Crime in Port Chuckles - 2
The Scene

 Nikolas looked at his brother, shocked, "Oh my god, is that Lucky?"
    Brenda said, "Yeah, yeah, that's him, anyway, SOMEONE TOOK MY PURSE!"
    Jax shook his head, "Oh all the injustice..." he goes to Mac, "I DEMAND
    you have someone take care of this immediately!"
    Taggert went to Jason, "Well, well, Quarter-brain, you wouldn't happen
    to be as into purse stealing and dadio is of pill popping, huh?"
    Emily looked at all the people, shocked, "I can't believe you people!"
    Robin stepped in, "Emily's right... Jason didn't do anything.  He's pure
    and good!  He is because I, the pure one, says so!"
    Emily shook her head, "I meant Luck-"
    Lucky was lying on the floor, barely concious, "Uh... hello.... I'm
    dying here!"
    Brenda rolled her eyes, "It's always about *you*, isn't it Lucky?  What
    about ME?"
    Lizzie entered the back room. "I got here late, what's going..." She
    stops when she see Lucky on the floor and gasps, "Lucky!  Are you all
    Lucky replies, "Lizzie, I love you, but I'm lying on the floor with stab
    wounds in my stomach and I'm still on a caffine rush... what do you
    Lizzie says, "Well SORRY!  Anyway, did anyone call an ambulance?"
    "We don't have time for that now!" screamed Jax, "Brenda's purse is
    missing and I want to know who did it NOW!  If you don't, you'll be
    sorry! Come on, I got money!"
    Lizzie shakes her head, "What is wrong with you peo-"
    "Forget it, Liz, I tried that.  You call an ambulence, I'll see if I
    can find a doctor in the house."
    Nikolas said, "I'll go with you, Emily."
    Robin stops him, "But Nikolas, this is a rough time for me... Won't you
    kiss up to me?  BUT NO KISSING.  I'm with the love of my life, Jason."
    Nikolas shakes his head, "Please, this isn't the time!"
    Nikolas follows Emily out and Robin pouts.  Now Jason definitely wonders
    why he's with her.
    Then, Jax comes up to him and says, "Come on, Morgan, fess up.  SONNY
    "Jax... go away, you're wasting air."
    "Robin, this is obviously apart of Jason's mob lifestyle," said Mac,
    "Now, see, you should get away from him while you still can!"
    "Uncle Mac, why won't you let me LIVE!  I want to LIVE!  I want to
    LOVE!" Robin cries out.
    Mac shakes his head, "Okay, this is the part of the conversation where
    I get confused.... I do want you to live and I do want you to love, I
    just don't want it to be with Jason because it... will.... get....
    you.... killed."
    Brenda starts crying, "Why isn't anyone paying attention to me!?  I'm
    the victem of a hanous crime!"
    Lucky says, "Hello!  I've just been stabbed!  I'm bleeding to death!"
    Brenda rolls her eyes, again, "Would you STOP talking about yourself?...
    *sniff*  I wish Sonny were here!"
    Jax looks at her, "Why do you say that, me love???"
    "Uh... uh... I love you!  He means nothing to me!  I would never go back
    to him.... unless we were under life and death circumstances, remember
    the cave? uh.... NOBODY LEAVES!"
    Jax seems unshaken when Brenda starts crying.  Finally, he goes down
    and comforts her, "Oh there, there...  How can I make it all better?"
    "Well... I know there isn't a couch here, but..." Brenda looks at him
    with wide eyes.  Jax grins and they start having sex on the floor right
    next to Lucky's dying body.
    Lucky can hear their moans and mutters... why was no one stoping them?
    More importantly, why did no one, but Emily, Lizzie and Nikolas, seem
    to care he was dying?
    Finally, Joe Scanlon enters, wearing a big coat.  "Someone call for a
    "A doctor... for what?" asks Taggert.
    "Help..." Lucky cries, weekly.  Joe goes over to him.  He notices J&B
    and it reminds him of him and Karen.  Anyway, Nikolas and Emily come in.
    Nikolas asks, "Doctor, won't you need a medical bag or something?"
    Joe laughs, "Please, who needs a hospital bag or hospital equipment when
    you have..." Joe rips off his coat to reveal he's tool belt,
    "CONSTRUCTION TOOLS!"  Joe takes out a drill and starts it.  "Don't
    worry, Lucky, you won't feel a thing....  except a heck of a lot of

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