Dawn Before the Darkness- 4


"Yes? Hello. Main Street Florist?" Nik spoke into
the telephone. "I'd like, oh, five, no, ten dozen red
roses sent to 1234 Mockingbird Lane. Yes, I'd like
the message to read, 'A simple reminder of my
presence.' Oh, the bill? Uh, I've got a credit card
right here? Yes. The number is 90045-8976-98790.
Expiration date January 1, 2001. Yes, thank you. I'd
like those sent today if at all possible. Thanks. Bye."

Nik replace the phone back in its cradle, pleased
with himself. 'Liz will be stunned.' He knew Lucky
could never afford so extravagant a gift as ten dozen
roses. The cost barely put a dent in the limit on his
card. 'There's something I'm forgetting? Oh, yes!
The dinner and hotel reservations!' Of course it
didn't occur to Nikolas that Elizabeth might not wish
to attend a private dinner with him in a suite at the
Port Charles Hotel.

Dialing the number of the hotel, Nikolas impatiently
waited for a receptionist to answer.
Finally, after about twelve rings, some one picked up
the other line.

"Hello, this is Nikol---"

He was cut off as a receptionist said, "Hello? Please

'Urrh. What on earth do they think they're doing?'
Nikolas' anger only heighten when the muzak of
Barry Manilow began on the other end. Smoldering,
he was not a happy camper when finally, after ten
minutes, the receptionist answered.

"Hello! PC Hotel. How may I help you?" she asked.

Controlling his annoyance, Nik said in a clipped
tone, "I'd like to reserve your best suite for the
evening of November twelfth. I'd also like to arrange
a private dinner to be served there, a full five-course
meal, prepared that day by your best chef."

Flustered, the receptionist replied, "Well, sir, it
seems that our best suite is already reserved that
entire week. And I really don't know that we serve
private meals of that caliber---"

Tired of her prattling, Nikolas said, "Look, why
don't you let me talk to the day manager. I'm sure he
or she would be much more help than you are right
now." Inwardly, he heaved a sigh of frustration.
'Lord, I hate dealing with stupid people.'

The poor woman replied, "Oh, dear, I'm afraid Mr.
Stevens is out at this moment, but perhaps you'd like
to go ahead and reserve another---"

"LOOK!" Nik barked into the phone, "this is Nikolas
Cassadine, as in the nephew of Stefan Cassadine!
When your Mr. Stevens gets in, have him give me a
call." Saying that, Nikolas slammed down the phone.

"Oh, poor baby, are the peasants giving you a hard
time?" said a voice dripping with sarcasm.

Whirling around, Nik was much surprised to see
Sarah Webber standing in the middle of his living

The park***********

"Lucky? LUCKY!," Elizabeth panted. "Slow down.
You've been dragging me across Port Charles at a
non-stop pace for half an hour. I need to rest."

Breathing heavily, she slumped down on a stone
bench. Lucky, still incredibly angry at Sarah, paced
restlessly back and forth in front of Liz. Finally, it
dawned on Liz what was truly bothering Lucky.

Sitting up straighter, Liz asked point blank, "What'd
Sarah do this time?"

Startled, Lucky looked at her. 'How'd she know?' he
thought. Needless to say, Lucky had attempted,
though rather poorly at times, to protect Liz from
Sarah's pettiness.

Trying to look nonchalant, he said, "Nah. Its not
Sarah. Why would she bother me? She is, after all,
my future sister-in-law."

Running his fingers through his hair, Lucky sat
down next to Liz, struggling to pull off an act of
innocence. However, his efforts were ineffectual.

A bit peeved, Liz said, "Look, Spencer, I'm not an
innocent babe.  I know all about Sarah's reputation
in high school. You don't have to protect me. I'm a
big girl."

Not giving away a thought, Lucky merely smirked.
"I don't know about the innocent part, but you
definitely ARE a babe."

"OHHHH! Sometimes you make me want to

"Look, seriously, I know I don't have to protect you
one hundred percent of the time, but nor does that
mean I'm going to abandon you in the clutches of
your sister," Lucky replied. Changing the subject, he
asked Liz, "So, why'd you look like hell this
morning? I hope it had nothing to do with us?"

The laughter was extinguished from Lizzie's eyes.
They became shadowed and haunted. At the
memory of the sheer terror, tears formed in her sad
eyes, and they traced an erratic path down her

Concerned, Lucky gathered her in his arms, "Hey,
hey. What's wrong?"

Sniffling a bit, Liz told him, "Right after you left, I
talked to Sarah for a few minutes, then went into my
room. As soon as I got into bed, the phone rang.
However, when I answered it, no one was there..."
She trailed off as shudders of horror shook through
her body.

Lucky, already with a vague indication of where the
conversation was heading, pulled Elizabeth closer to
him. She buried her head into his shoulder. Feeling
her tears on his neck, Lucky struggled to leash the
rage that roared through him.

In a clipped voice, he said, "Liz, baby, what

Turning her body so she was leaning against him,
she continued, "Well, the line wasn't dead, but I
couldn't hear anything, so I hung up. Well,
immediately, the phone rang again. When I
answered, a voice called me a slut and that if I ever
hung up him again, he would hurt me..."

Lizzie pushed away the panic building inside her.

"He then said that I was heading on the same path
that got me hurt in trouble two years ago. I could
only assume he meant the rape. I couldn't sleep, and
when I did, I had the nightmares again..."

Sobs shook her from head to toe now. Lucky just
held her, rocking comfortingly back and forth, until
her weeping subsided. However, as she continued to
cry, his anger increased.

"God, Elizabeth, why didn't you call me? Or tell
Sarah? No wonder you looked affright this
morning!" Lucky chided.

"I don't know. I just was so scared, but it was
probably just a crank call. I mean, its not as if the
rape is a secret anymore," Liz said in a small voice.

"No thanks to Sarah," Lucky muttered.

Upon her return from Europe, she hadn't been
exactly discreet about her sister's attack. Just
another reason Lucky hated the blonde bitch.

However, not one to wallow, Lizzie stood up and
looked down at her fiancé. Grinning a little sadly,
she said, "Come on, loverboy. Let's go tell some
people about our future together."

Catching onto her ploy, Lucky responded, "Ah, no,
ya don't. Liz, this call may have not been a crank.
My dad has a tracing device I want you to borrow.
The next time this guy calls, keep him on the line
and get an address. Then call me. I'm going to kick
his butt. Understand?"

He stared hard into Liz's eyes and squeezed her arms
at little harder than usual to emphasize his point.
Though not normally forceful with Liz, he wanted
her to understand the seriousness of the situation.

"All right, Lucky. I'll do what you say, but I still
think it was a crank call."

"Good," Lucky replied.

Taking her hand, he pulled her onto the main path in
the park. "Come on, let's go pay a visit to Mom and

Liz nodded her agreement, and they walked away in
happiness, unaware of the watching eyes.


"Sarah! When did you get back?" Nikolas asked,
struggling to sound pleased.

"Oh, a few days ago," came the syrupy sweet reply.

"Well, uhm, can I get you anything? A Coke?

"Oh, no. I came to talk business," Sarah said, her
eyes hard and cold.

Not quite sure what to expect, Nik cautiously said,
"All right then. Talk."

Walking to the sofa, Sarah spread herself out on it,
looking at Nik with an evil sneer.
Nik began to feel more uneasy.

"Well, where shall I begin. Let's see. How would
you like to break up Liz and Lucky?"

Caught completely off-guard, Nik asked, "What?!?!"

"Oh, come on. I know your hot for little Lizzie. You
have been for awhile. What I want to know is how
far are you willing to go to get her away from
Lucky?" said Sarah point-blank.

"Now, look, Liz is a nice girl, but I don't feel
anything beyond friend----"

Cutting off his protests, Sarah said, "So, is that why
you watch her from afar? Is that why you sent her
that pendant? Those flowers? Is that why you're
arranging a romantic evening of wining and dining in
the Port Charles Hotel? Come, come. how stupid do
you think I am?"

Even more bewildered, Nik asked, "How did you

Smirking, she said, "I have good sources. Now,
answer me. What will you do to break up Little Miss
Sunshine and Ducky Lucky?"

"Anything," came the unequivocal reply.

"I thought so."

Nik surveyed Sarah for the first since she had barged
unannounced into the room. She was wearing a
short, tight black dress that scooped low in the
front. Her face was loaded overkill with makeup,
and her hair was brushed sexily into her eyes. He
easily understood why pretty much any able-bodied
male wanted to sleep with her.

"Like what you see?" came the coy question.

Smiling wickedly, Nik replied, "Not really. I prefer
nicer girls. Natural looking girls, not some demon's

Approaching her, Nik displayed the extreme, cold
control Cassadines were notorious for. "Now, what's
in it for you?"

Startled by the sudden change in Nikolas'
disposition, Sarah mumbled, "Wha-what do y-you

"I mean, you're not doing this as a favor to me. You
want to hurt someone. I want to make sure its not
Liz or me. Just call it protecting my interests."

"Well, I've never been a huge fan of Elizabeth, but
its really her little boy toy I can't stomach. He
humiliated me. He has to pay."

Sarah looked Nik straight in the eye. If one were to
witness the scene and the disgust brimming from
both parties, one would never have guessed that
they used to be in love.

"So, are you in?"


Not expecting that answer, Sarah screeched, "What
do you mean?"

Unmoved, Nikolas answered, "I mean no. You will
hurt Elizabeth in the process, either emotionally
and/or physically, and I will have nothing to do with
bringing any harm to her. Besides, I already have my
own plans set in motion. I don't need or want you."

"Fine," Sarah said coldly, rising from the sofa. "I
think it best I left now."

"I couldn't agree more," Nik conceded. "I'll walk
you out."


She walked away, towards the front door. However,
she had not gone far when Nik's next words stopped
her cold.

"Oh, and Sarah? If I find out that you have hurt
Elizabeth in any way, I will destroy you."

When he had finished, Sarah resumed her pace and
did not look back.

After she was gone, Nik stood alone in the room,
contemplating his options.

The Spencer's**********

"So, how should we tell them?" Lucky asked Liz as
they walked up the porch steps to his parents house.

"I don't know," Liz said nervously. "What about just
telling them out right? Luke would approve."

"All right. But let me do the talking, okay?"

"I don't think so."

"Why? I think I know my parents---"

He was cut off as Laura opened the front door.

"Oh, hi!"

"Hey, Mom!"

"Hey, Laura!"

"Well, don't stand out there. Come in, come in."

Ushering them into the house, Laura closed the door
and embraced Elizabeth.

"Its been so long since we've seen each other. How
are you?"

At this, Lucky merely rolled his eyes. "Aww, Mom,
the two of you went shopping at the beginning of
last week. You act as if its been years."

Liz and Laura both grinned. The two of them had
become good friends over the course of the last two
and half years, drawn together not only by their
shared tragedies, but also by their shared love for

"Well, for us girls, that's a long time. Anyway,
whenever you and Foster are separated for more
than an hour, you become emotional," Liz scolded.

"I do not," Lucky said, taking immediate offense.

"Do to."

"Do not."

"Do to."

"Do not."
"Do to."

"Do not."

"Do to."

Their mild disagreement was cut short by Luke's

"Hey, Cowboy, don't argue with the lady. Whatever
it is, I'm sure you do it. Hello, gorgeous!"

In usual Luke flamboyance, the senior Spencer
picked up Liz and whirled her around. Next he did
the same to his wife.

"So, what brings you here, Elizabeth? Can't be

"Gee, thanks, Dad. Actually, it involves both of us.
You see, over the years of our friendship, that is,
Liz's and mine, we've grown pretty close. She and I
bonded, we became, I guess, soulmates. It wasn't
easy. Fate didn't seem to favor our pairing, but we
finally found each other---"

Sensing that Lucky was going to take forever in
coming to a point, Liz merely raised her left hand.
Her engagement ring shone with bright and beautiful

"Oh, wonderful!" Laura said.

"Great!" replied Luke.

"But Mom, Dad, I haven't finished---"

"We both think its wonderful you're getting
married," Luke said. Not wanting to hurt Lucky's
feelings, he added, "We noticed her ring."

"Oh," Lucky said, still confused.

"This calls for a celebration," Laura said.

"How about dinner at the club?" Luke suggested.

"Perfect!" both women chimed in.

With that, they headed out for Luke's.

Unfortunately, during this time, an intruder made
their way into the Spencer family's vacant house.
However, this person was not there to take items.
Quite the contrary, they were there to put into place
certain 'special' pieces of incriminating evidence,
strategically arranged in Lucky's room: a black ski
mask, a ripped and dirty red dress, and the hint of a
spicy cologne smell.

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