex I'm taking Jax out."
Jason said as he paced Brenda's living room.

"Jase, calm down and stop pacing before you wear a hole in Bren's
floor."  Carly advised from her spot on the couch where she was curled
up with Spencer.

"Coffee anyone?" Lois asked coming in from the kitchen.

"I'll have some." Carly said reaching for a steaming cup.

"No thanks Lo." Jason said, sitting on the steps and looking around.
"When's Julia coming?"

"About two hours."

"What about Bren and Sonny?"

"Sonny called about an hour ago from the air.  They were just taking
off.  Bren says thank you for sending your plane to get Julia."

"The least I could do."

"What are you talking about?"

"C'mon Lois.  This is my fault.  I gave my word to Brenda a long time
ago that I'd never let anything happen to Alex and I blew it."

"Jason this isn't your fault.  Brenda won't blame you."

"Lois's right.  She'll blame herself."

"She shouldn't.  It's not her fault."

"It's not yours either baby." Carly said softly.  "Just like it wasn't
your fault that Michael was kidnapped all those years ago."

"Carly that's completely different."

"Is it? The way I see it, it's basically the same.  Only this time
there's a whole new family to blame instead of blaming the

"Yeah now we get to blame the Jacks' family."

"Great we just trade one crazy family for another." Jason said wryly.

"I hope Bren's okay." Lois commented after a moment of silence.

"Me too."


Brenda leaned her head against Sonny's shoulder and felt his cheek rest
on top of her head.  They held hands on the arm rest and Brenda smiled
slightly as her rings caught the light.

"You okay baby?" Sonny whispered.

"No.  My daughter is with strangers who call themselves her family, who
hate her mother with a passion because she left their goldenboy to be
with the man she really loved, and I might never see her again."

"Don't talk like that.  You'll see her again, I promise.  We'll find her
and we'll bring her home and we'll raise her together. I promise."

"I hope you're right."

"I am."

Sonny had his arm wrapped around Brenda as he gazed out the window of
the jet. She was sleeping soundly, her other hand laced through his, her
face nestled within his neck. He kissed the top of her head, whispering
softly in her ear, "I love you baby. I'm going to protect you,
sweetheart. And all of your children."

Here is my hand for you to hold
There's a part of me that cannot [be] sold
I wandered far, I had my fill
But I need you now
Do you love me still?

Only you have seen
The hidden part of me
Call me foolhardy if you will
I love you when
Do you love me still?

So many smiles and eyes surround me
Empty expectations, faceless fears
Sometimes this life is a bitter pill
I love you now
Do you love me still?

Sonny looked up as a flight attendant came down the aisle with her cart.
She stopped next to he and Brenda and smiled at her sleeping on his

"Can I get something for you and your lovely wife?"

Sonny nodded. "Can I have a water and a warm tea please?" The woman
smiled and complied. Sonny thanked her and placed the drinks on the fold
out table. He looked back down at his beautiful wife. God, his *wife*.

You have been mine since time untold
Our love is immortal
Don't you know?
Others will come and they will go
But I love you young,
I love you old

Brenda stirred softly and whimpered. She looked up sleepily, straight
into the most trusting, loving brown eyes she had ever seen. "It feels
so good to wake up with you next to me," Brenda murmured softly.

Sonny leaned down and kissed her lips. "I got you a tea, here you go."

Brenda smiled and thanked him, taking a small sip. "That's pretty good,
for airplane food." She set the tea cup down and nuzzled back into
Sonny's arms. "It's so peaceful," She noticed.

Sonny nodded. "Long flight."

Brenda looked into his face and smiled again.

Only you have seen
The other side of me
Call me naive, I think you will
But I love you then
Do you love me still?

Here are the eyes
That only see you
Here's the mouth
That only calls your name
Here is a sword
That cannot kill
I love you now
Do you love me still?

Brenda leaned up to kiss his lips. "For these few moments? I feel truly
happy, Sonny. Despite everything. I love you for making that possible."

Sonny kissed her neck. "I just love you," He murmured against her sweet
skin. "Hmm. What's that perfume you're using?"

"Pear Glaze, from Victoria's Secret, baby. I use the shower gel too."

"That's that green stuff you had by the sink?"

Brenda nodded, laughing. "I stopped going to the body shop because
Vicky's has such better soaps. The scents are unbelievable."

"Your scent is unbelievable," Sonny pulled her closer to him. "I love
everything about you."

Brenda sighed happily. "Everything's going to be okay. As long as we're
in each others arms, we'll be okay. As long as I can hold you, Sonny, I
know I'll get through this. What ever the outcome."

Sonny took her face in his hands. "You'll have your happy ending,
Brenda. *I* won't have it any other way."

"Hey Jason I think Bren and Sonny just pulled up." Lois shouted into the
kitchen. She peered out the window.  Yeah it was Sonny and Brenda. She
watched them walk up to the house hand in hand.  Brenda carried a small
overnight bag and Sonny carried a suitcase.  She went to the door and
pulled it open to greet them.

"Hey Lo." Brenda said softly.

"Aww Sweetie c'mere." Lois wrapped her arms around her friend and gave
her a hug.  "How ya doing?"

"Been better."

"How was the honeymoon?"

"Pretty good for the most part."

"Good I'm glad.  Hi Sonny."

"Hey Lois." Sonny gave her a hug.

"Where's Jason?"

"Right here." Jason said coming out of the kitchen.  "Hey guys."

"Where are the kids?"

"Carly took them to the PC Hotel to see Julia."

"Good, good.  Did you send a guard?"





"Why don't you go sit down?  I'm gonna take the bags upstairs.  Then
I'll come back down."


"Here Sonny gimme one of the bags.  I'll help." Lois said reaching for
the overnight bag and the two went upstairs.  Brenda went over to the
couch and sat down. Jason sat down beside her.



"It's not your fault."

"Not yours either."


"She blames herself." Sonny told Lois.

"Jason blames himself." Lois replied.

"It's not his fault."

"It's not her fault."

"I tried telling her that but she blames herself for abandoning her."

"She didn't abandon her. She didn't think that she could raise and love
her the way she does Morgan and Scorpio."

"She does love her, ya know."

"I know.  I'm just glad she knows it too."

"Me too."


"What are you thinking about?" Sonny asked as he and Brenda lay in bed
that night after getting the kids settled in Morgan's room, Lois and
Brooke in Scorpio's room, and sending Carly, Jason, Spencer, and Michael
home for the night.

"Truth?" she said softly.


"The first time I met Jax.  I wish I'd know then what I know now."

"Baby it's not gonna change anything to think like that."

"I know.  I remember Ned telling me about his and Jerry's M.O.  How one
of them would cause some huge scene while the other one moved in on
their target....." Brenda's voice trailed off.

"Bren?  What is it?"

"That's it.  I know how they got Alex."

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