Bloodlust - 11

Nick whirled around suddenly, coming face to face with Rachel. Rachel gasped in surprise, and took a step back. Nick grabbed her arm quickly, hauling her upright. “Sorry,” he apologized with a small smile. “My nerves are a little shot.”

“I can see that,” Rachel agreed. “Did you hear something?” she asked after a short pause.

“I thought I did,” Nick replied. “I thought I heard—“ He cut off as he heard the strange noise again. “There it is again!” he exclaimed. “I’m not going crazy,” he added with some relief.

The rest of the group skidded to a halt behind Nick, startled. “What is it?” Emily asked tightly, unconsciously moving closer to the ex-SEAL.

“It sounds like laughter,” Giles said, unable to hide his fear.

“Not laughter,” Emily corrected. “It’s more like—“

“Cackling,” Rachel finished.

The group stood still on the docks, silent except for the harsh inhaling and exhaling of breath. After another long moment, the noise drifted to them again, and Emily realized gratefully that she recognized the source of the haunting sound.

“No one’s laughing,” she said quietly. “That’s Lucy Coe. Talking. I don’t know who to,” she said. “Probably herself,” she added after a short pause. This brought sharp looks from the adults accompanying her. “You obviously haven’t met Lucy,” she said with an abrupt laugh.

The group looked in surprise to the end of the docks as the hysterical woman rushed toward them, her eyes wide with something that could have been shock or terror, or both. She ran up to Nick, clutching his arms fearfully. “Oh, thank god!” Lucy cried, laughing in unmistakable relief. “You have—to help—me,” Lucy sputtered, pulling the startled man after her.

“Help you?” Nick asked, doubt creeping into his voice. “With what? What’s going on? Lady!”

“Lucy!” Emily said sharply, drawing the woman’s attention. “What’s going on?” she asked, struggling to keep her voice steady.

Lucy stared blankly at Emily for a moment, then assessed her carefully for a moment before speaking. “You aren’t one of them too?” she asked sharply. “Please tell me you’re not! Oh god, you can’t be, this is just a nightmare, I can’t believe this is happening to me. Oh please, don’t let her be one of them too,” Lucy pleaded, her eyes cast to the dark sky.
“Lucy!” Emily cried again, her patience worn thin. She looked to the adults for assistance.

After a moment, Nick spoke up. “Where did you come from?” he asked patiently.

“I’ll show you!” Lucy exclaimed, practically jumping for joy. She grabbed the young man’s arm again and dragged him behind as she hurried back in the direction she had run in from. “Come on!” she hissed when none of the others moved.

Emily shook her head slowly, glancing from Rachel to Giles, who bore equal looks of confusion, then shrugged and followed reluctantly after.


Angel smiled mysteriously at Buffy. “It’s been a while,” he commented.

“Yeah,” Buffy breathed, then looked around the room suspiciously. “What am I doing here?” she asked suddenly. “What are you doing here? I distinctly remember sending you to Hell, Angelus.”

Buffy’s words caught him off-guard and Angel eyed the slayer warily. “You know I couldn’t stay away for long,” he said as casually as his shocked state would allow.

“Well, you should have,” Buffy remarked. “Now you’re going to be sorry you ever came back.” She lifted a bottle of whiskey off the bar, fully intending to hurl the bottle at the unsuspecting vampire. She was alarmed when someone caught her arm at the wrist and tugged it painfully.

“I wouldn’t,” Lucky hissed, baring his fangs.

Buffy screamed, and pulled away from the vampire. “Lucky!” she exclaimed. “What happened—“ Shaking uncontrollably, the slayer put her hands to her head. The distress washed over her in waves. “Xander,” she whispered hoarsely.

“Yeah?” Xander asked weakly, sidling up beside her.

“What’s happening?” she asked in a trembling voice. “I think I’m losing my mind.” Xander didn’t reply, but only stared in mild shock at the slayer. “Everyone’s turning into vampires,” Buffy cried. “This is not supposed to happen.”

“Buffy—“ Xander started. “Come on. You killed your boyfriend. Well, kind of,” he amended, glancing over at Angel. “I think you can handle slaying a couple more vampire friends, don’t you?”

Buffy stared back at Xander with red rimmed eyes, then almost regretfully reached into her jacket for a stake. She was surprised to find her usual supply gone.

“Looking for this?” Willow asked. Xander and Buffy looked up in shock as their red-haired friend entered the club, flanked by Luke and Carly. Willow walked casually toward her friends, the stake held out like an offering. “Go ahead,” she said to Buffy. “Take it.” She smiled slightly, then opened her mouth to display two even rows of sharp fangs. She ran her tongue lightly across them, her eyes never leaving the slayer’s face. “What’s the matter, Buffy?” Willow taunted. “Don’t you want it?”

Buffy’s eyes widened and seemed almost ready to burst as she watched her friend smile widely, then stumble into a chair, stake in hand. “I’ll keep it as a present for daddy, then,” Willow said, and looked longingly over her shoulder at the club’s entrance. The door  suddenly flew open, and Dru sauntered in, a grin stretched across her demented features.
She was followed closely by a slightly weaving Spike. He stumbled into the club, clutching his head, and, after a long moment, glanced up. His eyes fell on Buffy, and the slayer, in her muddled state, was able to detect only the slightest recognition in the vampire’s blue eyes. His expression changed slightly, and he cocked his head slightly to the side, his eyes still fixed on Buffy.

“Hello, beautiful,” Spike said to the stunned slayer. “Daddy’s home.”

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