Building a Mystery - 1

Stefan sat alone in the dimly lit room holding his glass of port. His
gaze moved upwards to the portrait of Laura.
"Soon Lasha..... soon."


Morning at the Spencer home

Luke and Lucky sat at the kitchen table. Lucky furiously studied the
booklet that lay before him, while Luke was content in simply reading
the newspaper.

"Dad............what's my blood type?"

Luke slowly lowered the newspaper to view Lucky through suspicious eyes.

"Why the hell do you need to know that?"

"My handbook says I'm going to need to know it for my drivers' license."

"Well, it's either A+ or O."

"I don't think they let you choose, Dad."

Luke cocked an eyebrow at his son's smart aleck remark.

"I see I've taught you well....I'll go down to City Hall today and find

Lucky got up and headed for the door

"Thanks, maybe I'll catch you later at the club."


Later in the day at City Hall

The young woman smiled and handed Luke the manila folder marked "Lucas
Lorenzo Spencer, Jr." He opened it and scanned the document inside.

Blood type: B-

Luke's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What the..."

He looked back to the clerk.

"There's something wrong here. This is a mistake. This can't be my son's
blood type...."

"Sir, I assure you all these files are accurate and confidential."

Luke's voice rose in anger. "Yeah, okay, well this one isn't."

"Sir, please calm down...."

Luke slammed his fist down on the counter.

"No, I won't calm down, not until somebody tells me what's going on

"Sir we're going to have to ask you to leave."

Luke turned to see two burly security guards waiting to escort him out
of the building.

"Oh, I don't believe this! The cops? Sure why not...... and while we're
leaving you can explain to me how it's legal to change medical records!"


".........Then the business has been completed........very
good.........yes, I'll make it worth your while....... yes, I guarantee
it will be confidential"

Stefan flipped his cell phone shut and slid it into his inner coat

"Did he buy it?"

He turned to see Alexis standing in the doorway.

Stefan smirked, "It would appear the plan has been a success so far."


Luke fiercely gripped the steering wheel. He kept going over it in his
mind...... there was only two explanations that were possible for the
odd blood type on Lucky's birth certificate, and both seemed impossible.
Either there was a mistake in the filing system, or Laura had one more
explosive secret.

Luke drifted back to the time around when Lucky was conceived. He
recalled all of the nights he left Laura alone to go fight Frank Smith
and his mob, particularly the night Lucky was conceived.

[[ "Listen woman, I'm only trying to protect you! Frank Smith isn't
exactly going to give me 'vacation time' because my wife feels she's
being neglected."

"Not feels neglected Luke, IS neglected! You're never around anymore."

"Hey! I'm here now aren't I?!"

" I had more companionship on the island than I do with my own

Luke's eyes widened in horror as the realization of what Laura had said
all those years ago dawned on him. He slammed his hands down on the
steering wheel.


And with a screeching halt, he threw the car into reverse.


Sonny recklessly pushed the rows of green bottles to the side. In his
haste he knocked over two bottles, sending them to the floor shattering.


Across the room Lucky stifled a laugh. "Problems man?"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to meet Brenda in five minutes and I am no where
near finished stocking the bar............. Hey, do you suppose you
could do it for me?"

"I think that's pretty illegal Sonny."

Sonny gave Lucky one of his patented dimpled grins, "Well, when have I
ever been one for obeying the law......... besides, the bar is closed,
no one's here."

"Hey don't get me wrong, I have no problem with it, I was just trying to
get the logic letting me stock the bottles but not drink 'em!"

Lucky watched Sonny's retreating back and then bent behind the bar to
begin wiping up the spilled liquor.

I'll kill that son of a b****!"

Luke's foot fell heavier on the accelerator by each passing moment.

"I really just outta carry my gun my gun around with me from now on!"

Luke was so angry he didn't notice his intense, white-knuckling grip on
the steering wheel or the skid marks left when he fishtailed his car
into the parking lot.


Laura Spencer reached for the club's door handle when the silence of the
night was shattered by the rapid acceleration of a car followed by the
squealing of it's tires. Laura watched in fear as the it came to a
screeching halt in front of her. Luke exited the car with a murderous
look on his face.

"Luke! What's wrong?!"

Luke stalked up to her so close she unconsiously took a step back.

"You tell me." Luke's voice was filled with venom.

"What are you talking abo..."


Laura jumped at his sudden hostile shouting. Tears formed her eyes.

"What? Why? Luke, what's going....."


Laura's voice shook with fear. "It's A+, you know that....."

The urgency in his voice dissapeared and was replaced with pure hatred.
"Yeah, well, I know a lot of things now............ get inside."

Luke opened the door and Laura reluctantly walked in.

"Luke what are you talking about?"

"You know damn well........ I'M TALKING ABOUT THE FACT THAT LUCKY ISN'T
MY SON!!!!!"

He ignored Laura's outraged gasp and continued to yell.

"I do know who's he is though....... You let me raise a Cassadine
bastard! You allowed a Cassadine into my home!

"Luke I never!......NO! Why would you think that!"

"You can stop denying it Laura! I saw his records.... I know the truth!
So are you still sleeping good ole Steffie?!"


"Well, did you, or did you not sleep with Stefan? Let's just say it out
loud Laura"

"I........" Laura's body wracked with sobs "It was when I was still on
island....... I never...I was always faithful to you! Lucky is

"BULLS***! You never were! And that little disaster walking around is
just a reminder of it!"

" You love Lucky! You don't mean that!"

"Try me......."


Lucky sat slumped against the back of the bar. His cheeks glistened with
the paths of freshly fallen tears. After hearing his father's first
sentence upon entering the club Lucky had lost any will or desire to
stand up and show his parents he was there. He had spent the first few
moments trying to convince himself that this was some sort of plan his
parents hadn't filled him in on yet, but he knew it wasn't. First of
all, they would have told him before they started, second they were
arguing in front of an empty club, and third, his dad would never give
up claim to his son's paternity willingly. His disbelief changed to
sadness then to rage. How could his mom sleep with Stefan? How could she
lie to her son and husband like this? How could his dad be saying these
horrible things about him? And mostly, why was he so mad at himself?
Lucky paused on that question a moment. Maybe it was because he hadn't
figured out the secret before Luke, maybe it was because he was cowering
behind a counter, or just maybe it was because he was the flesh and
blood of a person and family that he hated with every core of his being.

"At least I can fix one of those things." He thought.

With clenched fists Lucky raised himself off the ground.


"Luke I can't believe you'd say that!" Laura cried, mortified.

"He's the same rotten flesh as the rest of the damn Cassadines!"

"LUKE JUST STOP IT! JUST........Oh my god.........Lucky!"

Luke turned to see the boy he used to know as his son standing behind
the bar. By the looks of it he had heard everything he said.... He had
been crying and had a mix of anger and defeat in his eyes. Luke didn't
feel any remorse, but he didn't feel good about it either..... he didn't
feel anything.

Laura, however was terrified at the thought that her son had heard the
conversation. All the horrible lies, the things Luke said.....

"Oh, Lucky!...."

Laura ran to hug her son, but was pushed away when she got to him.

"DON'T.............Just, just stay away from me."

Lucky walked around the bar and stood face to face with Luke.

"So, no sugar coating this one, huh? True feelings out......."

"Lucky......." Laura walked out from behind the bar. "He didn't mean it.
This all just one big mistake..."

"NO! No, I'm the only mistake! I don't belong here!" Lucky turned to
Luke, "You hate me, and despite what you and the evil prince of darkness

Lucky ran into the office and locked the door. Laura ran after him and
banged her fists on the door.

Luke's stone demeanor faded and a small twinge of guilt crept up his
spine. He turned to Laura.

"Leave 'em alone...... leave us both alone."


Lucky pushed a chair up against the door. His dad, his idol, couldn't
stand the sight of him and neither could himself. He was a Cassadine
bastard. Someone he had been taught to hate all his life..... and he
did. He hated himself. When Stefan found out he'd want his "son" on that
damned island with him, and Lucky knew it would be like being in hell if
that happened. Here, he was damned to hell.

Lucky walked around the desk and slid open the bottom right drawer.
Pulling out a small, black gun he cocked it and held it to his head.

"At least this way I have a 50/50 chance........"


Laura ran to Luke and threw her self on him. "Please, Luke please! You
have to believe me! I never slept with Stefan when we were together! I
love you! Please!"

Luke looked at her with disgust and pushed her aside.

He started heading to the door with Laura hot on his heels when the
deafening sound of a gunshot errupted from the office.

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