Never Tell - 2

Robin walked into the dark room and went back to Jason's room.But she
didn't open the door.She decided that maybe she should bother Carly for
the truth.She went back to the front room and accidently bumped her knee
into an in table.She walked upstairs whining.She smiled as she passed
Michael's room and entered Michael's.Carly wasn't there and Robin knew
she must have been with Jason.Robin wanted to burst into tears.When she
finally let herself cry her mascara ran onto her bright shirt and she ran into
the bathroom.She walked in and wiped her eyes with the tissue.As she was
throwing the now black tissue something caught her eye.She pulled out the
bloody pajama's that Carly had thrown in the trash weeks ago.Robin
examined them and gasped.She dropped the clothes to the ground and
rushed out of the penthouse.

The next day Carly woke up and was more than happy to be in Jason's
arms.Last night was the first night in since the shooting that she didn't have
nightmares.She had to go check on Michael but didn't want to wake Jason
up.She slipped out of the bed and headed upstairs.Michael was sound
asleep.Carly smiled at him and went into her room.She picked out an outfit
for the day and decided to take a shower.She went into the bathroom and
noticed that her pj's were on the floor,"Oh no."Carly said to herself and
went back to Jason.She shook Jason awake.He grinned when he saw

"Jason,someone knows."Carly told him.

Jason sat up,"Knows what?"

"Someone found my bloody clothes in the bathroom.Someone found
out.Someone knows I shot Tony."Carly paniced and began to breath fast
like she was seeing Tony's body all over again. "Hey."Jason turned her face
to his,"I won't let anything happen to you.I'll find out who knows and I'll take
care of it."

Carly hugged him,"I know you will."

"Ok,then stop worrying."Jason kissed her and smiled,"Everything's going to
be ok."

Carly nodded.Jason wouldn't let anything happen to her and she knew it.

Robin was in Mac's office telling him her findings.Mac took it all in and was
mad enough to kill Jason.Robin finished up and Mac thanked her and told
her to go home.Robin kissed her uncle's cheek and headed to her house
with Brenda.Mac called Tagert into his office and Tagert came in.Mac sat
on his desk and told Tagert everything.Tagert couldn't believe all of it and
questioned Mac,"So are what do you think happened?"

"I think...considering hearing that there was a gunshot and Ms. Bensen had
blood on her clothing she shot somebody."Mac concluded.

"What do we do?"

"I want us to find out who's dead then we'll use the information to back
Jason into a corner."Mac was thinking rationally since Robin was so hurt.

"You mean like framing him,sir?"Tagert always wanted Jason behind bars
but like this?It just didn't seem right.

"Tagert,I have the feeling we won't have to do anything to Jason."Mac told
Tagert,"I want that clothing in my office and I want to know who was shot."

Tagert gave him a slight nod,"On it,sir."

Mac sighed when Tagert went out of his office.Now it was time to come at
Jason even harder.He could use this information to get Jason to confess
about his work.Who ever the dead man was didn't matter.Yes it was dirty
and low down but it had to be done.

Robin stepped onto the elevator and headed for Jason's penthouse.Her job
was to get the clothing away from the house and bring it to Mac.Now just to
figure out how.She had some idea and hopefully it would work.Carly was
by herself because Jason went out on his mission trying to find out who
knew and if they told.Robin and knocked and Carly was surprised because
usually somebody like Johnny would tell her who it was.She walked to the
door and looked through the peephole to see Robin.Carly cleared her throat
and opened the door,"What do you want?"

"I want to see Jason."Robin replied and walked in.

Carly sighed,"He's not here."

"Well,then I'll wait."Robin crossed her tiny arms and gave Carly a mean

"Robin,I really don't have time for this."Carly told her.Carly was going to
have someone escort Robin out but Robin interuppted her thoughts.

"Carly,nobody wants you.Not as a friend,a lover,and even a daugter."Robin
was snapping without thinking.Carly made a pained face and it just gave
Robin more of a reason to make her feel bad,"Bobbie doesn't even think
your a good mother!"

"Shut up!Don't you ever talk about her!"Carly warned.

"Why?Do you know what she told me?"Robin asked but Carly didn't
respond so Robin continued,"She's glad Michael has me because you and
Jason have no morals.And Jason must of lost them because of you!"Robin

"No she didn't!My mom would never say that!"Carly yelled.

"Oh really?Ask her,Carly she'll tell you.I can't believe you didn't know
considering how nice she was about my relastionship with Jason."

Carly didn't want to even look at Robin anymore.Michael was in Jason's
room right now so Carly figured it'd be an easy escape.She wasn't even
thinking about the clothes she just had to get away from Robin,"I'm sure you
can show yourself out."Carly sniffled and walked into Jason's room she
closed the door.Carly grabbed the phone next to Jason's bed.She dialed
Bobbie's number,"Bobbie.Yeah it's Carly.I kind of have a question for you."

"What is it Carly?"Bobbie said perky.

"Did you tell Robin that she was a better mother than me?And don't make
excuse just yes or no,ok?"Carly asked knowing the answer.Bobbie still
didn't trust her and it hurt Carly a lot more than she let on.

"Yes,Carly.I'm sorry."Bobbie answered not so perky,"So?"

"So,"Carly sighed,"What is it?Am not a good mother?Do I not cut it?Oh no
it was the moral thing!Right?"Carly laughed,"I mean that's what you told
Robin.And Jason doesn't have any either according to you!Well,Mom!Let
me tell you something don't you judge us when you gave me up!I have done
everything to try and be the best mother I can for Michael!Although
considering my example I had as a mother!Biological I mean because
Virginia was a saint!"Carly cried,"She would never ever judge me on the
mistakes I've made!And if I was doing something wrong she would teach
me how to do it right!Unlike you!You instead go behind my back and tell
Robin that basically she's a better mom than me!But let me tell you
something!Michael is mine and I am his mother!I am the best mother he
could have because I love him and I would do anything for him!And you
along with anyone else who thinks different can go to hell!"Carly screamed
and began to hang up but paused to say,"By the way mom have a nice
day!"Carly then hung up. Bobbie put the phone down and knew what she
did was wrong.Bobbie rubbed her forehead and looked at the clock still a
couple of hours until she got off.Then she'd go to see Carly.

Carly waited for what seemed like hours.She went up to her room and went
into the bathroom looking for some aspirin for her killer headache.After
being in there for a couple of mintues she realized the clothes were
missing.She remembered not making sure Robin left.She was scared.So
many bad things could come of this and nothing good.She wondered what
Jason would think.He would probaly hate her for not making sure Robin
was gone.She started to get dizzy.She grabbed onto the sink and the pills fell
into the sinkShe held onto her head with one hand and then everything went
black.Jason walked in and closed the door.No luck on who knew or what
they wanted.He threw his keys onto the table and called out for Carly He
had some bad news to give her.He was surprised she wasn't waiting for him
right there.He called her name again but she didn't answer.He checked his
room but she wasn't there.He went up to her room and turned to she her
collapsed on her bathroom floor.He looked into the sink and saw a bunch of
white pills,"Oh my god,Carly!"He knelt down to her and lightly tapped her
cheeks,"Carly!Wake up!"Carly was limp and she didn't respond at all.Jason
started to have tears fall,"Oh god,Carly.Please wake up."Carly still didn't
respond.Jason picked her up and told Johnny to get Michael.Jason held
Carly in the back of his car.Carly didn't show any sign that she was ok.She
was breathing uneasy and she responded nothing he said,"Carly,please be

Bobbie was on break and took the last sip of her coffee.She dropped the
cup into the bright orange trash can and headed back into the halls of
General Hospital as she began to walk down one of the many hospital halls
she heard a familiar voice scream,"Help!"Bobbie heard the voice again and
knew was Jason.She turned around and ran back down the hall.She entered
the big room and saw Jason laying someone down on strecher with a bunch
of doctors and nurses surrounding.She got a glimspe of the blond hair and
knew it was Carly.She rushed over to them,"Jason,what happened?!"This
couldn't be the same girl she had talked to just an hour ago.Carly's head fell
to the right and Bobbie brushed back her hair,"Carly?!"

Jason didn't hear Bobbie he was to busy explaining to the doctors what
happened and what he found.The doctors ran Carly into one of the
emergency rooms.Jason just stood there looking at Carly being taken
away.Bobbie hit him so he'd snap out of it,"What happened to her?!"

"Go find out!Help her!"Jason shouted.

"I can't I'm to close to her.They won't let me in.I'd be too worried
anyway.Tell me what happened?!"Bobbie yelled.

"I found her past out in the bathroom and there were a bunch of pills in the
sink.I think she might've tried to kill herself."Jason was mad at himself for
leaving her alone.Everytime he left her know something bad happened.

Bobbie brought her hands to her mouth,"It's all my fault."

Jason looked at Bobbie,"What are you talking about?"

"She found out I told Robin--I hinted to Robin that maybe she was a better
mother for Michael than Carly."Bobbie sobbed.

"You did what?!"Jason's voice rose again,"When?Why would you do such a

"It was when Carly was in Ferncliff and I don't know why I did it.She called
me and told me she knew.She hung up and I should have went to her right
then but I was going to wait until I got off."Bobbie explained.

"I don't care.You should have never said such a thing to Carly.What's wrong
with you?Are you ever going to act like Carly's mother?"Jason snapped and
walked away when Bobbie gave him a shocked face.

The doctors told Jason that she was ok and that they didn't have the results
from her drug test just yet.Jason walked into Carly's room and she looked
like she was just waking up.Jason shook his head in disapproval as she
opened her eyes,"Carly,how could you do such a stupid thing?"

"You know?"Carly rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"Of course I know.I found out when I got home."Jason sat next to her.

"I'm so sorry.Are you mad?"Carly was afraid of his answer.

"Yes!I'm mad.How could you do such a stupid thing?!"Jason tucked her hair
behind her ear and tried to calm down.

"I didn't mean to.I just wasn't thinking."

"Your right you weren't!You could have killed yourself."Jason said.

"Killed myself?"Carly frowned,"What are you talking about?"

"You tried to commit suicide."

Carly's eyes widen,"I didn't try to commit suicide.Why would you think
that?"Carly looked around her,"Where am I?"

"I found you collapse on the floor and there were a bunch of pills in the

"I didn't try to commit suicide.They were aspirin and I dropped them
because I know who knows.I found out and I fainted.I didn't--"Carly was
cut off when a man entered the room.

"Ms.Bensen,"He flashed her a stupid smile,"I am here to perform your

Carly's heart started to beat faster,"Evaluation?"

"Yes,I just want to make sure your ok."The man said.

Carly turned to Jason,"You said they wouldn't take me back."She
whispered and then in a yell,"You promised."

Before he could respond the man grabbed him by his arm and began to push
him out of the room,"Mr.Morgan you'll have to leave the room while I do

Jason saw Carly's scared and hurt look and then was out of the room
completely,"Damn it!"He punched the wall next to her room and Bobbie
came up to him.

"Is she ok?"Bobbie inquired.

"No,she's not and it's not your fault it's mine."Jason replied and walked

.Jason waited for the doctor to leave Carly's room and when he did Jason
entered again.Carly was just beginging to sob into her hands.Jason felt bad
for thinking such things of her especially after what had happened last
night.He stood above her and Carly looked up when she saw his
shadow,"They think I'm crazy."

"No,they don't."Jason said and wiped away her tears.

"That's what happened,Jason.I swear I'm not crazy and I didn't try to kill
myself."Carly sighed,"Do you believe me?"

Jason hugged her,"I believe you,Carly.I believe everything you told me."

Carly pulled back,"Are they going to take me back?"

Jason smiled,"They're never going to take you back.I promise."

"But what if that doctor tell them too?"

Jason hushed her and kissed her cheek,"I won't let them.If that did happen
I'd find a way out of it.You know me."

Carly giggled,"Yeah,Mr.Mastermind."

"No,I just got a lot of help."Jason admitted,"Now,tell me who knows?"

"Robin.It's Robin and now she's got the clothes.I accidently left her alone
and she got them.I'm sorry,Jason.I really am."Carly apologized.

"Carly,don't worry ok.Just try and relax so you can get better."Jason sat her

"Jason,I'm scared.I'm really really scared."Carly held onto his tightly.

"Don't be.I won't anything happen to you."Jason kissed her hand.

"Why does this have to be so complicated?"Carly asked and sighed.

"It's not you know I won't let anything happen to you or Michael so there's
nothing to worry about."Jason grinned and started to step backwards out of
the room.

Carly flashed him a smile,"Will you get me outta here?"

"Yeah,as soon as I can.Right now,rest ok?"

"Ok.Bye,Jason."She called out as he stepped into the hallway.Now he had
to come up with a strategy.

Jason enter the penthouse trying to think about what he was going to do.He
looked around at the penthouse realizing Carly was away from her home yet
again.How could he have thought such a thing of Carly?After what had
happened last night you would think he would only think good things of
her.He hadn't been without Carly for awhile and he hated the feeling.When
she was gone nothing was right.When she was away he felt like a part of him
was missing.He didn't like not hearing her or seeing her.Even though she was
only a few miles away it felt like she was back in Ferncliff.She was still
scared and felt locked away from the world again.She must have been really
hurt by the way he assumed she was trying to kill herself.Jason tried to stop
thinking bad thoughts but he couldn't.Jason walked up to Michael's room
hoping that maybe one look at Michael would lighten his mood.He walked
in and leaned in to see Michael sleeping quietly and easy.Jason stroked
Michael's cheek and watched him with a warm feeling in his heart.Michael
wiped his button nose with the back of his hand.Jason knew right then that
the idea he came up with earlier would now formate into the perfect
plan.Jason knew that if he decided to do this plan it would take everything
he was and he would have to fall through.He looked back at Michael and
sighed,"Michael,I've messed up really bad.I've made a lot of mistakes where
you and Carly are concerned.But now I have the chance to make up for
everything and if I do I'll need you to take care of Carly for me.I don't think
she's going to like my plan but I have got to do what I can for the family.You
and Carly are my family and I am going to do everything I can to protect
you.So if this plan goes as I think it will I am going to need you take care of
her for me,ok?I'm trusting you with everything,Michael."Jason said feeling
his heart drop and walked out of the room.

Carly didn't sleep much and when the sun rose she gave up.She got out of
her stupid hospital clothes and into her regular outfit.She was wearing a
lavender top and black jeans.She sat on her bed and waited for some sign
of Jason maybe a phone call or something but the sign she got didn't exactly
please her.Bobbie entered the room wearing a pathetic smile,"Hi,Carly."

"Go away,Bobbie."Carly laughed,"I am really not up to this.'

"Carly,I didn't come to argue."Bobbie looked terrible.Her eyes were red
and puffy she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Yeah,well,you made it clear that we could never have a mother/daughter
relastionship so why else would you be here except to argue?"

"I wanted to make sure your ok.Are you?"Bobbie asked.

"Yes,now leave."Carly turned away from her mom hoping she would
disappear but she stood in place,"Bobbie,go!"

"I can't do that.I made a mistake,Carly,I should have never told Robin she
could be a better mom.I'm sorry."Bobbie was so sincere that you could hear
it in her voice.

Carly wanted to get up the nerve to tell her to buzz off but couldn't bring
herself to do such a thing,"I guess...I forgive you.But I won't forget."

Bobbie smiled and hugged her.Carly hugged back and didn't want to think
about it anymore.After all this time everything was falling into place.But the
shooting was still hanging over her head.What could Jason possibly do to fix
such a horrible situation?

Jason got dressed and headed for the hospital.The doctors they saw no
problem with Carly being left in his care but Jason was to keep an eye on
her so she wouldn't try anything.Jason paused for a second as he walked
down the hall to Carly's room.He was thinking that maybe he shouldn't lay
his plan on Carly just yet.Maybe later today or tommorrow.He was
surprised to find Carly and Bobbie in a non-violent conversation.Carly saw
Jason and she lit up.Jason smiled and walked to her side.Bobbie was on the
other watching there love stricken stare and body language.Jason slipped his
hand into Carly's,"You ready to go home?"

"Yes."Carly replied and grinned back.

Bobbie felt a strange twinge of happiness for them but couldn't help but think
of what a weird relastionship they had,"So,Carly,can I come with you?"

"I don't know it's up to Jason."Carly looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Whatever makes you happy."He told her and let go of her hand,"I have to
go get your release papers.

"Ok."Carly whispered and turned back to Bobbie.

Jason walked out of the room and felt a pain in his heart.Would he be able
to fall through with his plan?Did he have enough strength?These thoughts ran
through his mind as he,Bobbie,and Carly walked to his car outside.Bobbie
and Carly were chatting about something Michael had did while Carly was
away.Carly's smile faded as she saw Jason's far away look,"Jason?"

Jason turned to her quickly trying to avoid her piercing look,"Yeah?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing."Jason answered but knew that was enough for her so he made an
excuse,"I'm just mad at myself for thinking that you tried to kill yourself."He
spoke softly so that Bobbie couldn't hear.

Carly smiled,"Don't worry.I don't care you believe me now and that's all that
matters."Carly kissed his hand and turned back to Bobbie with her hand
intertwined with Jason's.Jason gazed at Carly wanting to tell her what he
was thinking of doing so he wouldn't feel so guilty but he didn't want to lay it
on her when she seemed so alive.She had such a tough time since Michael
was kidnapped she needed just one day of happiness and Jason would give
it to her.

Carly,Bobbie,and Jason entered the penthouse.Latica handed Michael to
Carly and they shared a brief moment.That night Bobbie stayed for dinner
and Carly had looked past Bobbie's actions.Jason sat back trying to
remember tonight.Everything was perfect.It was definitely a night to
remember.Carly seemed like nothing could bother her...of course she didn't
know Jason's plan yet.After Bobbie left Carly brought Jason with her to lay
Michael down.As she laid Michael down for the night she looked back at
Jason,"I guess this is goodnight."

Jason shook his head and grabbed her hand.He lead her to his room and
kissed her.Just by the way he kissed her she knew something wasn't
right.Jason wouldn't say anything thought.Carly pulled away,"Jason,please
tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong."He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to
him.Their foreheads pressed together and they were both sad.Carly knew
something was wrong and Jason wanted to forget what he knew.They
kissed again and got into bed.Jason just held her and imprinted the moment
in his mind.Carly closed her eyes and was going to remember it forever
too.They laid there with there clothes from ealier today trying to forget that
there was a problem.Carly had a tear fall but she had no idea why it was just
a feeling she had,"Jason."Jason opened his eyes to look at her and Carly
didn't like the look,"Jason,as long as we're together nothing could be

Jason didn't say anything he just kissed her again.Carly kissed back trying to
wash away any bad feelings he had but she couldn't fix it unless she knew
what was wrong.

Jason woke up before Carly did.He looked at her trying to get a mental
picture.He was so afraid that if he took any longer he wouldn't be able to fall
through with the plan he had come up with.Carly stirred for a mintue and
then her eyes popped open.Jason rubbed her arm and whispered,"You ok?"

"No.I just had a horrible dream."Carly sat up and took a deep breath,"I
have to know what's wrong."

Jason looked away and walked out of the room.Carly went after him.Jason
stood by the window and the sun made his face glow.Carly tried to figure
out something to help him.She knew something was wrong but wasn't sure
she knew how to explain it.She cleared her throat and stood behind
him,"Jason,last night I saw something and I know you don't want me to think
that anything's wrong but I know there is because..."Carly turned him to
her,"You looked at me last night and there was something about it.It was the
same look you gave me in the courtroom after I shot Tony and it's the same
look you gave me before you told me I was going to Ferncliff.It's
like..."Carly didn't want to think it but she said it,"It's like you were saying
goodbye."Carly's eye flooded with tears.His eyes spoke more than he
knew.Jason turned away and Carly asked,"Are you saying goodbye?Are
they taking me back?"

Jason spun around to her,"No!"He replied quickly and then decided this was
the best time to tell her,"No,Carly.Your never going back.I made a promise
and I'm going to keep it."Jason took both her hands and began to explain,"I
found out from someone all that the police know.And--" Carly cut him
off,"How much?"

"A lot.They know Tony's dead and they have enough evidence to put you
on trial."Jason told her.

Carly wanted to fall but just took a few steps backwards,"So I have a small
chance of staying out.But most likely I'm going back."

"No,the police only think they enough to take you down."

"Think?Jason,they have the clothes and they know it's Tony's blood.Robin
probaly squealed that they were mine and they are going to send me
back!"Carly shouted and tried to calm down but it just wasn't possible.

"I have a solution."

Carly smiled,"You do?"

"Yeah,"Jason took her hands once again,"I'm going to tell them I did it.'

Carly's world began to spin she let go of his hands,"What?"Carly didn't want
to believe what she just heard,"Your going to what?"She started to find it
hard to breath.

Jason saw how she kind of grabbed one of the chairs and tried to catch her
breath,"Carly,It's for the best.I have to do this."

"No!"Carly cried,"I won't let you!"Carly couldn't lose him.

Jason's tears began to fall and he went over to her,"Carly,I'm doing this for

Carly looked down and moaned,"No."Carly constantly shook her
head,"No,I can't let you do that."

"Carly,I am going to do this."Jason stated.

Carly looked up at him,"Please,don't Jason.I can't do this to you.I can't let
what happened to me happen to you especially when you didn't even do

"Carly,I have to do this!Don't you see that?!They will take you away from
Michael and me forever!We'd never see you again!You said it your self you
almost went crazy in one of those places.I can't let them do that to you
again."Jason tried to make her understand,"This way maybe we can be
together again.You,me,and Michael we could start over."

"No,Jason,no!"Carly pushed him away,"I can't let you.Do you know how
bad those cops want you behind bars?!They won't ever let you out.I can't
do it on my own!Your all I've got!Your all Michael's got!Don't do this to
us!Please,"Carly pleaded,"I'll confess and maybe they understand."

"They won't,Carly!If you confess now they'll lock you away forever without
a second thought!"Jason couldn't be talked out of this.

"Oh,yeah!And what do you think they'd do to you!?"Carly yelled.

There was a knock at the door and they both lowered their voices.Jason
wiped away Carly's tears and forgot his own,"We're about to find out."

"What?"Carly's eye widen and Jason answered the door.

Jason was discouraged when he saw Bobbie,"What is it?"

Bobbie frowned,"I came to see Carly."

Carly ran over to see who it was,"Mom,thank god your here!"Carly hugged
Bobbie as Bobbie walked in.

Jason went to close the door but Tagert along with Mac pushed there way
inside.Jason looked at Carly who was starting to cry again.Bobbie was
confused by everything but she Carly back as they told Jason he was under
arrest for the murder of Tony Jones.Bobbie heard the last words and her
jaw dropped.Carly was trying to get out of Bobbie's hold and she keep

Jason avoided Carly's stare and Tagert cuffed Jason.Mac,Tagert,and Jason
all headed for the police car waiting for them outside.Carly finally got out of
Jason's hold and the door closed before she could run after Jason.She fell to
her knees and continued to sob,"No!"Carly pounded her fist on the door as
her other hand slid down the door as she let herself fall even further to the
ground.Bobbie knelt beside her and concentrated on Carly later she would
ask what exactly was going on.

Jason didn't care what was going onThey had taken his mugshots,changed
his clothing,and even taken his fingerprints still he was oblivious to the facts
that he was under arrest fpr the murder of Tony Jones.They put him in a cell
and he laid on the bed not even thinking about the fact that he might have to
stay in a cell for the rest of hie life.He could only think of Carly and what she
must have been feeling.He didn't want to do it but he had to.The picture of
her face stayed in his mind though he couldn't get the look on her face out og
his mind.Akk the fear abd beglect in her eyes made him want to crawl in to
a hole and die.She would probaly never forgive him for what he was
doing.He never thought about how upset she would be He knew she would
be upset but she was even more scared than he thought she would be.She
felt a little betrayed b yhis sudden decision.He walked around in the tiny
celltrying not to think about her but she was all that was on his mind.Why
did he make such a stupid choice.He had called the cops (specifically
Tagert)and told him all that he knew and told them that Carly just happened
to walk in when he shot Tony.So that scenario explained why her clothes
had blood on them.He really didn't have time to explain it to Carly bu what
else could he do?Just by the way she had resoibded to him he knew she
would have done whatever she could to talk him out of it.Yes he acted
quickly and maybe he didn't think it through but he was doing it for his
family.He was doing it because he loved her and he promised to protect her.

Carly was still sobbing in the front room with Bobbie.Bobbie was tryiny to
figure out what happen.Jason had made Carly feel so alone what exactly
was going on between them?We're they a couple?No that couldn't be Jason
was in love wth Robin right?Come to think of it when all this was going on
Robin was nowhere to be found.Bobbie looked at her daughter who could
not get up the strength to remove herself from the spot where she had
collapsed.She screamed Jason's name a thousand along with the word
no.Bobbie tried to calm her down but Carly was still crying
hysterically,"Carly,it'll be ok."Bobbie whispered and rubbed her back.

Carly finally lifted her head and looked up at her mom eyes filled with
tears,"How could it possibly be ok?!They just hauled off to jail!Jason is not
coming back!He's going to jail for something I did!I shot Tony!Jason is
confessing to a murder I did!I have to go confess to the murder!I have to
save Jason!"Carly finally found the courage to climb to her feet and wipe
away her many tear.Carly put her hand to the door and began to turn the

Bobbie was surprised by Carly's confession but she had to forget it and help
her.Bobbie quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the
door,"Carly,if what you say is true you can't confess or you will get him in
even more trouble!"

Carly shook her head and didn't want to take in what her mother was telling
her,"I have to save him!I can't let him go through what I did!"

"Carly,he would still be an accomplise!"Bobbie argued.

"But I can't let them take him away because of me!"Carly screamed trying to
get back to the door.

"Carly,you have to calm down!Jason did this all for a reason!Try to
remember that,Ok?"Carly let her mom guide her to the couch,"Now,Carly
why don't I take you down to the police station so you can ask Jason what
the plan is?"

Carly took a deep breath,"Would you?"

"Sure.Now come on."Bobbie helped Carly up and walked her out to the
car.The whole time they were in the car Bobbie tried not to think about the
fact that Carly had killed her ex-husband.Right now she had to just be there
for Carly.And at that moment it ment taking her to see Jason and letting
them be alone for a while.

They stepped into the police station and Carly was keeping an eye out for
Tagert.He was talking with Mac near the interrigation room.Bobbie told
Carly to wait for a second while she went to talk with them and work
everything out.Carly nodded and waited in place until Bobbie came
back.Carly could see herself being brought there and then stayed behind
bars before going to a halfway house then eventually an insane asylum.She
wiped her face with her hands and Bobbie walked back to Carly,"There
bringing him to the room so you two can talk.Do you want me to go with

Carly sighed,"No thanks.I just want to be alone with him."

"Ok."Bobbie walked Carly over to the interrigation room,"I'll be waiting
right here if you need me,ok?"

"Thanks,Bobbie."Carly said and entered the room.There were two small
brown chairs on either side of the table in the room and a mirror which she
could tell that you could look in one way but couldn't see out.Carly turned to
the wall without a mirror anticipating Jason arrival.That's when she heard a
door click open and Jason entered.As soon as she saw him she could fell
the tears coming up again.Mac told Carly they only had a few mintues
together and left.When the doors closed Carly ran into Jason's open
arms.Jason had missed her so much and to think it had only been a few
hours.How would he last in a prision with nothing but thoughts of her?When
they pulled away from each other Carly was already shaking her head
again,"There is no way I can let you do this,Jason.No way."

Jason was just as hurt as she was by there sudden seperation.He finally
found his true love and she was being taking away from him,"Carly,you
know I have to do this.You know I do."

They sat on either sidr of the table and started to talk.Carly was the first to
speak again,"I will not let you go to prison for a murder I commtited.I am
going to confess."

"No!You will not and I want you to tell the police that you walked in when I
shot Tony.That will explain how you got the blood on your clothes."Jason
instructed and Carly tried to cover her ears but Jason pull her hands away
from her ears.Carly looked at him not wanting to do this.

She didn't even want to contenplkate it,"I--I can't do that Jason.I can't let
you do that and I can't say that I was a witness to you shooting Tony."

"Carly,you have to do this.If you don't they will take you away forever.From
Michael.From me."Jason pleaded.

"Jason,your my stregth.Your the reason I made this far.I can't do it without
you.I can't make it.And I certainly can't say I was there when you shot
him!You didn't!"

Jason took Carly's hands into his,"You have to.This is for our family."

"I am going to tell them what I did!"Carly pulled her hands away from his.

"Damn it,Carly!Don't you see what's happening?"Jason shouted and stood
up,"The cops would love it if you did then we'd both get in trouble.Carly,I
confessed because I knew what they'd do to you if I didn't."

"Do to me?Jason,what are you talking about?"Carly asked.

"They'd do anything to get to me!That includes using you to get to me.They
know they can."Jason went to Carly's side and knelt in front her,"You are so
important to me.I need you to take care of Michael while I'm in here for no
matter how long.Can you do that for me?"

The sound of Carly's sobs filled the room,"Jason,I can't live without you."

Jason smiled,"It's going to be tough but we can do it.We can do anything."

Carly kissed him and held tightly to him,"I love you,Jason."Carly whispered
in to his ear.

Jason couldn't wait to hear her to say that but not under such circumstances
either way she said it,"I love you too,Carly."

Carly laughed and pulled away now crying even worse than before.One of
the police men entered and Jason stood.Carly didn't want them to so she
gave Jason a hurt look.

Before Jason was pulled out handcuffed yet again he mouthed he loved her
and she said the same.As soon as he was gone she walked out to Bobbie
and hugged her.She didn't know how long she could take this her heart was
been taking away everytime Jason left the room.The thought of not seeing
him for years scared her more than she could express.

Carly didn't sleep one wink that night.She just sat on the steps looking out
the window.She could picture Jason standing there with Michael.She
couldn't cry anymore though she just sat.There was a knock at the door that
Carly couldn't hear for some reason.Bobbie entered and walked over to
Carly.The shimmered in Carly's face and she had a blank expression.Bobbie
waved her hand in front of Carly's face,"Carly?"Carly didn't respond she just
stared out the window.Bobbie was startle right now but not in a full panic
she grabbed Carly by her arms and shook her,"Carly?!"Carly still didn't do
anything.She just let Bobbie shake her still looking out the window,"Oh my
god."Bobbie choked,"Not again.Carly?!"Bobbie shook Carly violently but
Carly didn't reply or even blink.Carly just sat looking out the window not
responding to anything.Bobbie covered her mouth with her hand and sat
next to Carly,"If you're faking please tell me.I won't spill to anyone I swear I
just want to know you're ok."Carly wouldn't do anything she just stared
away.Bobbie knew right then she'd have to trust Carly.Now what to do?If
she turned Carly into the hospital what would happen to Michael?What
would happen to Carly?She looked at Carly again and knew exactly what
would happen they could lock her away for the rest of her life and the
Quartermaines would get Michael.So what to do now?Bobbie called Latica
and had her watch Michael.When Latica showed up and asked what was
wrong with Bobbie she just replied,"She misses Jason.That's all."Bobbie
thanked Latica again and jumped into her car.She sped away heading for
the man with the answers...Jason.

Jason was laying on his bed in the jail cell thinking about the other night with
Carly.He could feel her lips on his,remembered exactly how her body
felt,and couldn't seem to forget the way he held her.He loved holding Carly
feeling like she was his her purpose for living.Like his whole point to being
alive was to take care of her and Michael.He and Carly had gotten so close
since she got out.He was always thinking about her and Michael.Carly was
everything to him right now and Michael ment just as much.The sound of
heels clicking on the ground interuptted his thoughts.He got up and saw
Bobbie quickly pacing down the hall.Her face looked flushed and she a
paniced,"Jason!Oh my god!"She cried.

Jason frowned and tried to figure out what was going on,"Bobbie?What is

Bobbie barely whispered the words,"Carly."She looked at him and notice
she had to lower her voice.

"What?!What's wrong?What happened to Carly?!"Jason shouted.

"She--,"Bobbie took a deep breath and composed herself,"She's
catatomic.Inresponisive.She just sits there and doesn't respond to anything."

Jason could see her there.He could see Carly with that blank look on her
voice,"Oh no.No,Carly."Jason spoke softly gripped the bars,"No."

Bobbie asked,"What do I do?"

"No matter what do not take her to the hospital."Jason stated and glared at

"I think it's best,Jason.I mean they can take care of her the way she needs to
be taken cared of."

Jason gripped the bars even tighter,"Damn it,Bobbie!Can't you just once act
like Carly's mother!Just once!If you take her in there she's never getting out
and they'll take Michael away!Do you want that?!Please show some sign
that you care about Carly?"Jason begged with fear heard in his voice.

Bobbie took his words to heart.She saw a police officer peek in but Bobbie
flashed a smile and stepped closer to the cell.She waited for the officer to
leave then she questioned him,"Tell me what to do."

"Ok,now you tell Benny that I said to get Carly the best doctor there is I
don't vare if he has to fly someone from halfway around the world she gets
the best."Jason instructed.

"And?What about you?I mean what do I do?Just wait until the doctors finish
her up?"

"Just tell her I'll be there to see her soon.Maybe that will somehow change
it."Jason spoke low so that no one could hear but Bobbie.Even though the
cells around him were empty you can never be to save.

"Jason,how are you going to get out?You have no grounds for bail and you
are going to go on trial for Tony's murder."Bobbie tried to act calmly but he
was talking crazy.

"Just do it,Bobbie.I'll take care of my part."Jason demanded.

"Ok,I'll do it.But I hope you know what your doing,Jason."Bobbie said
quietly before she left.Jason wanted to pound his fist against the wall but
instead he asked to make a phone call.

For the next few days Carly stayed in Jason's room.Bobbie was spending
her nights on the couch and Lucas slept in Carly's room.Bobbie told Carly
everyday that Jason was coming to see her even though she had doubts in
her mind.How could Jason possibly get to Carly?Carly didn't eat or sleep
she just had this blank stare on her face.She didn't utter one word she just
remained silent.Bobbie walked into Jason's room and Carly was in the same
position she had been in for the past days.Bobbie sat next to Carly and
began to talk to her as she did everyday,"You know Michael did something
kind of yesterday that I forgot to tell you about.You see he didn't like the
food he was eating and I think he must have got this from you but he got his
spoon and flung it at me.It was really funny,"Bobbie laughed but Carly didn't
do anything,"But you wouldn't know would you Bobbie.Your in your own
world right now aren't you sweety?I bet you Jason and Michael are
there,huh?Jason's smiling at you and Michael's giggles are filling your
head.That's ok."Bobbie smiled and sighed,"You have fun.Just promise me
you'll be back because I really miss you.I want us to start acting like mother
and daughter you know?Maybe it's stupid to think we could ever have such
a relastionship but I can't help it.Your the only daughter I have."Bobbie
stood and looked up.Her eyes widen,"Jason?!"Bobbie was so relieved to
see him,"Thank god your here!"Bobbie ran to hug him.Jason was looking
over her shoulder at Carly.She didn't looked like she was even in the
room.He knew she wasn't faking.Bobbie pulled away from him,"Wh--how
did you get out?"

Jason shrugged,"Does it matter?"

Bobbie shook her head,"No."She saw his sights were set on Carly,"I'll leave
you two alone."Bobbie closed the door behind herself as she left the room.

Jason's tears began to fall as soon as Bobbie left.The room light was
dim.The blinds were just barely open and lit the room.He slowy approached
her not being able to retain the many tears that filled his eyes.He sat on the
bed with her,"Oh,Carly."He went to touch her face but instead took her
hands,"What are you doing?What am I going to do without you?I thought
you'd be ok."Jason sniffled,"I love you so much."He stroked her
cheek,"Bobbie has been really good about this."He smiled and kissed her
hand,"I don't get it,Carly.I mean why would god show us something so
perfect in each other and than just take it away.Is he trying to punish us for
something.Bobbie is begining to think you'll never be back.It's--,"Jason
struggled,"It's so unfair.Do you think that's it?Do you think that we'll never
have our chance because we really deserve it,Carly.We do don't you
think?"Jason inquired but Carly didn't respond,"I came here to get you.You
see I kind of...escaped and I came here to get you and Michael.We can all
be together just not here.We might have to move on some secluded island
or something.Carly,please say something to me."Jason's cold tears fell on
her hands,"I need you,Carly."

Carly felt something cold fall on her hands and blinked her eyes.She finally
opened her eyes to see Jason sitting next to her bawling.Carly squeezed his
hands,"Jason?"Jason quickly brought his attention to her.Carly stroked his
cheek,"What's wrong?"

Jason grinned and grabbed her,"Nothing's wrong."He held her
tightly,"Absolutely nothing."

Carly hugged back and smiled but her smile quickly faded,"I thought they
took you away.I thought they took you away from me."Carly said holding
him tightly and begining to cry.

Jason pulled back and held her face,"No.Never.They could never take us
away from each other.That's why I came.I came to save our family."

Carly giggled,"I thought that's why you left."

"No,I left so I could think.I figured out a solution,Carly.And this way
you,me,and Michael can all be together."

Carly started to whisper,"What are we going to do?"

Jason used the same tone,"We have to run.We have to leave the
country.That way we can be together and no one can seperate us."

Carly took a deep breath,"What about Bobbie?What about my mom?"

Jason gave her a kiss to try and show her some support,"We can't tell her."

Carly's mouth dropped,"That's not right."

Jason sighed and wiped his forehead,"We have no choice,Carly.We can't
take the risk of her knowing.She could spill and then we'd be found--tons of
bad things could happen,Carly."

"I know Bobbie she wouldn't do that."Carly's words made Jason groan.

Jason stood and walked over to the window,"Carly,if I could I would let
you tell Bobbie but it is just to risky.It's got to be just you,me,and
Michael.I'm sorry."

Carly had tears falling feeling sorrow for being the one to leave Bobbie
behind this time,"When do we leave?"She placed her face in her hands.

"Tonight."Jason saw Carly face sink even lower into her hands.He sat on the
bed again,"I know it will be hard but,"He smiled,"Michael and I are your
family now."

Carly laughed,grinned,and looked up at him.She placed her palm to his
cheek,"Yeah,you are.I just--I hate to have to do this to her.I mean do I say
goodbye and not say goodbye you know?"She wrapped her arms around
Jason and rocked her.

Bobbie walked into the room and saw Carly in Jason's arms.Carly let go off
Jason when she saw Bobbie.A wide grin spread against Bobbie's
face,"Carly!"She rant to Carly and hugged her,"Oh,thank god your
ok."Bobbie pulled back and looked at Carly with tear filled eyes while
whispering,"Do you know how much I love you?Do you?"Bobbie waited for
Carly's nod.

Carly nodded and cried along with Bobbie.She knew what Bobbie
didn't...this was goodbye.This was the last time they'd cry or laugh or even
hug each other.Jason knew too that this was it for them.After tonight Bobbie
and Carly would never see each other again.

Carly sat by a seat next to the window looking out at the clouds right beside
them.Her thoughts were with Bobbie.Jason was holding Michael looking at
Carly.He laid Michael down and took Carly's hand.He used his two finger
to move her chin forcing her to face him,"I love you,you know that?"

Carly laid her head on his shoulder,"I love you too,Jason."

Jason smiled,"We're going to be ok,Carly.I promise."

Carly sighed,"I hope your right."She closed her eyes and tried to remember
that Prot Charles didn't matter she was with all the family she needed.

Bobbie looked one last time at the letter she had gotten from Carly.Bobbie
slammed it on the table and shouted,"That's why I need your help!"Bobbie
stood unable to contain all the anger inside.

"Well,I will do everything I can do to help,Bobbie.But if I do this what do I
get out of it?"The man asked with an evil grin.

"I will help you do whatever you have to--I'll help you get Jason in any way
I can."She gave the man a very serious and determined look.

"How do I know you won't back out of our deal?"The man questioned her
yet again.

"He took my daughter away.I just know he did."She picked up Carly's
letter,"And this proves it.He didn't even let her say goodbye to me!I want
him to go down just as much as you do."

Edward Quartermaine raised his hands in surrender,"Alright,I will help you."

The End

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