The Past Becomes Known in the Present - 5

Lucky and Emily lay on Lucky’s hospital bed sifting through a pile of
rented movies, deciding which to watch.  Emily threw her hands up in
frustration, “Why can’t we watch The Craft?  I love that movie!”  Lucky
grimaced, “It was cool the first time, but after that it becomes a chick
flick.”  “Chick flick!”  Emily looked outraged,  she punched Lucky in
the arm, “So what would you like to watch?”  Lucky threw a few videos
aside, “I don’t know, what about Leaving Las Vegas?  I heard it was
pretty good.”  Emily nodded, “Alright.”  She jumped off the bed and
shoved the tape into the VCR.  She climbed back on the bed and lay on
her stomach beside Lucky’s legs. “No fair,” He protested, “You get to
sit comfortably, while I’m stuck sitting in proper hospital bed
position.”  Emily giggled, “Poor baby.”  Lucky shot her a withering
glance, “What is this stuff anyway?” He asked tugging on his IV.  Emily
shrugged, “Nutrients I guess, you were malnourished remember?”  Lucky
shuddered, still tugging on the tube.  Suddenly it came out of his arm,
and dangled on the blanket. “Oops,” giggled Lucky mildly.  Emily looked
shocked, “Did you do that on purpose?”  Lucky shook his head “Naw, but
now I can sit however I want.”  He got up and lay on his stomach next to
Emily.  She grinned at him, and he grinned back.  Their eyes locked into
each other’s and they lay in silence.  Suddenly Emily turned her head,
face turning pink.  Lucky smiled at the back of her head.   Emily looked
back at him, but Lucky was intent on the tv screen.  She shook her head
and turned her attention to the movie.

Laura sat in her living room, rocking Leslie Lu.  She remembered her
encounter with Helena in the cafeteria. “What does she want from us this
time?” Leslie Lu stirred and Laura looked down at her daughter.  Laura
knew that in return for Nikolas’s bone marrow, Helena expected Laura to
keep Luke away from Nikolas.  But this game, Helena kept referring to,
what did it mean?  Laura took her sleeping daughter upstairs and put her
to bed, and uneasy feeling growing in the pit of her stomach.

Emily stretched as the static filled the screen. “That is the best
movie.” She declared happily.  Lucky shook his head, “I can’t believe I
let you watch The Craft.  I’m such a sucker.”  Emily giggled, “Point
being?”  She smirked mischievously at him.  Lucky reached behind him and
bopped her on the head with his pillow.  “Ow!!!!” Emily shrieked.
“Alright, That’s it!”  She ripped the pillow out of his hands and whacked
him over the head.  He lunged at her and the two wrestled back and
forth.  Emily, being much smaller than Lucky, was easily pinned, arms
above her head.  “Alright, alright, uncle!!!!” She gave up.  Lucky
stared down at her, steadily, not blinking.  Emily looked up at him, she
pulled her arm out of his grasp and ran her finger along the bruise on
his cheek.  She placed her hand on his cheek.  Lucky leaned down and
brushed a light kiss against her cheek.  Emily smiled at him,  and he
leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.  “Lucas Spencer!”
barked Bobbie,  “What do you think you are doing?”  The two teens jumped
apart, faces flushing.  “Visiting hours ended four hours ago.” She
scolded, and slight grin on her face.  Emily stood up, “I guess I’d
better be going.”  She picked up her purse and then the movies, “I’ll
return these tomorrow morning.”  She turned to walk out the door and
paused.  She turned around and stared at Lucky.  Suddenly, she dashed
towards the bed an gave Lucky a long kiss. “Alright Romeo,” Bobbie
smiled, “Get some rest.” She walked out the door, head shaking.  Emily
and Lucky broke apart, laughing.  “Do you think we gave her a heart
attack?” Lucky joked.  Emily grinned, “I’ll come by after school.  See
ya Romeo!” She giggled.  She left the room, and Lucky turned off the
T.V.  The room was engulfed in darkness. He slowly got out of bed and
walked over to the window.  The events of the night, had left him
breathless.  He grinned,  his ribs hurt from the pillow fight, and his
breathing was a little hoarse, but he could care less.  He stared up at
the moon.  “Good night Juliet.” He whispered.

Alexis and Ned walked along the docks, staring out at the water.  Alexis
rubbed her forehead.  “You’ve been quiet all night, what’s wrong?”
Alexis sighed, “Helena’s sending me to Jakarta to monitor ELQ, and
Stefan’s business.  I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, it could be
months, even years.” Ned stopped walking, “You’re leaving,  for
good???”  Alexis shook her head, tears filling her eyes. “What choice do
I have.  If I don’t,  it’s my life on the line.  Either way, I’m leaving
you and I’m miserable.”  Ned pulled her into a hug.  “You can’t get rid
of me that easily.” Alexis pulled back and stared at him bewildered,
“What do you mean?”  Ned stared out over the water, “I’m saying,  I’ll
go with you.  I have business in Jakarta,  I’ll relocate.”  Alexis
looked shocked, “You’d ... you’d do that for me?”  Ned flashed her a
charming smile.  “Anything for you.  When do we leave?”

Laura surveyed the small private room Lucky had been moved to.  He lay
asleep on the bed, surprisingly quiet through the whole ordeal.  “Just a
few more days, and we’re out of here,” she thought to herself.  She
started as Bobbie came in, coffee in hand.  Bobbie handed Laura a cup
and she smiled at her tentatively,  “How is he?”  Laura turned to face
her, “He’s getting better everyday.  He’ll be able to leave soon.”
Laura turned back to the window.  “How is Luke?”  “He spends a lot of
time with Lulu, he only comes here when Lucky’s asleep, they don’t want
to deal with the past until Lucky’s fully healthy again.  Upsetting him
cold only cuase a relapse.”  Bobbie nodded.  “Well, my shift’s up, I’m
going home.  I think he’s out for the night, do you want a ride.”  “Yes
thanks.” Laura breathed gratefully.  Hospitals were beginning to sicken
her, she was as anxious ot leave as possible.

Later that night,  around 1 or 2 am.  Luke crept into Lucky’s hospital
room.  He stood in the doorway and watched his son breathe.  The
moonlight lay across Lucky’s face, giving him a young innocent look.
Luke sat down in the chair across from Lucky and stared intently at his
chest.  It was rising and falling rhythmically, a slightly hoarse sound
to it, but that too was diminishing.  Lucky moaned in his sleep and Luke
began to get up. Lucky opened his eyes, and brought his hand up to his
face, he stared at Luke intently.  “What are you doing here?” He asked.
Luke cleared his throat nervously, “I just wanted to make sure you were
alright.”  Lucky’s eyes filled with tears, “Did you care if mom was
alright that night Dad, huh?’ He hissed.  “What makes you care this
time?”  Luke stood up, “I can see we’re not ready for this, we need more
time to cool off.  I’ll come back some other time.”  “Don’t bother.” his
son said coldly.  Luke turned and walked out of the room, defeated.

Lucky got out of bed, untangling the IV that was supposed to be plugged
into his arm.  It was like a warden to him, confining him to that bed
and he’d have none of it.  He crept onto the windowsill and sat, staring
up at the sky.  He had to get out of here, he needed to see Emily.

Alan and Edward and AJ all stormed off in separate directions,  to their
respective rooms.  A fight, this one much louder than usual, had
erupted in the middle of supper and continued into the wee hours of the
next morning.  Emily had crouched on the stairs and listened to her
relatives blast each other over trivial EL business.  She rubbed her
forehead, “This house is a war zone,”  she muttered to herself.  She stood
up as Edward stormed across the foyer, he glanced up at her angrily,
“Eavesdropping is not a very becoming habit,” He snapped at her.  Emily
bit her lip, “I’m sorry Grandfather..” she began.  “Not another word!”
bellowed Edward.  Emily’s eyes filled with tears,  “I can’t handle this
anymore.” she said.  She ran up the stairs and into her room.  She
slammed her bedroom door and leaned against it, gasping for air.
Suddenly she strode across the room to the window.  She felt around on
top of the window ledge and found what she was looking for:  the last
joint Matt had given her in the hospital, the day before he died.  Tears
spilled over her cheeks.  She dropped the joint on the floor as her
hands began to shake.  “I .. can’t.. I ...” She picked it up and put it
between her lips, she fished around in her bag for a lighter.  She
climbed out onto the roof to keep her room smelling normal.  She lit the
joint.  Suddenly, the phone rang, causing her to drop it.  She watched,
half in despair, half in relief as it rolled down the roof and into the
eaves trough.  She climbed back into the room and picked up the phone.
“Em?  It’s me,  meet me  on the docks in an hour.”

Lucky hung up the phone and sat back on the bed.  This was going to take
all his creative juices, which had been rather dulled lately.  He
glanced around the room.  His backpack and clothing were in the closet.
He pulled on his jeans and sweater, picked up his bag and walked over to
the window.  A large, branchy tree stood a short distance from his
window. “Thank-you to the grounds people,” muttered Lucky.  He opened the
window, and removed the screen.  He climbed over the edge on the window
and out on the hospital ledge.  One small step and he was on his way
down the tree.  He stumbled a little as he landed with a hard thud on
the lawn.  He broke into a painful cough and leaned against the wall of
the hospital.  Soon he steadied himself and headed towards the dock.  He
didn’t where he was going after that, but first he had to say good-bye to
a few friends, starting with Nikolas.

Lucky stood on the dock of Spoon Island,  staring up at the huge house
on the cliff.  He took a deep breath and began to climb the stairs.  He
didn’t know what possessed him to come to Nikolas, except that Nikolas
had helped to save his life.  And, Lucky thought to himself, he was his
brother.  “Did I just think that?” He muttered out loud to himself.  He
shook his head.  He stopped at the top of the stairs.  Lucky surveyed
all the entrances to the house, nearest to Nikolas’s room.  He knew
that Stefan would never let him in the house if he knocked.  But was he
ready to climb up to the second floor, was he in good enough shape after
the accident?  Lucky sat down on the grass.  A funny feeling washed over
him,  he suddenly felt no urge to go into the house.  “Is Nikolas
outside somewhere on the island?” Lucky asked himself.  He decided to
try the stables.  Within a few minutes Lucky had reached the large
stable which was well lit.  Lucky crossed his fingers, “Let’s hope this
is him.”   He pushed the door open and saw Nikolas grooming Sheeba
lovingly in her stall.  “Hey, I thought you had people to do that for
you?” Lucky questioned innocently, “We wouldn’t want your royal hands
dirtied at all.”  Nikolas stiffened at Lucky’s voice. “I enjoy grooming
horses, it’s relaxing.  What do you want?” He asked coldly.  Lucky
sighed, he had gotten off on the wrong foot again. He held up his
hands.  “Look, I’m sorry.  That was dumb of me to say.” He suddenly felt
light headed and sat down on a bale.  Nikolas was immediately concerned,
“Why aren’t you in the hospital?   Do your parents know you’re here?”
Lucky shook his head, “I can’t stay in Port Charles anymore.  My father
and I had a bit of a .... falling out so to speak.  I have to leave.”
Nikolas furrowed his brow, “But what about Laura? And Lulu?”  Lucky
looked almost guilty for a moment, “Laura, she doesn’t understand, she’s
on Luke’s side. And Lulu, well,  I’m going to admit it to you, it’s
tearing me up inside to leave her.  But I don’t know what else to do.
All I know is there’s nothing in Port Charles for me anymore.”  Nikolas
nodded, “I guess whatever happened was pretty serious. “ Nikolas had
never heard Lucky refer to his parents in such a cold distant manner.
Lucky nodded slightly.  “So where are you going to go?” Nikolas asked.
Lucky shrugged, “I don’t know, wherever.  I was thinking of going to see
Sly, maybe crash with him for a while.”  “How will you get around?”
Lucky held up his passports and money.  “The first night I ran away, I
intended to go to Switzerland.  Ever since Em and I ran away, I’ve
stashed a couple of our old aliases and passports in my school bag, so I
had them ready for me to use.”  Nikolas shook his head, Lucky had
everything all figured out. “So what are you doing here?”  Lucky looked
at the ground, “I .... I ... came to say good-bye.”  “To me??” Nikolas
was shocked. Lucky nodded, “You helped save my life,  you saved Lulu’s
life.  I don’t know.  I felt like I owed you.  And, I think I wanted
to.”  Nikolas restrained a grin, “What do you want me to tell Laura and
Luke if they come here looking for you.”  Lucky laughed, “They won’t.
This is the last place they think I’d come.  But if they do,  just deny
I was here.”  He started to leave, “Lucky wait!”  Lucky turned around.
“Will you send me a postcard or something sometime, so.. so I know
you’re okay?”  Lucky looked at Nikolas steadily.  He nodded,  “I’ll let
you know.”  And with that, he was gone.

Liz stared at the phone as she hung up.  Relief was flooding over her in
waves.  Detective Garcia had found the rapist.  Liz gulped in air, her
torment was over, she’d no longer have to glance behind her shoulder all
the time.  The rapist had been a serial rapist, on the run from
California.  The question laying on her mind was if she was to testify.
Her therapist suggested that she just enter her statement as evidence.
Could she handle the trauma of reliving that night?  She didn’t think
so.  Liz shook her head, it was behind her.  She started as a tapping on
her window shook her out of her deep thoughts.  She ran to the window,
“Lucky!”  She opened the window and let him into her room.  She took his
backpack from him and set it next to the bed as he flopped on it.
“What are you doing here so late?”  Lucky rubbed his forehead. “I came to
say good-bye..... I have to leave Port Charles.  I’m going to visit Sly
in Canada for a while.”  Liz couldn’t believe her ears, “You’re leaving
... now?  Why?”  Lucky shook his head, “It’s a long story, I have to get
a way for a while, and I figured I’d go visit a long lost friend.
Listen don’t tell my parents if they come asking.”  “They’re the ones
your running from aren’t they?” Liz asked seriously.  Lucky stared at
the ceiling, “I’m not running, I ..... it’s complicated Liz.  I need a
break.”  Liz nodded, “I won’t say a word.”  She stared at her hands. “On
a lighter note, Taggart and Garcia caught the rapist.  His name’s
something O’Connoll.  He’s on the run from California.  And I don’t have
to testify, I don’t think.”  Lucky gave her shoulder a quick squeeze.
“That’s great Liz, I’m happy for you.” He stared at the clock on her
dresser, fifteen minutes till he had to meet Em, “Well Liz, I gotta
split.  I’ll contact you soon, I promise.”  He leaned over and gave her
a kiss on the cheek. “Say bye to Sarah for me.”  He climbed out the
window, and shimmied down the drainpipe, and into the darkness.

Emily stood on the docks, shivering as the late night wind cut through
her thin jacket.  She checked her watch for the third time.  Lucky
should be here any minute, she thought to herself, then I can smack him
for dragging me out here in the middle of the night.  Her anger soon
faded though as she remembered the kiss in the hospital.  She rubbed her
arms, in anticipation.  She looked across the water at Spoon Island, all
the lights at the mansion were off.  But the stables were still lit and
shone across the water.  She wondered what Nikolas was up to at this
late hour.  She grinned exasperated, probably rearranging the tack room,
Nikolas was a perfectionist when it came to Sheeba.  Suddenly she heard
a noise behind her.  She whirled around, right into the arms of Lucky.
“It’s a little cold out here isn't’ it?” He grinned.  She flashed a
bright smile at him, “I was just thinking the same thing.”  She leaned
her head against his warm shoulder as he breathed in the smell of her
hair.  She pulled away from him, and gave him a light kiss on the lips.
“Not what was so important that you dragged me out here in the middle of
the night huh?”

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