Obsession - 2

Brenda's house
Late afternoon.
 Brenda had just gotten back from her run.  She winced slightly as her sore
muscles complained.  Ever since she had found out she was Immortal she had spent
nearly every free minute fencing with Aaron or working out at the gym on her
own.  Her body wasn't used to this kind of strain and it told her so.  Or did
for a while at least, in no time at all the soreness will be gone and she'll be
ready to start it all over again.  She had to admidt though all this exercise
was having a definite effect on her body.  Gone was the last of her babyfat and
her muscle tone was becoming leaner and more defined.
 Brenda got a bottle of water from the kitchen and sat down on the couch.  The
case that held her sword was on the table in front of her.  She opened it and
ran her index finger down the blade.  <Can I do this?>  She asked herself.  It
was one thing to talk about killing someone, but to actuallty do it.  It wasn't
just the idea of taking someone's life that bothered her.  It was the whole
package.  Knowing that she's going to outlive everyone she knows, they're going
to grow old and she isn't.  Knowing that in just a few short years she's going
to have to leave Port Charles, leave everyone she's come to care about before
someone notices that she isn't getting any older.
 She was glad she had to Robin here with her.  If she didn't have her little
sister to help sort this whole thing out she probably would have gone crazy by
now.  But she couldn't help but be a little sad about the situation.  <Why Me?
Why not her?  Why am I going to live forever and not Robin?>  Her thoughts were
interrupted by the sound of Robin coming down the stairs.
 Taking a look at her friend Robin laughs.  "Can you walk yet or do you need me
to help you get around again?"
 Brenda started laughing too.  "I'm fine.  Almost as good as new."
 Robin sat down next to her and snatched the water bottle from Brenda's hand and
took a drink.  "So, when is Jax supposed to get back?"
 Brenda took the water back from Robin. "The day after tomorrow I think."
 "How's the plan to get him back coming."
 "The plan is on hold...for now." Brenda said a little disappointed.  "I've got
other things to worry about at the moment.  Like staying alive."  Robin started
to giggle.  "Hey!  I said it was on hold.  I'm not giving up yet.  I am going to
get him back."
 "But you don't have him yet, do you?  So that means you're free tonight."
Robin got up and grabbed Brenda's arm and pulled her off the couch.  "So you
march right upstairs and put on the best dress you can find because we are going
out.  But first you need to take a shower because girl you stink."  Robin held
her nose and Brenda started laughing.  The two women walked arm and arm up the
stairs still laughing.

Aaron and Terry's.

 Mac sat on the couch while Detective Taggert walked around the living room
studing it.  Aaron came into the room, he had left for a moment to go and put a
shirt on.  "Now what exactly can I do for you Commissioner?"  Aaron sat directly
in front of Mac and stared into his eyes.
 "We've never actually met but I have heard some things about you from my niece
Robin."  Mac said unaffected by Aaron's intense gaze.  "That's one of the
reasons I decided to come to you with this."  Signaling to Taggert, Mac held out
his hand for the sword they brought with them.  "Robin said that you used to
deal in antiques.  I was wondering what can tell me about this."  He layed the
sword on the table in front of Aaron.
 "It's a sword."  Aaron said flatly.
 "Yeah well we know that,"  Taggert said.  "What else can you tell us about it?"
 Aaron sighed and picked it up.  "May I?" he said before opening the plastic the
sword was wrapped in.  Mac and Taggert watched as he examined the blade for a
few moments and then set it back down.  "It's a Toledo."
 "Toledo?" Mac enquired.
 "A Toledo Salamanca."  Aaron explained.  "One of the finest swords ever made.
They're very rare and worth a small fortune.  Whoever this belongs to is a very
rich man."
 "Yeah well not any more."  Taggert said moving behind him.  "The man who owns
this sword was murdered the other night.  Do you know a man named Eric Regan?"
 "No I don't."
 "Where's your wife at Mr Grey?" Taggert asks changing the subject.
 "My Wife?"  Aaron says momentarily confused by his intrest.  "My wife is
alsleep and I'd appreciate it if you kept your voice down Detective.  I don't
want you waking her up."
 "Perhaps your wife knows Eric Regan."  Taggert says trying to push Aaron.
 "No. She doesn't."
 "Are you sure.  I mean wives have all kinds of friends they're husbands don't
know about."
 Aaron was about to say something when Mac got up and spoke.  "Thank you Mr Grey
for your help."  He looked at Taggert who picked up the sword and started for
the door.  "I'm sorry if we disturbed you."
 "Not at all Commissioner.  I'm glad I could be of assisstance."  He closed the
door behind them and leaned against it.  Running his hand over his beard he
thought.  <What the hell was that about?!?>

An abandoned factory

 The two figures danced and weaved as each attempted to inflict a fatal blow on
the other.  Finally one of them made a mistake, her blade came up a little too
far and a little too fast.  The other smiled as his opponent stumbled off
balance and he quickly took advantage.  He made a couple of fast cuts and his
foe slumped to one knee.  Drawing back the sword he intoned, "There can be only
one." and brought the weapon down in a two handed stroke.
 Inside the building a lightning storm erupted.  The man screamed as the power
assualted him and he fell to his knees.  Then as suddenly as it started it was
over.  He pulled himself up and began to brush off his clothes.  Running his
hands through his hair Mr Murty left the building.


That evening.

 Mariah sat at the bar having a glass of the house's own and smoking a
cigarette.  It was early yet but the club was already filling up.  She saw Emily
Quartermaine come in and waved her over.  Emily had been coming to Nightshade
for well over a year.  Sometimes with friends, sometimes by herself and after a
couple months Mariah introduced herself to her.  Mariah's opinion of mortals was
well known among the others but there was something about this girl she couldn't
help but like.  Now no matter how busy the club was Mariah always made time for
her and Emily to talk during her visits.
 "Hello Emily."  Mariah said in an accent that Emily couldn't place.  It was
definately European but she just couldn't pindown from where.  "Don't you look
lovely this evening.  Let me see."  She up from the bar to get a better look at
Emily's outfit.  She wore a black mini-dress with black stockings and heels,
over the dress she was wearing Jason's black leather jacket.  The only bit of
color was her red lipstick.  "Very nice."  She said kissing Emily's cheeks.
 "Thanks." Emily said sitting on a stool next to Mariah.  The bartender placed a
club soda in front of her without her even ordering it.  "The place is going to
be packed tonight."  She said taking a sip of her drink and looking around the
 "Yes.  It's going to be a good night."  Mariah said sipping her own drink.
"Now tell me.  How are you doing?"  For the next hour she and Emily talked while
the club filled up and came to life.  Mariah listened as Emily told her what
crisis the family was involved in this week and Emily listened as Mariah
complained about liquor deliveries and health inspections.
 Brenda and Robin walked into the club.  Although it's been open for a few years
neither one can remember ever coming here before.  They looked around the room.
The dance floor was packed, music blaring from the sound system.  They spotted
Emily sitting at the bar with an exotic-looking woman.  Emily just started
laughing when the girls approached.
 Seeing Mariah look over her shoulder, Emily turned around.  "Robin!  Brenda!"
she cried as she got off her stool and the three women hugged.  "You guys,
there's someone I want you to meet."  She turned back around to Mariah.  "Robin.
Brenda.  This is Mariah.  She owns this place."
 Across the room in one the back booths a dark man watches the scene.  <Careless
Aaron.  Careless Theresa.  Letting your kittens stray.>

 Mariah takes Robin's and Brenda's hands in turn.  "Good evening, ladies.
Welcome to Nightshade.  I certainly hope you will have a good time tonight."
 "Don't worry.  In this place how could anyone not have a good time."  Brenda
 Mariah was about to say something when a young woman with blonde hair came up
to her.  "Yes Traci, what is it?"
 Traci moved closer to Mariah so the others couldn't hear.  "We have a problem
in back."
 Turning her head to look Mariah's face went hard and she whispered into Traci's
ear.  "Find Derek."  Turning her attention back to Emily and her friends Mariah
said, "I'm sorry but I have a minor problem that needs fixing."  She got up off
her stool.  "Emily don't forget to say goodbye before you leave."  Then she went
in back to deal with an unwanted guest.
 She walked up to the dark man in the booth.  Her face filled with scorn and
disgust.  "You are not wanted here.  Leave."
 "Or what?" the man said.
 "Or I'll make you leave."  The man at looked up and saw Derek and two Enforcers
standing before him.  He could see the rage rising within Derek.  "You're not
going to be asked again."
 Deciding now was not the time for a confrontation the man got up to leave.  As
he started walking toward the door Derek grabbed his shoulder.  "Remember this.
If you ever come back here again.  You won't walk out."  Derek tightened his
grip.  "Do you hear me, Aris?"
 "I hear you Derek."
 Mariah and Derek watched as the two Enforcers escorted Aris out of the club.
Mariah turned to Derek.  "What the hell is that bastard doing here?"  she asked
getting angrier by the second her eyes turning gold.
 "We both know why he's here."  Derek said placing his hands on Mariah's
shoudlers trying to calm her down.  Sitting her down in one the booths he
watched as she slowly calmed down, her eyes changing back to their normal blue.
"I think you should tell Terry."  Mariah looked at him.  "She has to know that
Aris is in Port Charles."
 "I know, you're right.  She should know."  She got up and started for her
office.  "Maybe this time she'll take care of him for good.  She should have
killed that son of a bitch two hundred years ago." she said as the office door
closed behind her.
 Emily walked to Mariah's office.  She was about to knock when Derek stopped
her.  "Can I help you?"  he said to her.  She turned to him and he came face to
face with a rather atttractive young woman with long brown hair and brown eyes.
"Is there something you need?"  He asked trying not to stare at her.
 "No...I...just", Emily stammered while looking at the tall man with dark hair.
<He's gorgeous.>  She regained her composure a few seconds later and hoped that
he didn't notice that she was staring at him.  "I just wanted say goodbye to
Mariah.  I'm leaving now."
 "I'm sorry but she's on the phone now and can't be disturbed but I'll be sure
to tell her Miss....."
 "Quatermaine.  Emily Quartermaine.  Thanks."  She said as she walked away.
 <My pleasure Emily Quatermaine.>  Derek's thoughts were interrupted by Mariah
coming out of her office.  "Did you tell her?"
 "Yes.  They're on their way over now."  She sat down and signalled for a drink.
She lit a cigarette and blew smoke into the air.  <All hell is about to break
loose.>  She thought taking another drag.


Mariah's office at Nightshade.
 "God Dammit!  How could you let that son of a bitch just walk out of here!"
Aaron said angrily to Derek his rage growing.
 "Don't raise your voice to me Aaron!"  Derek said the anger in his own voice
rising.  "You may not be one of us but you know the rules of refuge as well as
we do!"
 Terry decided she had better step in before the friends come to blows.
"Enough!  Both of you!"  The two men look at her.  "We have enough to worry
about without adding you two to the list.  We need to sit down and talk about
this rationally."
 "How in the name of hell can you be so calm!"  Aaron said to his wife in
disbelief.  "That's Aris walking around out there."
 "I know who it is."  Terry said taking her husband's hands.  "I also know that
if all he wanted to do was kill me he would have done it by now."
 "And that's supposed to make me feel better"  Aaron said sarcastically.
 Terry touched a hand to her husband's cheek and turned to Derek.  "Any idea
where Aris is now?"
 "I have people searching for him."  Derek answered.  "If he's hiding anywhere
in the city my Enforcers will find him."
 "Before or after he kills someone."  Aaron says flatly.
 "Aaron..."  Derek starts but Aaron interrupts him.  "I'm sorry Derek.  I don't
mean to take this out on you.  I know you're doing everything you can."
 Derek walks over to him and places a hand on his shoulder.  "Forget about it,
my old friend.  I understand."  He turns and walks to the door.  "I'm going to
go see what my people have turned up so far."
 After Derek leaves Terry gets up and starts pacing the room.  " I think we
should tell Venus."
 She stops pacing and stands in front of Aaron.  "Why not?  Don't you think she
has right to know that he's here."
 "No she doesn't."  Aaron stands up to face his wife and grabs her by the
shoulders.  "And you know why.  We both know exactly what she'll do if she finds
out that Aris is in Port Charles."  Aaron pulls Terry close and she rests her
head on his chest.  "Why don't we go home, love.  I don't think there's anything
more we can do tonight."  Terry nods and the couple come out the office and make
their goodbyes to Mariah as leave the club.

The docks
A little later.

 Liz was pacing back and forth by the bench.  <Come on Lucky hurry up.>  A sound
from behind startles her.  <It was probably a cat or something.>  Liz screams as
a hand touches her from behind.  Turning around she sees him...it's Mr Murty.
 "I'm sorry Liz.  I didn't mean to scare you."  he says innocently.
 "Tha... That's... That's okay."  Liz said trying desperately not to panic.
 Studing her for a moment Murty comes to a decison.  "You know don't you."
Liz's heart almost stops.  "Yes.  You know.  I can see it in your eyes."  Liz
tries to scream tears starting to run down her cheeks as his hand touches her
face but no sound will come out.  "You're such a special girl Elizabeth.  I'm
really disappointed."  His hand moves into her hair.  "I thought we going to
have some more fun before the end."  Suddenly Murty stiffens sensing a presence
 "Is there a problem here?"
 Liz sees Murty smile.  "Now there's a voice from the past."  He takes his hand
away from Liz who is still too terrified to run and turns around to see his old
friend Aaron Grey and some woman.  "Talk about a small world."


Paris, 1908.

 Leaving the flower stand with his roses Aaron turns and heads back to the
hotel.  He wants to get back before Terry wakes up.  Walking along one of the
back streets he hears a girl scream.  Scanning the area he pinpoints where it's
coming from.  Coming up to the alley he feels it.  <Damn.>  He sees the girl
lying on the ground crying, blood dripping from her mouth.  <She can't be more
than 15 years old.>  He approaches the man standing over her.  His hand moves to
his sword.  "Back away from her."  He commands.
 "Stay out of this."  The man replies.  "I paid good money for her.  She's mine
to do with as I please."
 "No.  She's not."
 The man hears Aaron pull his sword from it's sheath and turns to face him.
Staring menacingly at him he pulls his own sword and introduces himself.  "I am
Anton Maloch and you are dead."
 "Aaron Resharde."
 The two men advanced on each other.  Aaron didn't want to kill him, not yet,
his only concern was getting the girl away from here.  The two of them cut at
each other for several moments, then Aaron finished it with a sudden thrust into
Maloch's heart.
 Leaving his sword in Maloch's heart he walks over the frightened girl.  Helping
her up he wraps his coat around her. As they leave the alley he pulls the sword
from his heart and holds it for a moment at the man's throat.  "Some other time
Maloch."  He walks off with the girl who is still crying.


 "Still picking on little girls I see.  What's the matter Maloch, grown women
put up too much of a fight?"
 Liz slowly backs away from Murty and towards Aaron and Terry as he speaks.
"Still sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong Resharde?"
 "I'm funny that way."  When Liz reaches Terry, who puts her arms around the
frightened girl, Araon steps forward and confronts Murty.
 "Not this time."  Murty says staring directly into Aaron eyes.  "This one is
special Resharde."  He turns his head to Liz.  "So beautiful.  So innocent.  So
much fear."
 "You really are a sick bastard.  I should have killed you in Paris."
 "Yes.  You should have."  Murty says his attention focused on Aaron again.
"And that's a mistake you are going to regret."  For a split second Aaron
thought the man was going to attack, but he was surprised when Murty started to
back away.  "But not now.  Our little dance will have to wait."  He looks at Liz
and blows her a kiss.  "Good night, Elizabeth.  I guess we'll have to finish our
business..... later."
 Aaron watches Murty disappear into the darkness and goes over Terry.  Liz is
now sobbing uncontrollably in Terry's arms.  "It's okay.  Shhhhh.....it's
alright."  She whispers to Liz.


Aaron and Terry's.
Just before dawn.

 Aaron sits alone in the dark.  They got home about an hour ago after dropping
Liz off at her house.  It took some convincing from them to get her to believe
that she was in no immediate danger.  But with a little help from Terry, <God
bless the Whammy.>, they managed it.  She relaxed visibly (a little more help
from Terry) when Aaron promised her that Murty will never hurt her or anyone
 He finishes his drink and gets up to pour another one when a voice comes from
behind.  "Aaron come to bed."  He looked over his shoulder at her.  She was
wearing a black nightgown and her hair was down, flowing over her shoulders and
down her back.  Walking to her husband she wraps her arms around his waist.
"What's wrong love?"
 "What's wrong?"  Aaron almost laughs.  "Where should I start?  Let's see.
We've got Aris out there somewhere waiting for right time to make his move and
it's just a matter of time before Venus finds out about him and freaks.  We've
got Maloch...or Murty...or whatever the hell he's calling himself stalking some
poor highshool girl.  Mac Scorpio is starting to nose around and don't even get
me started on that Jax guy."
 "Poor baby."  Terry's voice was teasing.
 "Don't make fun of me."
 "I'm not making fun."  She takes his hand and leads him back to the bedroom.
"Look.  We'll stop Aris.  We'll stop Maloch.  And as for Mac Scorpio, well,
we'll sick Robin on him."  Aaron laughs as Terry pulls him down on the bed.

Mac's office.

 Mac is sitting at his desk going over the report of another headless body
found.  <Victim 3 and counting.>  Felecia sat in a chair in front of his desk,
waiting patiently for him to stop reading.  She had just returned from a short
trip to Texas with her girls.  Finally Mac closed the file and sighed audibly.
 "Something wrong?"  Felecia asked.
 "No.  It's just this case."  Mac told her.  He got up and hugged her.  "Welcome
 "Thanks."  She said returning the embrace and then sat back down.  "So anything
new on the mysterious Mr Grey?"
 "Nope nothing."
 "Nothing."  Mac said frustrated.  "We've got info on him from Toronto and Paris
but before that the information gets spotty at best and in most cases no
information at all."
 "There has to something somewhere."  Felecia gets up and starts pacing the
 "I paid him a visit the other day."
 Felecia stops when she hears this and looks at him.  "What did you make of
 "He seemed nice enough, but....."  Felecia looks puzzled.  "I mean this guy
comes to town for what is supposed to be a short visit and ends up buying an
abandoned dojo and moves in.  He has a wife that no one execpt Robin and Brenda
has met, who doesn't go out during the day because of some strange skin
 "What disease?"  Felecia asks curiously.
 "Robin mentioned it.  What did she call it?"  Mac thought for a moment trying
to remember.  "Py.... Pyri.... Pyrophia I think she said."
 "Did you see her when you met him?"
 "No.  Her husband she was sleeping."
 "That's what he said."
 Felecia rubs her hands together and stands up.  "So what do we do now?"  Mac
shrugs his shoulders.  "What about V?  Do you still want her to work for you?"
 "She hasn't done anything wrong.  I can't offer her a job and then take it away
because she didn't tell us that she knew some guy who came to town.
Besides...,"  Mac says returning to his desk.  "...she's a damn good detective.
What are you going to do?"
 Felecia picks up her purse.  "I think I'll pay Mr and Mrs Grey a visit.  We've
hit a dead end on the information front so why don't we try and get some from
the source."

Brenda's house.

 Brenda and Robin we're eating breakfast when the doorbell rang.  Robin got up
to answer it.  She opens the door and lets the visitor in.  "Hello, Brenda."
Brenda looks up in surprise and screams as she runs to the man.  "Jax!"

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