The Gift of Life - 2

Chapter 8

Lulu's eyes shone with adoration for Lucky, thrilled at having him home.

''Lucky, Lucky! Come see the new swing set Daddy built in the backyard! And I need to show you my new dollies, and my
coloring books, and ...''

Luke and Laura exchanged concerned glances as their daughter rattled on. Lucky obediently rose and allowed his little sister to
lead him. Anticipating his parents' reaction, he looked at them beseechingly. He'd had so little time with Lulu lately.

Caught between concern for her son's well-being and concern for his morale, Laura finally relented, motioning for Nikolas to go
with them.

Once outside, Lulu dragged Lucky toward the shiny new swing set Luke had built for her. Laughing, Lucky told her it was

Seating herself on a swing, Lulu looked up at Lucky expectantly. ''Push me, Lucky! Make me go really high!''

Nikolas intervened as Lucky moved to comply.

''I'll push you, Little Sister. As high as you like.''

''No, Nikky! Let Lucky do it!''

''C'mon, Nik. I'm not THAT weak, and pushing a swing doesn't take that much energy. Please, let me do this for her.''

Nodding, Nikolas acquiesced to his brother's wishes.

Moment's later, Nikolas began to regret his decision. Lucky was trying to hide it, but he was in trouble. Nikolas stepped to his side.
''Go sit down,'' he ordered. Lucky bristled at his brother's commanding tone, but, nonetheless, walked slowly toward the house to
sink gratefully down on the back steps.

Once Lucky was out of earshot, Nikolas slowly stopped the swing.

''Nikky, keep going! Why did you stop?'' Lulu asked, uncomprehending.

''We need to have a talk, Princess. Lucky is home from the hospital, yes, but he is not all better yet. He can't do all of the things
that you both want to do together. He is trying very hard for your sake, but he's not feeling too well right now.''

''He can't even push me on the swing?'' Lulu asked, lip quivering.

''Not today, Princess. It has been a long and tiring day for him. How about we all go back inside and have some quiet time? I think
our mother is making a special welcome-home dinner for Lucky.''

''OK,'' Lulu said, holding her arms up for Nikolas to carry her. They slowly walked back to where Lucky, shoulders slumped, eyes
dark with disappointment, awaited them.


The incessant ringing of a telephone awoke Lucky from sleep early that evening. Reaching for the new phone on his night stand, a
gift from his parents, Lucky put it to his ear. ''Hello?'' he said groggily.


''Liz! How are you?''

''I didn't wake you, did I?''

''I was just taking a nap. No big deal.''

''I just wanted to see how your first night back home went.''

''It was ... it was OK, really.''

''OK, Lucky. What aren't you telling me? What's bothering you? Besides the obvious.''

''Lulu wanted to show me the new swing set my dad rigged for her. She was so excited, Liz, and all she wanted was for me to
push her. I couldn't do it, Lizzy. Less than a couple of minutes later, I was so damn weak and tired it was all I could do to stagger
back to the steps.''

''What can I do?'' Liz asked.

''Can you get me a new heart?'' Lucky laughed bitterly.

''I wish I could,'' Liz said, her voice quavering.

''I'm sorry, Lizzy. I shouldn't have said that.''

''No, Lucky. You can say anything you want to me. Anything to help you cope.''

''You don't know how much that means to me.''

''If it means half as much to you as you mean to me, I'll be happy. Now, I'd better let you get back to sleep. I love you.''

''I love you too. So much.''


''You missed dinner.'' Stefan turned to look reproachfully at his nephew. ''You have not been much on this island as of late.''

''My brother needs me, and I intend to be there for him.''

''Are you certain that is wise?''

''How could it not be wise.''

''Wouldn't Lucky's father take exception to your presence?''

''Luke's priority at this time is to do whatever he can for Lucky. That is his only concern. If Lucky wants me around, Luke will

''Very well. I will allow this to continue.''

''Allow? Uncle, it is not your decision to make!''

''You are mistaken, Nikolas. As your guardian and regent, all decisions about your life fall under my jurisdiction. Now, what is this
fuss? I told you I accepted your need to be with Lucky.''

''So you did,'' Nikolas said, and headed upstairs to his room, not quite sure what to think.


                                        Three months later:

As Lucky walked into the kitchen, looking for a drink of water, he saw Luke, head in his hands, sitting motionless at the kitchen
table. His shoulders were slumped, his body bowed, and for the first time Lucky could remember, he looked old. Old and beaten.


''Cowboy! What are you doin' outta bed?''

''Just getting a drink.''

''One of us could have gotten it for you. That's what that bell your mom and I gave you is for. Just ring that, and we'll come

''I'm perfectly capable of getting myself a drink of water, Dad. For now, anyway. Besides, I have something I need to ask you.''

''Anything, Cowboy. Just name it.''

''I'm gonna remember you said that. Dad, one of my biggest fears right now is not being able to spend enough time with the people
that matter to me. Before Luke could protest, Lucky raised his hand. ''Now I know you think I'm gonna get a transplant and live a
long time, but there are no guarantees. I might only have a few more weeks,'' Lucky said gently. ''I've gotta be prepared for
whatever happens to me, and that means spending as much time as I can with the people I love.'' Becoming winded from the long
speech, Lucky finished in a rush. ''Can Liz and Nikolas stay here at the house? I want them around me as much as they can.''
Lucky's huge eyes begged his father for understanding.

All instincts screaming at him not to open his door to a Cassadine, Luke searched his son's face for some alternative. Finding none,
he heaved a sigh and shrugged his shoulders.

''It ain't no secret how I feel about Nikolas, Cowboy. But that's not important in the grand scheme of things, huh? All I want is to
make everything OK for you again, son. Since I can't, I guess the least I can do is do everything I can to make you happy. If you
want Nikolas and Liz to move in here, I'm gonna do everything I can to make that happen.''

Lost for words, Lucky walked over to his father and hugged him. Luke wrapped his son in his strong embrace, as if by holding on
tight enough, he might somehow defeat the demons raging silent warfare in Lucky's body.

Minutes passed. Finally releasing his hold, Luke cleared his throat. ''You'd better get back to bed, son.''

Nodding, Lucky finished his drink. As he faced the stairs to his bedroom, he took a deep breath, then resolutely started the climb.

Five steps from the top, Lucky suddenly paused, leaning heavily against the wall, gasping for breath. Seconds later, his father was
at his side. Tenderly, Luke gathered Lucky into his arms and picked him up, walked slowly to Lucky's room, and laid him gently on
the bed.

Still breathing too heavily to speak, Lucky shot his father a grateful look.

''It's nothing, Cowboy,'' Luke said, and left the room as Lucky slowly drifted off to sleep.

                                            Chapter 9

''Gram, please! You have to let me be with him!'' Liz looked desperately at her grandmother.

''I can't, Elizabeth. It just isn't proper for a child your age to move in with her boyfriend. What would your parents say?''

Luke Spencer had stopped by moments earlier, extending an invitation for Liz to move into the Spencer house.

''I don't care what my parents would say, Gram! Lucky might die, ...'' she added softly. He wants me there and I want to be with
him! Can't you understand that?''

''Exactly, Elizabeth. Lucky might die. And as your caretaker, I feel that it isn't good for you to be exposed to that fact twenty-four
hours a day.''

''How can you stand between Lucky and me, Gram? How can you try to keep us from trying to make the most of whatever time
we might have left together? I want to be with him, all the way. Just like you were for Gramps.''

Audrey's face softened as she stroked her granddaughter's hair. ''I just want to protect you, darling.''

''You can't stop this, Gram. No more than I can.''

''You're determined to take Mr. Spencer up on his offer, aren't you?'' Liz nodded. ''All right. I can't say that I like it, but if you think
you can handle this, I won't stop you.''

''Oh, thank you, Gram! I'll never forget this, not ever!''


''Mr. Cassadine? Mr. Spencer is here to meet with you and Master Nikolas.''

As the servant left the room, Nikolas turned to his uncle, puzzled. ''What could Luke want?'' Suddenly, fear lit his eyes and he
tensed with worry. ''Could this mean Lucky's had a crisis?''

''Chill, kid. Lucky's holdin' his own.'' Luke strode swiftly into the elegantly furnished drawing room of Wyndemere. Looking Stefan
straight in the eye, he moved swiftly to the point of his visit. ''This ain't easy for me, so I'll get right to the point. There ain't nothin'
more important to me than makin' my kid happy. I aim to give him whatever he wants for whatever time hi has left, I know there's
a donor for him out there somewhere, but the docs aren't soundin' too optimistic right now, and Lucky's startin' to lose hope.''

''Last night, Lucky asked me for one thing. He asked me to let Liz Webber and Nikolas move in so that he can be close to them.
And I aim to do that for him.''

''Absolutely not!'' Stefan's voice rang out. ''I have been extremely permissive in the matter of Nikolas's visits to Lucky, but Nikolas
must remain on Spoon Island.''

''Uncle, no. Lucky and I have finally become what we were intended to be. We are brothers, and it is my job, my OBLIGATION
as the future head of this family, to put family first. ALL of my family, Uncle. And that includes Lucky. I will not stand idly by
whilst my brother needs me. I am honoring Lucky's request, and that is final!''

''I have severe reservations on this matter, nephew, I do not feel that it is in your best interests.''

''Not in my best interests? Uncle, he is my brother! It took us fifteen years to find each other. I am not going to let what might be
the last few weeks we'll have flash by, while I remain safe and secure, the pampered prince in his ivory tower. These might be the
last few weeks that and I will have. Please let us have this time together.''

''Steffin, put yourself in my shoes for one damn minute! What if it was Nikolas, dyin' in stages before your eyes, gettin' weaker
every day, and you helpless to prevent it? Well, that's what I'm up against, and much as it's killin' me to say it, I need your help.
Please. Lucky want's Nikolas with him. Let him have that much, while he still can.''

Luke's words affected Stefan more than he was willing to show. Laying a hand on Nikolas's shoulder, he nodded. ''All right,
nephew., you may go to your brother. Do what you need to do.'' Turning on heel, he stalked out of the room, head held high.

                                            Chapter 10

As the teacher droned on about the Allied troops storming the beaches of Normandy, Liz Webber tried unsuccessfully to
concentrate. She squirmed restlessly in her chair, her thoughts on anything but the impact of World War II. No matter what she
did, her mind’s eye could focus on only one thing ... Lucky.

It had been two weeks since she and Nikolas had moved into the Spencer household. Lucky had been overjoyed to have them
come, and had even seemed to rally physically for a few days. His color had improved, his energy level had increased, and his
spirits had been better than they had in weeks. Then, gradually, insidiously, his health changed again for the worse. His days were
now spent tethered to an oxygen tank, too weakened to even get out of bed.

Liz’s eyes filled with tears as she pictured Lucky the way he’d once been ... strong, vibrant, full of life. He’d always been so solid,
so steady. Before she could stop it, she saw Lucky as he now was ... thin, frail, with a machine doing the job of oxygenating his
body. Unable to take it anymore, she jumped to her feet, her books clattering, unnoticed, to the floor, and tore from the room.

She sprinted blindly down the hall, tears coursing down her face and sobs racking her body, the lump in her throat so large she
could barely breathe. Finding a deserted stairwell, she sank down and huddled into a ball, burying her face in her hands, crying so
hard that at first she didn’t hear the figure approaching her.

Liz started as the figure knelt beside her, laying a compassionate hand on her arm. She looked up into the warm brown eyes of
Emily Quartermaine, who gazed down at her in turn, her expression deep with sympathy and understanding. "What can I do?"
Emily asked, her voice soft and comforting.

"Oh, Em, there’s nothing anyone can do; that’s the whole problem!" Liz choked out. "He’s so sick, and I’m beginning to think that
he ...that he might not ..." She pressed her lips tightly together, biting back the sobs that threatened to engulf her once more.

"That he might not make it?" Emily finished for her. Liz nodded, trembling violently. "I ... I had no idea it was so bad." Without
another word, Emily took the older girl in her arms, stroking her hair, murmuring softly all the while. "It’ll be OK, Liz. You have to
believe it’ll be OK."


A haggard Luke, his face drawn, sat at the bar of his club, nursing a bottle of scotch. He was the only one there, having long since
sent Claude back home, as he wanted more than anything to be alone. He looked up, eyes bright with rage, as he heard the door
swing open behind him.

"We’re closed!" he called. "Get out."

"I’m uh ... I’m afraid I can’t do that, friend." Luke turned to see the trim, deeply tanned figure of a man in his early thirties, his
large brown eyes, dark curly hair, and dimpled smile a sharp contrast to his otherwise solemn expression and the rock hard muscles
of his arms and chest.

Bewildered, Luke tried to refocus his eyes, certain he was seeing things. "Corinthos?"

"The one and only," Sonny shot back. "I’m sorry, man. I just heard about your kid. How’s he doing?

"You mean Jason finally saw fit to tell you?" Luke asked bitterly.

"I’ve been underground. You know how it is."

"I do, pal, I do. God, but those were the days ..." Luke sighed heavily.

"How’s Laura holding up?"

"Man, she’s been incredible. She’s been a pillar of strength."

"I wouldn’t expect anything less, not from a classy lady like her."

"D’ya want a drink?" Luke asked, indicating the bottle in front of him.

"Nah, I’m all set. Now tell me, amigo, what can I do?

"Nothin’, pal, nothin’. Not unless you want to sit here and listen to an old man vent."

"What else would I do? Why else do you think I came. You did the same for me when Stone was dying."

"Don’t say that, man! Don’t say that! Lucky ain’t gonna die! I will not lose him, Corinthos. Ain’t gonna happen!"

"I didn’t say it was."

"You know what beats all, partner? Lucky and the Cassadine brat, MY kid and the Cassadine brat, have taken to each other. That
demon-spawn is now living in MY house."

Dumbfounded, Sonny rocked back on his heels. "You’re joking."

Luke shook his head. "No. When all this started coming out about Lucky’s health, Nikolas decided to play candy striper. He and
Lucky have been practically joined at the hip."

"So, the question remains. Why is he under your roof now? Didn’t his uncle have something to say about that?"

"Steffin said plenty, pal, but the kid and I overruled him."

"What? You actually helped BRING that kid into your house?"

"It’s what Lucky wanted. I had to do it..."

Luke turned his head away, trying to hide the tears that flooded his eyes, as Sonny looked helplessly on.


"Lucky?" Liz strode eagerly into the room, anxious to see Lucky after the stress of a long day at school. A broad smile lit up
Lucky’s face as he opened his arms to her. From within their warm and comforting confines, Liz whispered in his ear. "There’s
someone outside who wants to see you."

"Who’s that?"

The door slowly opened, and Emily Quartermaine walked tentatively in to stand before Lucky’s bed. Liz got up, gave Lucky a
quick kiss on the cheek, and tactfully left the room.

"Oh, Lucky!" Emily gasped, a single tear escaping one eye.

"Hey, Em, come here." Lucky said softly. "What’s wrong?"

Kneeling beside Lucky’s bed and taking one of his hands in both of hers, Emily bowed her head. "Oh, Lucky! I never should have
let us grow so far apart. We used to be so close ..."

"Em, remember that time we ran away together? That was fun, wasn’t it?"

"How could I forget? I remember how amazed I was at how being on the run didn’t faze you. You were incredible!"

"Look who’s talking! I’m not the one who killed a rattlesnake!"

"It’s not as if I had much choice!"

"Yeah, but you could have freaked out. And you didn’t."

"And remember the time your dad showed me around the club?"

"You were so bug-eyed that I thought you were gonna faint!"

The two friends spent the afternoon together, reminiscing, reveling in their newly rediscovered friendship.
'Yes, I'll be right there.''

Monica Quartermaine hung up the phone and, hastily throwing on some clothes, grabbed her keys and rushed out into the night.


What is that? Elizabeth's sleep-fogged brain tried to make sense of the strange electronic sound as Lucky, waking up too, met her
gaze with wide, incredulous eyes.


''Luke? Wake up, pal.'' Sonny gently tried to shake his friend out of his alcohol-induced stupor. Getting no response, he shook a
little harder, ever more urgently.

Sonny had been at the club all night, trying to offer Luke some comfort. This was a Luke he'd never seen before. Where once, his
old friend had been vibrant, irreverent, devil-may-care, the Luke Spencer sitting before him was defeated, haggard, and for the first
time Sonny could remember in their long friendship ... hopeless.

''Huh?... What?'' Luke's eyes fluttered open, fixing on Sonny's face. ''Corinthos! What are you doin' back in Port charles?''

''I came in this afternoon. Luke, wake up man. I think Lucky's beeper is going off.''

Fully awake now, Luke dove for the light jacket lying on the floor in front of the bar. Looking intently at the ringing beeper in his
hands, he grabbed his keys and hastily dashed toward the door.

''Oh, no you don't. You're in no shape to drive.'' Sonny grabbed the Caddy's keys out of Luke's hand.

''Gimme those keys back, Corinthos! I have to get to my kid, dammit!''

''We'll take my car. The Jag's right out in the lot.''

''Fine, but for heaven's sake let's go!''

The two friends moved to the waiting car as fast as their legs and will could take them.


''Mrs. Andrews? My name is Dr. Lambert.''

The teary faced woman looked up at Eve with haunted eyes. ''How's Keith?''

As Eve sat down, taking Mrs. Andrew's hands in her own, the rest of her family clustered around them.

''Mrs. Andrews, I'm so sorry to have to tell you this. The car accident has left Keith with massive head injuries. Two qualified
members of our neurology staff have each examined him, and they agree ... they agree that there is no chance of recovery. He's
been to badly injured. There is no sign of brain activity.''

''No!'' The weeping woman held up her hands as if to fend off a blow. ''No! It's not true!'' She searched Eve's face as if for some
alternative, then her body slowly sagged as realization hit her. ''It's true?'' Eve nodded, tears in her own eyes, as she squeezed the
older woman's hands in support.

''Yes ...Yes, I'm afraid it is.''

''Oh, Alex! Mrs. Andrews turned toward her husband. ''I told him he shouldn't be driving so fast! I told him! Oh, why didn't I stop

''You couldn't have known, Barbara.''

''I am so sorry,'' Eve said. ''I realize what a difficult time this is for you, but we have someone who needs to talk to you.'' She
gestured to the older woman who had been waiting in the background.

''Hi, my name is Bobbie Spencer. I'm a nurse here at GH. I need to talk to you about a way of letting something positive come out
of Keith's death.'' Bobbie's face was full of compassion.

''How could ANYTHING positive come out of my son's death?'' Mrs. Andrews spat out, suddenly enraged.

''Do you know anything about organ donation?''

Still distraught, Mrs. Andrews recoiled violently. ''How can you ask me to do that? How can you ask me to do that when my son
has jut died? You want me to let some cold, unfeeling stranger cut into him? For a procedure that doesn't even work? You don't
know what I'm going through!''

Bobbie laid a comforting hand on her arm. ''My little girl, BJ, died four years ago in a school bus crash. At first, I was totally
against donating her organs. I said hateful things to my husband when he suggested it. He finally convinced me, and every day, I
thank God that he did. It turned out my little girl was a match for her cousin, who needed a heart transplant. Maxie would be dead
today, too, instead of the happy, vibrant, strong little girl she is, if it wasn't for BJ. BJ saved her best friend's life.''

''It really works?''

''It really does.'' Clearing her throat, Bobbie looked at the small plastic rectangle she held in her hands. ''Keith wanted to be an
organ donor, you know. He may not have discussed it with you, but that's what this little orange sticker on his license says.''

''Can we at least say goodbye first, before you take out his organs?''

''Of course. Come with me, and take all the time you need.''

                                            Chapter 12

Luke skidded into the OR waiting room, Sonny right behind him. At the noise of their approach, Laura looked up, beautiful face
drawn and pensive. Luke walked to her side, dropping quickly to the chair beside her, and took his wife in his arms, holding her

''Any word, Angel? Corinthos and I came as soon as we heard.''


''Hello, Mrs. Spencer,'' Sonny said with a little wave, flashing his dimpled smile.

''It's good of you to come,'' Laura replied distractedly, running a hand through her long blond hair.

''What's the word on Cowboy?'' Luke interrupted, taking hold of Laura's hand, his fear and worry evidenced by the strength of his

''No word yet. We don't even know for sure that he's getting the surgery.''

''What?'' Sonny broke in. ''Uh ... Why would they do that? Drag Lucky all the way over here if they don't know he'll get the heart?
That's cruel.'' Sonny's dark eyes burned with anger.

''They have to, partner, they have to do it that way,'' Luke said. ''The docs only have a few hours to get it into him, and they have
to give him meds to prevent rejection before they operate.''

''There's still gotta be a better way...'' Sonny mused. ''How are the kids handling this?'' He glanced over to where Nikolas and Liz
sat, talking quietly.

''Lesley Lu is staying with Amy. As for Liz and Nikolas... they haven't said much, but I think they're scared to death.''

Just then, Monica Quartermaine walked into the waiting room, a broad smile on her face. Liz and Nikolas abruptly stopped their
conversation and walked over to the adults as Monica began to speak, a note of excitement and anticipation in her voice.

''The transplant is a go. The family agreed to organ harvesting, and Lucky is strong enough to make it through the surgery. We
started him on immunosuppressant medication as soon as he checked in, so we'll be ready to bring him down to the OR in a few
minutes. ... Laura, what's wrong? This is good news.'' For Laura's face had gone white, her eyes wild with fear.

''There's no going back,'' Laura whispered. ''Once we do this, there's no going back. He could reject...'' She trembled, pressing
closer to Luke for reassurance.

''Rejection is always a possibility,'' Monica agreed softly. ''His body will see the donor heart as foreign tissue and try to get rid of it,
but immunosuppressant medication can help stop that immune response. With a new heart, Lucky stands a chance to live a normal
life, a long and happy life. Without it ...''

''I know, I know all that,'' Laura responded, trying collect herself. ''Can we see him before he goes into surgery? All of us?'' Liz
and Nikolas looked on hopefully.

''I suppose it couldn't hurt,'' Monica nodded. ''Right this way.''

''I'll stay here,'' Sonny offered. ''In case anyone gets here and wants to know what's going on.''

''Thanks, pal,'' Luke said gratefully as he left the room.

                                              * * *

''Mom?'' Lucky weakly turned his head as his mother softly touched his cheek. His once strong voice was soft and breathy, barely
audible from lack of oxygen.

''I'm here, baby. I'm right here.''

''Is it really true, Mom? I'm really getting the transplant?''

''Yes, sweetheart, it's really true. This nightmare is almost over, honey. Just hold on for a little while more, and you can start living
your life again.'' She gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. ''I love you, sweetheart. I'll see you soon, OK?''

''OK, Mom. I love you too.''

''I know you do,'' Laura said, as Luke came up beside them.

''You're gonna be OK, Cowboy,'' Luke said, kneeling at Lucky's side. ''I love you,'' he said tenderly, brushing a stray lock of hair
out of his son's eyes.

''I love you too, Dad. Even if I haven't always showed it.''

''I know, Cowboy. No matter what went down between us, I never doubted that. See you later, son.'' Luke put his arm around
Laura as they slowly left the room.

Nikolas walked hesitantly up to his brother, laying a hand on his shoulder. ''A few months ago, I never thought you'd let me be
here. I'm glad I am.''

''I'm glad too,'' Lucky said softly. ''I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you for so long, man.''

''Shhh,'' Nikolas said reassuringly. ''That is all in the past. It doesn't matter anymore.'' Bending down, he hugged his brother as well
as he could through the tubes and oxygen tank that tethered Lucky to the bed. ''I love you.''

''I love you too, bro,'' Lucky whispered as Nik gripped his shoulder once more. Reluctantly breaking the contact, Nikolas turned
and walked out the door.


''I'm right here, Lucky,'' she tearfully replied, laying her head gently on his chest.

''Why are you crying?'' he asked, reaching slowly up to brush the tears from her eyes. ''This is a new beginning, Liz.''

''I know,'' she said, sniffling.

''I'm sorry, kids,'' Monica said softly as she walked up beside them. ''It's time.''

''I love you, Lucky!'' Liz choked out, reluctantly rising to her feet. ''I love you so much.''

''I love you, too, Liz,'' Lucky whispered. ''Forever, no matter what happens.''

With that, orderlies wheeled him into the OR, as Liz, sobbing, fled to the waiting room.

                                            Chapter 13

''You kids doing OK?'' Sonny came up silently behind Nikolas and Elizabeth where they sat together in the OR waiting room. Both
teenagers looked up at him in surprise.

''We're fine, Mr. Corinthos,'' Nikolas said quietly. Liz nodded warily.

''Please, call me Sonny,'' he replied, pulling up a chair. ''Hey, why so scared?'' he asked softly, noticing for the first time the
wariness on Elizabeth's face.

''Uh ... it's ... it's nothing,'' Liz stammered. Embarrassed, she turned her head away.

''It's because of who I am, isn't it?'' Elizabeth flinched. ''Nah, it's OK, it's OK. Uh ... all that stuff is, I'm hoping, in the past. All that
matters, here tonight, is that all of us love Lucky, don't you think?'' A faraway look came to Sonny's deep brown eyes, as if he
were thinking of a long ago place. ''I remember when he was ten years old ...'' Sonny smiled fondly, dimples flashing in each

Nikolas raked a hand through his dark brown hair. ''Can you tell us about him?'' His eyes begged Sonny for understanding. Liz laid
a hand on Nikolas's arm, tense with anticipation.

''Sure,'' Sonny said, his voice rough with emotion. ''Some times stand out most in my mind, you know? I remember, when Lucky
was twelve years old, he and Luke convinced me, City-Boy-To-The-Core Sonny Corinthos, to go on a camping trip. Well, Lucky
twisted my arm; I never could resist that kid, so I said yes. It was unreal, man! And you can bet your life Laura came down on all
three of us when Lucky came home from the weekend with a pierced ear.''

''So that's where he got it!'' Liz mused.

Sonny nodded. ''And then, there was the time at the Nurse's Ball in '95 when he, Luke, and Justus Ward played Pips to back up
Mary Mae's rendition of 'Midnight Train to Georgia'. That was a hoot. Luke and Justus walked offstage with Lucky following
them. Then, all of a sudden, the spotlight was on Lucky, just Lucky.'' Sonny started to laugh as he told the story. ''Well, he started
to hip-hop! Then, out comes his pop with some shades and a couple of baseball caps, and they go into this insane routine! The
brought the house down. Both of them are such hams.''

Liz giggled. ''I can't believe I missed that!''

''We both missed a lot,'' Nikolas said sadly. ''We both missed far too much.''

''What matters is that you're here at all,'' Sonny said quickly. ''He knows how you feel about him.''

''He's the best friend I've ever had,'' Liz said tearfully.

''That's one thing he's always been good at,'' Sonny mused. ''Friendship. He came through for Stone in a big way when he was

''Who was Stone, anyway?'' Liz asked. ''Lucky's mentioned him a couple of times, but I could tell that it hurt him to talk about it, so
I didn't press him.''

''Gina's brother, right?'' Nikolas asked. ''He died of AIDS.''

''How horrible!'' Liz exclaimed.

''Horrible doesn't even begin to describe it,'' Sonny said wearily, rubbing his hand over his eyes. ''Stone Cates was the best friend
I've ever had, and, until you came along, Nik, the closest thing Lucky ever had to a brother. I remember once, after we found out
Stone was sick, he was helping Lucky build a go-cart. He ended up slashing his hand on the air filter, but it didn't freak Lucky out
at all. He just let it roll off his back, and it meant so much to Stone, that Lucky wasn't scared to be with him.''

''I wish that I had been able to see who Lucky really was a long time ago,'' Nikolas whispered. ''So much wasted time ...'' His
voice trailed off.

''But now you're gonna have years to make it up to him,'' Sonny said. ''This new heart is gonna take, and Lucky will be OK

Nikolas took a deep, tense breath, looking pensively toward the OR doors.

                                              * * *

''Nurse Jones!'' One of the student nurses at the nurses' station waved frantically at Bobbie in an effort to get her attention.

''What's the matter, Sandy?'' Bobbie hurried to the desk.

''Nurse Jones, your brother was just here.''

''Oh my God, what happened to Lucky?'' Bobbie interrupted as her heart leapt into her throat. She steeled herself for the worst.

''Your nephew is in surgery. They found a donor for him.'' Sandy smiled reassuringly at her superior.

''I have to go,'' Bobbie said quickly. As she turned and hurried away, a strange expression crossed her face, a smile both happy
and bittersweet. The light of knowledge shone in her eyes. She knew who the donor was.

                                              * * *

''Barbara Jean, there you are!'' Luke cried, jumping up to hug his sister with joy. ''Lucky's gonna make it, Barbara Jean, my boy's
gonna be OK!'' Luke's face was wreathed in smiles. Suddenly, after months of missing him, Bobbie saw the old Luke again. While
relatively subdued in the somber OR setting, the sparkle was back in his eyes, the life was back in his voice, and as he walked up
to her, there was a trace of his usual cocky swagger.

Taking her brother's hand in one of her own, Bobbie sat down with the family to wait.

                                            Chapter 14

''How is he?'' Laura leaped to her feet as Monica Quartermaine entered the waiting room.

Monica's eyes, tired but happy, held Laura in their gaze. ''Lucky's new heart is in and working fine. The surgery took a lot out of
him; we almost lost him completely several times, but we've got him stabilized now. He's in recovery and we're cautiously

''Oh, thank God!'' Laura gasped as she sank gratefully into Luke's ready arms.

''Thank you, Monica,'' Luke choked out, eyes blazing with pent-up emotion. ''Words can't say …'' His voice broke and, tears of
relief streaming unchecked down his cheeks, he buried his face in his wife's silky golden hair.

''When can we see him?'' Bobbie asked.

''We just need to run a few post-operative tests, and then you can see him. But only one at a time,'' she reminded her best friend.

''When will he awaken?'' Nikolas asked.

''Not for several more hours.''

''But he's going to be OK, right Dr. Quartermaine?'' Sonny asked.

''As I said, we're cautiously optimistic.''

''Whatever the heck that means,'' Sonny muttered.

''Will he be in any pain?'' Liz asked. Her hands trembled as she waited anxiously for the cardiac surgeon's answer.

''When he wakes up, he's going to be feeling as though a truck's run over him,'' Monica admitted. ''But we can give him painkillers
for that. What he's really going to be aware of is that he can breathe again.'' At that response, Liz's face dissolved into a radiant

                                              * * *

Lucky felt as if he were swimming upstream of an endlessly flowing river. His muscles felt heavy, weighted down, and a foggy
darkness surrounded him, save for a single point of light that mesmerized him, beckoning him to reach it. In the back of his mind, he
sensed that if he could just reach this light, his swimming could stop and his tired body could rest. He made one final, desperate
grab for the light as his world began to swirl around him, and …

''Lucky? Lucky, can you hear me?'' Elizabeth's voice, sweeter than all the music in the world, reached him. Her tone held a volume
of wistful hope.

''Lizzie?'' he murmured softly, questioningly. A quiet moan escaped his lips as consciousness returned, and with it, crushing, painful
weight over his entire upper body.

''Lucky, you made it! You made it, Lucky!'' Liz's eyes shone with joy above the hospital mask she wore. Even in a sterile hospital
gown and latex gloves, she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. ''You have a new heart,'' she whispered.

Realization dawning on his handsome face, Lucky drew in a long, deep, and for the first time in many weeks, unencumbered
breath. Eyes wet with tears, he searched Elizabeth's face. ''It's really true?''

Wordlessly, too choked up to speak, Liz took one of Lucky's hands in her own and drew it up to his face. Lucky's eyes widened as
he saw his fingertips, bluish for so long with lack of oxygen, now showed the healthy, glowing pink of oxygenated blood.

                                              * * *

Emily walked into the Quartermaine living room, giving her grandparents and Ned a peck on the cheek as she passed by. As she
stepped up to the breakfast spread and chose a croissant and some fruit, she looked inquiringly at her family. ''Where's Mom? She
and I had plans to go shopping today.''

''Oh, she got called into the hospital. Some emergency surgery or something..'' Edward said.

''Oh, OK. I guess I'll call the Spencers, then. It's been a few days since I've seen Lucky.''

''How is he, dear?'' Lila asked gently.

''I don't know.'' Emily bit her lip. ''He didn't look too good the last time I saw him. He was ...''

She was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone, which Edward hastily answered.

''Edward Quartermaine,'' he barked out testily. ''Oh, Monica dear. Yes, here she is. Emily, your mother wants to talk to you.''

''She probably wants to tell me when to meet her at the mall.'' Emily said, taking the phone. ''Yeah, Mom?''

''Em, I'm at the hospital.''

''Oh my God! Lucky! Is he ...?

''We performed the transplant last night. He woke up a couple of hours ago.''

''You got the call and you didn't tell me?'' Emily cried. ''Hold on, I'll be right there.''

''Reggie, have the driver bring the car around,'' Lila said mildly, as Emily hurried out the door.

To be continued...

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