Bloodlust - 1

   Brenda sat shivering on a bench at the docks, watching the fog roll lazily over the still water. She glanced at her watch and noticed the small hand had slipped past the ten. She sighed and turned her attention once again to the water.
   "Waiting for someone?" a man asked as he descended the stairs toward her.
   "My fiance," Brenda replied, drawing her coat tighter around her. "He was supposed to meet me here over an hour ago. What about you?"
   "I don't wait around for anyone, love," he said.
   Brenda raised an eyebrow. "Well you came all this way for something."
   "Not as far as you think," the man drawled. "Don't you worry, pet, I'll get what I came for."
   Brenda stared curiously at the strange man, taking in his odd appearance. He was fairly tall, with short cropped, peroxide-blond hair, and icy blue eyes. His eyes were the most arresting of his features, along with his clothing, which seemed oddly out of place with the current fashion. "So I take it you've been here a while?"
   "What do you mean by that, love?"
   "You obviously aren't from around here," she explained. "But you say you aren't from as far I thought. So you live in the United States."
   "Clever one, aren't you? How long did it take you to make that brilliant deduction?" the man asked, stepping toward her.
   "Well, you have a British accent-" she started, but was cut off by the man's hand over her mouth.
   "Quiet, girl!" he snapped, leaning in to caress her neck.
   Brenda squealed against his hand, but the pressure did not lessen. She bared her teeth and bit into the soft flesh of his palm.
   The man snatched his hand away, fixing her with a deadly glare. "Ah, so you're a biter, then? Seems luck is on my side tonight."
   Brenda pondered his words for a short moment, then leapt from the bench. She managed a few quick steps before the man caught her from behind and dragged her back, screaming, towards him. "Nice try," he said and whirled her around her to face him.
   Brenda screamed in horror at the sight of his hideous face. "Shh," the man rebuked her, and bared his fangs. "Now this won't hurt a bit," he said. He tilted his head and regarded her with gold eyes. "Actually it'll hurt like hell, but there's not much you can do about THAT is there?" Brenda's scream was cut off sharply as he bit into the tender flesh of her throat.
   Brenda's thin form dropped limply to the ground. The man licked his lips, and his face morphed back to its original appearance.
   The man turned at the sound of applause behind him. "Oh, Spikey, can I have one too?" the brunette asked, approaching him and the still form at his feet.
   "We're not finished with this one, pet. But you can have the next one."
   "Oh, goody," she squealed, and clapped again.

   "Will someone PLEASE tell me how we ended up here again?" Xander asked, neglecting to hide his irritation.
   "Remember the airport, Xander?" Willow responded seriously. "The plane, the fog, the delay, the cancellation."
   "Yes, I know HOW we ended up here. I meant WHY did we have to get stuck here. This isn't much better than Sunnydale," Xander complained.
   "Oh, come on, Xander, this place isn't so bad," Buffy cut in. "At least there's no vampires."
   "Yeah, that's always a plus," Willow agreed.
   Giles sat at by the window sill, rubbing his forehead gingerly. "We'll be leaving in the morning, Xander. I would hardly launch a complaint over one night."
   "In a four star hotel," Willow added.
   "But still," Xander whined. "Port Charles? It's not even on the map."
   "Neither is Sunnydale," Buffy pointed out. She twirled around to face the rest of the group. "So what do you think?" she asked.
   "Uh--isn't that the same outfit you were wearing earlier?" Willow asked timidly.
   "I loosened the collar!" Buffy exclaimed.
   Willow and Xander exchanged an exasperated look. "Oh, yeah, Buffy, it looks TOTALLY different," Xander commented.
   "Good," Buffy said in satisfaction. "Now let's go."
   "And where precisely are we going?" Giles inquired.
   "Out," Buffy said cheerfully. "You weren't planning to spend the whole night in this stuffy hotel room, were you?"
   "I'm with Buffy," Xander said, jumping from the bed. "We may as well get something out of this nightmare."
   "Just think, Xander," Buffy said over her shoulder as she pulled on her coat. "At this time tomorrow we'll be roaming the streets of Manhattan."
   "We could be doing that NOW if it weren't for that stupid airline," Xander said on his way out.
   "You can't blame the airline for the fog," Willow said, following them out.
   Giles sighed and got up to follow the teenagers out into the hall.

   "What do you mean we can't get in?" Buffy asked indignantly.
   "I'm sorry miss," Claude said, but still barred the entry to the club. "I don't make the rules-"
   "But you have to follow them. Yeah, I know," Buffy said rolling her eyes. "But you see, we're close personal friends of the owner."
   "And that is?" Claude prompted.
   Buffy glanced at the sign over the door, and spoke confidently. "Luke." She gave him her sweetest smile, then started when the door flew the rest of the way open.
   "You rang?" he asked, eyeing the group assembled outside the door.
   "Your close, personal friends did," Claude said.
   "So I heard," Luke said. "Funny, you don't look that familiar."
   "Uh, we were just, uh--perhaps we have the wrong person," Giles sputtered, wiping his glasses nervously on the front of his shirt.
   Luke laughed. "Forget it," he said. "Come on in. This place is dead anyway," he said, and waved them in.
   Xander looked to Willow nervously as they walked in. "I hope he didn't really mean that," he muttered to her.
   Willow nodded. "Me too."
   They understood Luke's meaning when they entered the club. With the exception of a young couple seated at the bar, the place was empty. "No wonder he let us in," Buffy said.
   "Buffy!" Willow exclaimed.
   Buffy ignored her friend and they continued toward the bar. "So what'll it be?" Luke asked as they approached. "Lemonade or root beer?"
   "Cherry coke," Willow and Xander said together. "Extra cherries," they added.
   Luke raised an eyebrow, but poured their drinks without comment. "And you?" he asked after handing them the glasses.
   "Oh, nothing for me," Buffy said.
   "I'll have a scotch," Giles said. "Make that a double," he amended, glancing at the teenagers.
   "I get you, man. The kid over there is my son."
   The group turned to the boy indicated. He looked up and regarded the group silently. "Introduce yourself, Lucky," Luke prodded.
   "Lucky?" Xander asked. "Is there some kind of special meaning to that?"
   Lucky stared at him as if he were crazy. "No," he said sharply, and extended his hand toward Buffy. "I'm Lucky Spencer," he introduced himself. "And this is my--Emily."
   "YOUR Emily?" Buffy questioned.
   Lucky blushed. "No-- just Emily."
   Emily gave an irritated look, then smiled and shook each of their hands. "It's nice to meet you," she said politely.
   "I like this one already," Giles said under his breath.
   Lucky leaned casually against the bar. "I haven't seen you around before," he said, directing his words toward Buffy. "Do you live around here?"
   "No, thank god," Xander responded.
   Lucky looked at him sharply, his eyes flashing. "Xander," Willow reprimanded him. "How would you like somebody saying that about Sunnydale?"
   "I say that about Sunnydale all the time," Xander said.
   "I'm Buffy Summers," Buffy said, shaking Lucky's hand.
   "So how long are you in town?" Lucky asked, grinning.
   "Only as long as we have to be," Xander muttered.
   "Just for tonight," Buffy said swiftly to cover Xander's remark.
   "Oh," Lucky said, eyeing Xander suspiciously.
   Giles looked to Luke and shook his head tiredly. "Another drink?" Luke asked.
   "Please," Giles begged.
   Buffy and Willow took seats on either side of Lucky and Emily while Xander hovered protectively behind them. "Can we watch some TV?" Buffy asked.
   "Of course," Lucky replied, and he and Xander both jumped for the remote in Luke's hand.
   "Hey, hey, hey," Luke cried, batting them away. "I can turn it on myself."
   The girls hid their smiles with their hands. Luke turned on the TV and switched to a local channel. "Just in case we get some earth shattering news," he explained with a smile.
   As if on cue, a reporter appeared on the screen. "This just in," the reporter stated. "Two bodies were found floating face up in the harbor late this evening. The bodies bore no mark of injury other than two small punctures in the neck, as shown here." The screen flashed to a picture of a swollen gray neck. Sure enough, there were tiny punctures in the side of the neck.
   Buffy looked with wide eyes at her friends, then back at the screen. "Oh no," she said.

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