Dawn Before the Darkness - 2


'There she is,' thought Nikolas to himself. 'She's
so...no words can describe it.' Nik had been in love
before, or so he had thought. With Sarah, he really
wasn't sure what it had been. At one point, he had
definitely liked her, a lot. But there had always
seemed to be something missing. With Robin, he had
just been mystified by who she was. She had a
terrible hand dealt her, what with all the loved ones
she had lost and being HIV positive. She had the
allure of an 'older' woman, though she wasn't but
three or four years his senior. Robin was also
extremely lovely, as had been Sarah. Things had
soured when Sarah became too clinging, and Robin
hooked back up with Jason. Also, of course, Robin
had a tendency to preach. 'Umph. That's a nice way
of putting it.' Honestly, he liked Robin. She was a
good listener. At one point, he had seriously
considered striking up something with Sarah again,
but last he had heard, she was off in Bosnia, helping
her parents. Then he had started noticing Elizabeth.
When she had first come to Port Charles, she had
merely been annoying, with all her pranks. But under
that facade of manipulation and scheming, she was
vulnerable and affection-starved. Then she was
raped. Though he thoroughly detested the
circumstances that had forced her change, the
assault had ultimately strengthened and matured
Elizabeth, yet at the same time retaining her
spontaneity and, as he put, 'bounciness.' Not
irritatingly perky like her sister, but vivacious.
'Enough of this, Nikolas. Just go in there and talk to
her.' Easier said than done.

"Okay, here goes nothing," Nik said aloud.

He went into Kelly's, and approached the table
where Liz had two books open, a cup of coffee, and
a frown of frustration marring her usually serene
face. She was so enraptured in her studies that she
didn't Nik until he was standing right in front of her.

"Uh, hem."

With the sudden distraction, she yelped. "Geez,
Nikolas, don't scare me like that, please."

"Oh, sorry. Are you busy?," Nikolas asked, a bit

"Well, sorta-kinda---"

"Oh, then, I'll go away--"

"No! No. Please. I could use a positive distraction.
Please, sit down." Liz gestured at the empty chair
across from her.

"Thanks. What are you studying?"

"Oh, simply boring stuff. I have a MAJOR Business
Law test tomorrow. Over torts, tariffs, all this legal
mumbo-jumbo. Horrible course, but required for
graduation." Lizzie sighed.

"Mumbo-jumbo? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the
term. Does it hold legal or business connotations?"
The look of sheer perplexion on Nik's face caused
Liz to burst out laughing.

"No, no. 'Mumbo-jumbo is just a, well, phrase, used
when something confuses you. You really didn't
know what it meant?"

'God, she has the prettiest laugh,' Nik thought. 'I
could listen to that sound all day.' Caught in
amorous thoughts, Nik just sat staring at Liz with an
expression that bordered on vacant. Liz waved her
hand in front of his face.

"Earth to Nikolas? Hello?"

"Oh, sorry. Sorry. Anyway, what were you saying,?"
Nikolas desperately hoped he wasn't blushing.

Liz said, "Oh, nothing important. So, what brings
you to Kelly's?"

'You.' "Oh, just passing through the neighborhood."
'Real smooth. Ask her something.' "Is that coffee
good?" 'God, ask her something intelligent!!!'

"Actually, I just brewed it. Would you like a cup?"


"Great. I'll be right back." Liz gracefully rose from
her chair and headed for behind the counter.

"Oh, wait...." Nik trailed off as he noticed the easy
elegance Elizabeth moved with. 'She should be
pampered and catered to in a castle high in the Swiss
Alps, not holed up in this cesspool of a town with no
better prospects than Spencer.'

Liz came back with the coffee, so Nik couldn't
continue his tirade against a town that HE had
insisted his uncle and himself remain in.

Looking for something to talk about, Nik asked the
first question that popped into his head, "So how
was your and Lucky's 'celebration'?"

Liz couldn't help but notice the over-emphasis on
the last word or the sarcasm dripping from his tone
of voice. Warily, she said, "It was fine."

"He didn't mess it up? I mean, Lucky's never been
one for tact or decorum--"

"Look, if you came just to rattle on about how much
you dislike Lucky, you can just leave. I know that
sometimes Lucky shoots his mouth at the wrong
time, but I also know that he usually does it because
somebody provokes him." By the time she had
finished, Liz was irate. 'Talk about tact and
decorum. At least Lucky doesn't pretend friendship
to Nik's girlfriend and then talk trash about him.'
However, her anger died as suddenly as it had risen
at the immediate look on shame on Nikolas' face.

"I'm sorry. I see I have offended you. Please,
understand that was never my intent. I honestly
approached because I genuinely like conversing with
you. I'll leave now. Please take my profuse apologies
into consideration before you ride me off
completely." Nik rose to leave. Liz reached for his
arm, and as soon as her flesh made contact with his,
Nik froze, transfixed her touch.

Not noticing her effect on him, Liz said, "I'm not
offended or angry anymore. Your feud with Lucky is
none of my business. Please, don't go. I'll have no
one to talk to."

It was at that point both of them realized that except
for them, the restaurant was completely empty. That
particular piece of knowledge didn't make Liz feel
very secure, especially when she noticed the
intensity with which Nikolas gazed at her.

"Hum. Please, stay. You could help me study for my
test. Please." Liz decided that being with Nik in an
empty restaurant was better than being completely
alone in an empty restaurant. Besides, he probably
really could help her with the test material.

"Uh, okay," came the unsteady reply.

"Great. Drag your chair over here."

The two immersed themselves in the material.
Because of the smallness of the table, they had to
lean in towards one another, making the simple
tutoring session seem more intimate than in was in
actuality. Perhaps this was the reason why the next
figure to walk into Kelly's flew into such a rage at
the sight of them. Whatever the explanation, one
moment Nik was explaining to Liz once again the
workings of stocks and bonds, the next moment his
face was being smashed into a brick wall.

CASSADINE?!?!" The scream was one of pure

"Lucky! LUCKY! LET HIM GO!!!" Pleading, Liz
pulled frantically at the arm Lucky was using to pin
Nik to the wall. "He was only helping me study!"

Thankfully, the sound of Elizabeth's voice brought
Lucky back to reality. Unfortunately, though, he
wasn't interested in details. "Sweetheart, with the
Cassadines, nothing is 'only' something. Little Boy
Fauntleroy, here, is up to something."

Because he was momentarily distracted by the love
of his life, Nik was able to break Lucky's hold. He
immediately turned and landed a punch in the
unprepared Lucky's gut. Despite the having the wind
knocked out of him, Lucky managed a
counterattack, which Nikolas met with full force.
The two continued using each other as punching
bags until a gunshot froze both of them in their feet.
Because she had run off to find help, neither could
see Elizabeth. However, Lucky was the only one to
notice her absence.


"QUIET!!!" Ruby's voice boomed over his. Both
brothers immediately turned to her voice and noticed
the twelve-gauge braced between her hands. The
shot had been fired above them, plaster and dust
particles were floating around the pair. A scared and
confused Elizabeth peeked through the hole in the
ceiling. In the melee, she had run upstairs to see if
Ruby was anywhere around.

"I'm right here, Lucky," her voice called out. Now
over the shock of the blast, she was madder than

"Sweet Mary, I thought you two were burglars with
all the raucous goin' on. Just look at the mess you've
caused," Ruby said angrily.

The pair looked around at their surroundings to see
overturned tables, broken chairs, and other various
debris left in the wake of Hurricane Lucky meets
Tropical Depression Nikolas.

"Uh, gee, Ruby. I'm sorry?" asked Nikolas said.

Lucky, however, was halfway across the room,
attempting to talk to Elizabeth.

"Come on, Liz. What was I supposed to think? You
and the prince sittin' here, nice and cozy? Surely you
knew what that'd do to me!" Lucky pleaded.

"Oh, I see! So this was all MY fault?!?" Elizabeth
asked enraged.

"Well, indirectly, yeah....."

"I DON'T think so! I'm going home! Lucky, when
you grow up and learn to control your temper, still
don't call me!

With that, Liz ran out the door. Realizing it was
futile to follow her right then, Lucky turned his fury
back onto to Nikolas.

"Man, you are so dead!"

As the two approached each other yet again, Ruby
stepped between them. "Oh, no. Not again. Lucky,
you stay right there. Nikolas, go home. I'm
expecting you to be here tomorrow bright and early
to help clean up. Now get."

As soon as Nikolas left, Ruby looked at Lucky.
"You better think of a really good apology to that
girl. She's the best darn thing that ever happened to
you, and I'd hate to have to beat you for losing her,
especially to that Cassadine kid."

Confused, Lucky asked, "You're not mad?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm mad, but it ain't the first time boys
fought over a girl, and it won't be the last. So long
as your here tomorrow to help clean, I won't
mention it to Luke, though he'd probably be proud
that you pounded Nikolas. You only have one
shiner, Cassadine's got two and a scraped face."

"Thanks, Ruby, you're the best."

Lucky immediately left then to make preparations to
win over Lizzie. He was too occupied to notice the
crouched figure in the alley that had just found a
method in which to kill two birds with one stone.

The Hardy's--early afternoon**********

'How could he? I thought he and Nikolas were at
least being civil to one another.' Stretching herself
out on the living room sofa, Liz gave up studying for
her test as she pondered her beloved and his fierce
hatred of his brother. 'Well, its not as if they've ever
been confidantes. Even when there merely talk to
one another, there is always an undercurrent of
tension.' She just didn't understand them. She wasn't
truly mad at Lucky for fighting. After all, she herself
didn't quite feel that comfortable in Nicholas's
presence. However, Lucky had no right to blame the
entire affair on her. She hadn't done anything to hurt
Lucky, and she didn't mean to make him jealous. 'It
was just an innocent study session. Oh, God, what
am I saying?' Even if she and Nikolas had been
making out, he had no right to attack Nikolas like
that. The look of sheer hatred and coldness on
Lucky's face had frightened her a great deal. 'What
am I going to do?' She still loved Lucky fiercely.
'Oh, what am I going--'


The sudden noise knocked Elizabeth out of her
reverie. Untangling herself from the notes and books
scattered around her, Liz went to the door. Opening
it cautiously, she didn't see anyone. However, a
small package wrapped in satiny paper tied with a
violet ribbon sat in front of the door. Picking up the
package, she looked out onto the porch, but didn't
see anyone. Shutting the door behind her, she
returned inside and unwrapped the package. Under
the paper, was a white box that said 'Wyndham's.'
'Oh, what is it?' Opening the box, Liz discovered to
her delight a tiny, gold cherub holding pure ice-blue
aquamarine. 'Oh, my! What a lovely necklace!'
Dropping the box to the floor, she hurriedly fastened
the delicate chain around her neck and peered into
the hall mirror. The angel rested at the hollow of her
throat. 'Its breathtaking? I wonder who sent it?'
Looking down at the box on the floor, she noticed
that a piece of paper had fallen out of the box.
Picking it up and opening it, she read a short
message written in a definitely masculine script:

A small reminder that you will always have a
guardian  angel to protect and watch over you.

        A Secret

Though the whole 'secret admirer' bit was somewhat
cliche` she was also extremely flattered. 'I wonder
who it could be?' The first person she thought of
was Lucky, but she immediately discarded that
theory. Not only could he have afforded such a piece
of jewelry, but hidden messages were not his style.
Also she hoped that he had more common sense
than to think that she could be won over by a gift,
no matter how beautiful, without any form of
explanation or apology. 'If not Lucky, who else?'
Her vague reaches as to the person's identity were
interrupted by an assuredly more important thought.
'What if Lucky finds out?' If Lucky's reaction to a
mere conversation with another guy sent Lucky into
a murderous rage, how would he take to a secret
admirer? Elizabeth was not wholly unfamiliar with
Lucky's temper or his jealousy. During the last two
years, whenever and whereever a boy approached
Liz when Lucky was around, he would immediately
become cold and withdrawn, completely brushing
off the poor guy until he left. A few times the more
persistent prospects received a taste of Lucky's fist,
but that was only when she seemed threatened. At
first, Liz hadn't truly minded Lucky's
overprotectiveness. It gave her the opportunity to
breath and deal with the rape. However, as the
months turned into a year, Liz had slowly begun to
realize Lucky's attitude stemmed not only from
concern, but also jealousy and a bit of possessive.
She understood these emotions could turn
dangerous if in too much quantity, but Lucky
genuinely loved her. He had NEVER threatened
violence unless she was in danger. His reaction to
her talking to Nikolas was an extension of this, but
that still didn't give him the right to blame it on her.

Her musings were postponed as the doorbell rang.
Opening the door, she saw a delivery man holding a
clipboard and about two-dozen red roses.

"Please sign here, ma'am," said the man.

Liz signed and took the flowers from the man.

"Thanks." 'More gifts?'

Seeing a card attached, she removed it and began to
read, immediately recognizing the handwriting:

Your wonderful presence is sincerely requested at
Luke's Club tonight at 8:00 for a private dinner and
dance. Dress is formal. Please attend.

Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, Jr.

Seeing Lucky use his entire name brought tears to
Elizabeth's eyes. He only used it when he knew he
was in big trouble.  'Well, if I'm ever going to talk to
him, I might as well go.'
Noting the time was almost four, Liz went upstairs
to begin to change.


'She should have received the package by now,'
Nikolas thought. 'I hope she likes it.'
Embarrassed by his lack of control in front of
Elizabeth, Nik had immediately went to Wyndham's.
He knew it was only a paltry offering when she
really deserved diamonds and gold and other such
baubles, but he had only a few hundred on him in
cash. 'Later, I'll buy her something better.' Actually,
he didn't think he would have to take an active role
in ridding himself and Liz of Lucky. His violent
reaction to his meeting with Liz earlier that day had
been more than he could have hoped for. He had
approached Elizabeth with the idea that sooner or
later Lucky would happen by, and that when Lucky
saw him with Liz, Lucky would shoot off his mouth.
However, Lucky had attacked Nikolas, though Nik
couldn't tell if was out of jealousy or that he had felt
Liz was in danger.  When he and Lucky usually
fought, Lucky was always angry, but never cold.
The look in Lucky's eyes today had been like hard,
foggy ice. 'I would never harm Liz, surely Lucky
would realize that.' In reality, Lucky had no way of
knowing such a thing. 'Perhaps Lucky thinks I'm
only using Liz as a means to get close to Lucky, and
then hurt him. I don't know...'

"Nikolas, what HAPPENED?!?"

The feminine screech sent Nikolas flying through the
air off the couch as he was knocked from his
thoughts. He had been contemplating so deeply, he
had not noticed Emily walk into the room.

"Oh, hey, Em," Nik tried to sound enthusiastic.
Emily was nice enough, she just had a tendency to
act too ditzy. "Uh, I just got into a fight, that's all."

"Oh, dear. With who?"

"Who do you think?"

"Uh, I really don't know," Emily said earnestly.

"Lucky. I got into a fight yet again with Lucky,"
Nikolas said resignedly.

"Oh, well, you look awful. Want me to get you
something?," Emily asked.

The true concern in Emily's tone softened Nikolas a
little. He really had nothing against Emily. Finally
looking at her thoroughly, Nik couldn't help but
appreciate her long, lithe figure and lovely face. 'Not
as beautiful as Elizabeth, but she's definitely going to
break some hearts one of these days, if she hasn't

"What are you doing back so soon? I thought your
photo shoot didn't end until next month?"

"Oh, it wasn't supposed to, but Ned insisted I return
now so I'm rested for school. It starts next week,
you know?" Emily replied, a little disappointed that
Nik didn't know this little fact about her life when
she knew everything about his.

Nik was immediately reminded, though. Emily
would be a senior at PC High, while he himself, if he
were in college, would be a sophomore. He assumed
that both Liz and Lucky would enter the freshman
class at PCU.

Emily's voice once again pulled Nikolas from his
reflections, "How 'bout some dinner?"

Though Nik was tired, he was also sick of sitting on
his butt doing nothing. "Sure, why not? I need to do
a little shopping anyway."

"Great." With that, both left for an evening of dinner
and shopping.

Luke's--that night**********

The club was empty. Tables had been cleared away
to make a dance floor, except for one. It was
centered in the club and covered with a white linen
tablecloth and formal diningware. Dozens of softly
glowing candles were the only illumination in the
room. Almost inaudibly, slow music drifted from an
unseen stereo system. 'Man, I owe Dad a lot,'
thought Lucky. Luke hadn't been terribly thrilled
when Lucky had requested his father close the club
to the public. It meant the loss of quite a bit of good
business, but when Luke had heard Lucky's reasons,
he happily obliged. 'Where is she?' Lucky was
beginning to think Liz wasn't coming. Deciding to
go check on the cooking meal, he left the main room
for the kitchen.

Right at that moment, Liz walked into the room,
dressed in her best. Not seeing Lucky anywhere, she
slowly moved towards the center table. She looked
at the lavish but tasteful decorations. The crystal
stemware, delicate china, sterling silverware. 'My,
goodness, he must truly by sorry.' It was then that
she noticed the bucket of ice and bottle standing at
the end of the table. 'Oh, surely, not..."

"Miss, I'm sorry, but we're closed to the public..."
Lucky's voice trailed off as Elizabeth turned around.
At first he hadn't recognized her, but now he did,
and he was speechless. Her hair was pinned loosely
in a French twist with many tendrils framing her
face, similar to the hair style she wore to Max and
Felicia's wedding. Her gown was of the deepest
violet. Thin straps held a tight bodice with a semi-
daring neckline that looked to be made of the softest
velvet. Her skirt was a full, billowy cloud of gauze
that fell to the floor. She looked indescribable.
Lucky felt his throat catch as he realized what he
had almost lost, still could if the night didn't go the
way he planned.

Finding his voice, he said, "Liz, I, uh, geez, uh..."
The words 'gosh darn purty' drifted trough his mind,
but he was still powerless to form words more than
one syllable.

At the same time, Liz seemed to be afflicted with the
same disorder. She was stunned by the look of
Lucky in his all-black suit. The slacks fit him
perfectly. His jacket hung snugly on his shoulders,
and his collarless shirt made him look all the more
sexy. His longish hair had been slicked back, and a
diamond stud twinkled in his ear.

Both were so caught up in each other that when they
felt their lips melt together they didn't remember
walking towards one another. It that one kiss all was
forgiven and forgotten. After a few moments, they
stopped only because of a mutual need for oxygen.

Holding Liz tightly to him, Lucky said, "I know
today wasn't your fault. I'm so sorry! To think I
could have lost you, could still lose you! I was so

"Shh. Hush," Liz whispered. "Lucky, look at me.
Look. At. Me."

Reluctantly, Lucky gazed into her eyes, tears
streaming down his face. "Listen to me. Nothing,
NOTHING you ever do could ever, ever make me
stop loving you! NOTHING! I LOVE YOU! Do
you understand?" By this time, both were crying.

"I love you, too," Lucky managed to choke out.
Together, they both clung to one another, swaying

Suddenly, Lucky asked, "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you love me?"

Liz was momentarily stunned. 'Because you make
me feel wonderful. I'm complete with you. Your
funny, honest, loving, tender, passionate, and a
myriad of other things I could go one about for an
eternity. You stuck by me when I was alone. You
saved me. You make me ME.' However, Liz said
none of these things.

Instead, she simply said, "You helped me to see the
stars again."

With that said, she asked him why.

"You are my star. How could I not love you?"

They kissed again and again and again. Finally, they
both decided they were hungry.

Lucky brought out dinner,  which of course, was a
hamburger and fries.

"Your favorites, madame," Lucky said in a mock
English accent.

"Thank you, milord. Its simply divine," Liz answered
back in the same bad imitation.

It wasn't until dessert that Lucky once again began
to get nervous. 'Well, here goes nothing.' Reaching
for the chilled bottle in the bucket of ice, he poured
its contents into two goblets. Handing one to Liz, he
said, "Bottoms up!"

"Wait! Its not champagne, is it?" Liz asked.

"Of course not. Its ginger ale."

"Oh, well, then. Bottoms up."

It was at this point Liz noticed something through
the glass. Confused, Liz reached into the glass and
pulled out the object. It was a simple gold solitaire
diamond ring.

As Liz gazed at it in fascination, Lucky rose from his
chair and got on bended knee in front of Liz.

He said, "Liz, will you do me the honor of taking me
as your husband?"

A street in Port Charles' shopping

At the same time, a lone figure walks home carrying
a shopping bag. In this shopping bag are three
special items: a red dress, a bottle of spicy cologne,
and a black ski mask.

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