Landslide - 2

 "Tragic Kingdom"

Nikolas walked down the halls of GH looking for something to do when he heard
a scream.  "Noooo!!!  Save him!  Save him!"  It was Bobbie.  Did something
happen to Lucas?  Nikolas ran to where the screams came from and saw Lucky
being wheeled in.  Nikolas froze and took in his brother.  He was pale and his
chest was rising and falling very rapidly.  His eyes were open, but they were
glossy and they kept moving around.  "What happened to him?  Is he ok?"  "He's
OD'ed on some drug and his blood alcohol level is to the roof. We need to pump
his stomach."  The doctor on call pointed the paramedics into trauma one and
they pushed Lucky in.  Nikolas walked towards the room and looked through the
window.   "I have to tell Liz..."  He stammered to Bobbie who had joined him.
"They found him in Jake's Bar."  Bobbie said just as Nikolas was walking away.
"Jakes?"  "Yes.  He had his boxers on when they found him and he was lying in
his own vomit."  Nikolas grimiced and looked at Bobbie.  "I'll go tell Liz so
she can get here."  Bobbie nodded.  "Call Luke and Laura too."  She whispered.
Nikolas walked over to the phone and started to dial.  "Hello?"  Came a sweet
voice from the other side.  "Liz?  This is Nikolas."  "Oh hi Nikolas, Lucky
isn't here..."  "I know he isn't.  Liz, he was just brought into GH."  He
heard a gasp.  "For what?  Is he ok?"  "They said he overdosed on some kind of
drug..."  "But Lucky doesn't take drugs!"  "I know, but they also said that he
has alot of alcohol in his system."  "Lucky doesn't drink either."  "No he
doesn't.  Not unless he is coaxed into it."  "What are you saying, Nikolas?"
Nikolas swallowed, how was he going to say this?  "Liz...when he came in, he
was practically naked.  I mean, his boxers were on.  That's it."  "And?"
"They found woman's clothes in the room, too."  Liz choked on those words.
Woman's clothes?  What was he saying, that Lucky cheated on her?  That he got
drunk and high and had sex with some woman?  "I'll be right there."  Liz
stammered into the phone and hung up.  Nikolas sighed and hung up the phone.
He glanced over to the room Lucky was in, then looked back at the phone.  He
dialed a number.  "Hello?"  "Laura?  This is Nikolas.  I think you should come
to GH."  "Why?  Are you ok?"  "I'm fine....but Lucky isn't."

Everything was going in slow motion.  He could see doctors over him, talking.
But he couldn't hear the words.  He felt horrible.  His body ached and he felt
sick.  But what was bothering him the most was memories.  That woman touching
him and kissing him.  He closed his eyes, but that only made the thoughts
stronger.  He could see the woman's sickening smile.  She raised her glass up
to his and he raised his glass up to hers.  'What did I do?  Get drunk?  Oh my
god.'  He opened his eyes and spotted what looked like his Aunt Bobbie
outside.  'Help me, Aunt Bobbie.  Tell me it was all a dream.  Please.'  Those
were his last thoughts before he lost contact with the world.


Liz ran into GH and looked around her.  Nikolas was on the phone, his face
red.  He shouted a few times then turned so his back was facing her.  Bobbie
was plastered to a window and had a sad look on her face.  Liz rushed towards
Bobbie.  "Bobbie, what's going on....."  She drifted off as she looked through
the window and saw Lucky.  "Oh my gosh..."  She whispered as she took him in.

"Listen to me Laura."  Nikolas said, grasping onto the phone cord.  "Come to
the hospital."  Nikolas' patience was wearing out.  He listened to Laura's
voice for too long.  First the shocked 'squeal', then the angry 'yell' then
the hysterical 'cry'.  He sighed and tried again.  " Luke there?"
He heard nothing for a moment and thought she hung up.  "Good."  He mumbled.
"Good what, boy?"  Said a voice over the phone.  Luke.  Nikolas closed his
eyes.  "What did you say to my wife you Cassadine bat?"  "I just told...."
"And it better be something that I want to hear, because if you made my wife
upset for no reason, I'm going to go down to Spook Island and.."  "Lucky's in
the hospital."  Nikolas said, cutting Luke off.  Nikolas waited for Luke's
response, but just got a click from the phone.

A doctor came out of Lucky's room and Liz barraled him down.  "What's going
on?  Is he ok?"  She demanded.  The doctor wiped his brow and removed his
glasses.  "Who are you?"  He asked the girl.  "Doctor, answer her."  Bobbie
piped up.  "Yes...of course.  It seems as though Mr.  Spencer consumed a
little too much alcohol.  Along with a drug."  "What kind of drug?"
"Midazolam."  Bobbie gasped.  Liz looked from the doctor to Bobbie.  "What the
hell is that?"  "It's used mostly for date rape..."  Bobbie choked out.  Liz
froze.  Date rape?  She walked over to the window again and watch Lucky toss
in his sleep.  She could only imgaine what he was dreaming about.

Lucky tossed once again in his sleep.  He thrusted his head back, trying to
get her hands away from him.  "No..."  He whispered, and tried to get up.  He
couldn't.  She ran her hands over his body again and he cringed.  "Stop it,
please."  He pleaded.  No answer.  Lucky bolted up from his sleep, sweating
and breathing hard.  He felt sick and laid back down.  He put his hands up to
his face and drew his knees up to his chest.  He rocked back and forth a few
times untill he felt calmer, then cried himself back to sleep.

 "Father's Eyes"

Luke ran his fingers through his hair one more time before standing up.  He
had just spent the whole night at the hospital, waiting to see Lucky.  He
glanced to the left, and was glad to see it clear.  He took a breath and
glanced to the right.  Nobody.  Good.  He crossed the hall cautiously and
slipped into the room.

The beeping of the machine startled Luke as he walked farther in.  He couldn't
make out his son in the dark, but he knew he was there.  He knew he needed
him.  Because he knew what happened.  Luke's face contorted in anger as he
pictured that woman.  The anger faded away when he finally caught a glimpse of
his son.

Lucky stayed still.  He was to exhausted to move, for one, and he didn't want
to talk to whoever entered.  He wanted to be alone.  He needed to be alone.
To sort his thoughts out.  To drown everything that was unwanted out of his

His eyes flinched slightly as he felt someone take his hand.  He sucked in a
tight breath and squeezed his eyes shut tighter.  That woman.  She was back.
His hand started to shake violently and he retracted it back from the figure
leaning over him.  He opened his eyes and stared, unfocused at whatever was in
front of him.

"No."  His voice came out as a whisper first, then picked up volume.  "No!
Not again." He moved over to the edge of the bed and wrapped his arms around
his knees.  He closed his eyes again to keep the tears from falling, but was
too late.

Luke watched his son bolt to the other side of the bed and watched with
sadness in his eyes.  "Lucky,"  he said, in a calm voice.  "Lucky, it's just
me.  It's Luke, your father.  I'm not going to hurt you."  Lucky didn't
respond and Luke took this as a good sign.  He sat down on the bed and faced

"Lucky, it's ok."  It wasn't ok.  It would never be ok.  Lucky looked over at
his father and silently pleaded with his eyes for him to leave.  Leave him
alone.  But his father didn't get the message.  "Go."  Luke heard the muffled
reply from his son and got off the bed.  "Lucky..."  "Go.  Please."  "Let me
help you...."  "GO!"  His voice had that familiar rage in it, and Luke decided
now was a good time to leave.  "I'm going.  I'm going."  Luke walked to the
door and took a final look at his son, then walked out.

Lucky watched the door closed and resolved into tears for the second time that

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